I recently sent out a video about the dangers of working psychic fairs when you’re starting out doing readings and/or energy healings. This week’s video is a follow-up to that one, and it’s all about the vital importance of self-care for intuitive and energy practitioners.

Aside from the ongoing work of cultivating your skills and learning new techniques, once you are doing readings and healings for others, you must double down and take really good care of yourself, regardless of whether you’re doing this for fun, or professionally. I mean it’s a given that you should take care of yourself no matter what you do for work, but in the energy realms, the vitality of this can get very real, very fast!

The basics, of course, are that you want to eat well, hydrate, get lots of rest, exercise and get grounded into your body. So many intuitive and healers spend time in other realms that we are not  really “in” our bodies, and this can cause all kinds of problems, from an inability to focus, to (yikes!) an inability to manifest and make things happen in our lives.

Another big part of self-care is to cultivate a network, like a psychic friends network, that you can partner with, trade with or just straight up pay to help you clear your energy and get balanced.

You are a power center of energy, and you’re a conduit of energy that is flowing through you, for yourself and the people you are working with. That energy can get mucked up, drained, and triggered by all sorts of things, even if you are channeling pure light and have the highest intentions. Therefore, there are times when you will need to go to other people to get replenished and revived. It is a normal part of the practice, and going it alone without any support is just too hard and not necessary!

Just have a few different people on your team (people that you really really trust) to call on when you need it. Certain people have strengths, and are good at certain things. For example, I know a healer who is good with the physical body, another healer who is good at energy work, and a lightworker who clears negative entities. I also have family members who do healing work, as well as friends and friends of friends to go to when needed.

Another thing to note is that everybody is different, but there will be times when you will need to have a bodyworker instead of an energy worker – or someone who does both. Things change, so at different phases or stages you might need different things – energetic, emotional, or physical healing. You may need feminine energy at one time, and masculine at another. It’s all fluid and flexible and that’s part of the beauty of your path – whether you do this work or not, to be honest!

No matter how ethereal the work is, there is no substitute for the human connection and for allowing someone else to help you get back to center and to stay strong.

If you are doing readings or healings, be sure to tune in to yourself and whatever it is that you feel you need…do it, and get it! Don’t put self-care off! And remember to spend time in nature. Go outside and be near whatever habitat speaks to your body.

And one final word of advice…


As healers, we can, at times, take on too much, doing more than we can physically handle. This can cause you to get drained, sick, and feel off kilter. Case in point, I recently scraped up the side of my car after some intense readings/healings because I was drained and ungrounded. It happens to the best of us, even when we are working in the light and channeling light – we are still human.

So, to sum it all up, don’t underestimate the importance of your self-care, and don’t do readings and healings if you are not up for it!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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