Oof, was this a hard video to make! I recorded two versions before finally accepting that this is NOT smooth, clean, or all that professional. It’s messy, not 100% clear, and super rambling. So let me make it easy and summarize it all for you. 🙂

A lot of modern spiritual teachers have been talking about manifesting, and how you can be, do, or have ANYTHING you want. That you can create your own reality.

And while that is true to an extent, it is also NOT TRUE to an extent.

But nobody wants to hear that. That’s not gonna sell any books. That’s not going to make anyone happy. And that’s why, although I wanted desperately to talk about this fact, the video itself is incredibly long and drawn out and discombobulated.

At the VERY end of the video, after rambling on for quite some time, I delivered 5 coping mechanisms and potential explanations as to why manifesting might not be working out for you. And so here they are:

1. Look at your astrology chart: your life path and trajectory can be very easily explained here and might help you understand why you’re not manifesting all these things and experiences everyone is saying you should be able to have because you are the creator of your own reality.

2. Think about timing and what is happening in your life. Take into serious consideration the fact that certain things occurred in your life that were unavoidable, or simply meant to be (i.e. fate), therefore shifting the timing for when certain things are going to occur in your life (i.e. destiny). What can you do in the meantime, while waiting for your other desires to manifest?

3. Reflect, at a deep soul level, on karma with other people, karma with your objectives and life circumstances, etc. Understand at this level that, while what you have experienced and are experiencing might not be what you think you want, these experiences are good for your soul and are helping you to learn, evolve, heal and grow, while balancing out the karmic scales.

4. Re-evaluate. Do you REALLY want it? Why? What is the feeling place of what you want? Could it be achieved in another way, a way that could be different than what you are working on manifesting?

5. Focus on how you are feeling, because this is the one thing you can control. How you think, feel, act and react. Manifesting a level of calmness in your life, while surrounding yourself with light, can absolutely help smooth things out so life is at least a bit easier and more delightful, no matter the circumstances.

And that about sums it up. I hope I got this difficult point across. It wasn’t brought up to be discouraging, but to offer a solution to an issue I believe a lot of people are struggling with, but few teachers are talking about to a great extent. So thank you for reading and watching.

And, as always, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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