This week I’ve got a secret ingredient for you that will amp up your manifestation process. Want to know what it is?


When you charge up your dreams and goals with the feeling that your manifestations will bring you, it makes the process so much more powerful. Emotions are really strong vibrations! They can magnetize things in, and push them away. The excitement behind your expectation of getting something or doing something you want is the key that brings it all in.

Whether you have a vision board, a manifestation journal, or several goals you are working towards, try experiencing what it will feel like to have that. And then every time you think of it, bring up the emotion. It works!

Imagine if you could manifest so easily that the objects and circumstances you desire just magically appear in your life. Wouldn’t that be so much fun? It would be incredible! To have a focused intention and then allow that to flow…wow.

Well, guess what!?!? YOU CAN!!!


With Bengston Image Cycling!

The Bengston Energy Healing method is my favorite energy healing methodology to date. I have talked a lot about how powerful it is; it’s been clinically proven to cure cancer in many controlled laboratory experiments, and it works on a whole host of other ailments. Bengston runs on a process called Image Cycling.

Image Cycling generates the energy…and you do that by rapidly cycling through images of things and circumstances you want in your life. And the most incredible thing about cycling is that the things you want actually start to show up in your life.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the video above!

For more info on Bengston, visit

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