A lot of people come for readings with questions about relationships. So I’ve learned a few things over the years! One of the most important things I want to share with you today is simple, but profound, and it’s this:

Trust your Instincts!

If you’re needing to get a lot of readings about someone you are dating, your own intuition or subconscious is trying to tell you something’s off.

The hard part is living with that feeling that something is off, but not having the proof or validation to end it with them. Sometimes the validation you’re seeking doesn’t even come up in a reading. Why? Because some people who have a lot to hide are adept at cloaking themselves, even in the psychic space. They will do any and everything they can to not be found out. That, in and of itself, is a major red flag. Those who have nothing to hide have no problem being read psychically. But when you have a little feeling that something is off, that’s your “Princess and the Pea” intuition! It’s sending you a smoke signal that you must not ignore.

When you wait, and wait, and wait for that validation…

Some people hear negative things about their romantic partners in readings, but still wait to see. They wait to see if it changes or improves. They also wait to see just how bad it can get. I get that. I mean, most of us like to be optimistic when it comes to love. Sadly, though, if you’re booking readings about someone because your gut is telling you something is off, it typically doesn’t get better. Some people wait for years to figure out just what it is that’s off. Others even marry the person!

When you stay with someone that your gut was warning you about, that’s a powerful sign that there’s karma to be worked out. In some cases, you can avoid a gnarly situation with ONE person, only to have to go through it with ANOTHER person. When there’s karmic work to be done, your gut, and intuition, will guide you through the process of figuring out how to get through it with ease and grace.

But maybe your karmic lesson is to trust yourself in the first place! And that brings me back to the core lesson here. If you have the slightest inkling something ain’t right, trust yourself, and save yourself the heartache!

Thanks so much for reading and watching.

Have you heard of the saying, “Intuition isn’t supernatural, it’s super natural?” It’s true! Intuition is SO natural. There is nothing wacky about it! In fact, honoring your intuition is essential if you want to lead a peaceful life.

Intuitive Dating

Your body is a finely-tuned mechanism that actually has intuition built-in. It’s your internal warning system! That’s why it’s essential to trust how you feel when you first meet another person, especially if it’s romantic in nature.

Honoring your intuition is critical to your wellbeing. Even more so when you’re dating! When someone is presenting their best self to you, it’s important to listen to what your intuition has to say. Listen to it above all else, especially when the other person is trying to convince you that they’re absolutely wonderful through and through.

She KNEW something was off.

Recently, a very intuitive client asked me to double check a guy she’d gone out with. The first image I got was him wearing a mask, like a frowny-face mask, when other people were frowning. He was really feeling fine, but put on a mask to match what other people were feeling. She immediately gasped and said that her first impression was that he was a sociopath — and she was right. You see, people usually don’t divulge things like this about themselves. You have to trust your gut.

Outside appearances will often try to convince you everything is fine. And yes, maybe you can overlook that elephant in the room or that tight feeling in your solar plexus. The problem is, what you are feeling will eventually surface, whether it’s 6 months or 5 years later. And you’ll have wished you had listened to yourself in the first place.

She Married Him!

A client I love recently confessed to me that she married the guy I’d warned her not to marry in a reading years ago. She loves him dearly, but has a sneaking suspicion she could have done a little better in terms of being with someone more in tune with her beautiful free spirit.

Perhaps this is one of the life lessons that she is now working through. Life lessons will present themselves in many different ways. Let’s say she hadn’t married the guy. In that case, she may have had a work situation that restricted her freedom, or something else. In this case, though, it’s come in the form of this relationship.

Life lessons and karma are unavoidable. But I don’t want you to go through being in a not-so-great relationship if you can avoid it.

Pay attention to how your body feels and trust yourself, even if you don’t have information to back it up yet. There are so many ways we can learn life lessons, and listening to your intuition will help make the process easier. Especially when it comes to romantic relationships, which are the perfect stomping ground for spiritual growth.

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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