This week’s video is short and sweet, but super helpful!

If you use sage or another resin or botanical to clear energy, there’s a way to super-charge it so it is more effective.

Essentially, your intention makes a HUGE difference. But not only that! If you imagine you are drawing in and sending out golden white light while working with sage, it totally charges the energy in a whole new way. That light makes a powerful difference and has such a positive impact.

If you don’t already do this, try it out and let me know what you think!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.


Happy Holidays!

Everything is in full swing now and I can’t believe Christmas is literally right around the corner. We were in San Francisco over Thanksgiving and I loved the beautiful holiday decor…giant life-size gingerbread houses, gorgeous trees, and bright sparkling lights everywhere. Just the decorations alone make my heart sing; and the music, goodies, and presents add even more to the delight and joy of the season.

It makes me think of sparkling-ness, which makes me think of the Sparkling Brilliance meditation I talk about in the video above, in response to a viewer’s question about how to get guys to look up from their smart phones and notice her!

So here’s the story with this meditation (also noted in the video above): if you are feeling dull, unattractive, and as though no-one notices you or gives you the time of day, this will help! By breathing in this sparkling, diamond-like light, you will transform your aura and radiate such beauty that others will definitely see it.

Energy is subtle, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. And it can be so easily shifted and transformed! I used to teach this meditation in workshops I gave – in fact, it’s a cornerstone piece of my “Magnetize Your Soul Mate” program – and people who did it got astounding results. I mean it. In fact, I’ve been trying it out for myself lately and I have to report that the effect is two-fold: first, you do start to turn heads. And secondly, that light is so radiant and sparkling that it actually starts to make you feel happier and more joyful.

You can play with it, too; add pink, or warm golden sunlight energy, or whatever suits your fancy. You are constantly breathing. Why not add light to that breath and see how things change for the better?

Do it before parties or dates, or just on a daily basis as a part of your general routine. And then pay attention and notice the positive reaction you receive from others. 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

This week’s video is a very informal look at crystals that help boost your intuition and keep you clear and grounded. It’s not meant to be super instructional or in-depth with definitions of what crystals are purported to do – it’s just a simple walk-through of what works for me and how I use them.

In a very brief nutshell…

  • Clear Quartz crystals help amplify your intuition and open your third eye and crown centers
  • Amethyst really helps boost your intuition and heighten your ability to connect into the higher realms
  • Selenite clears your aura and personal space
  • Obsidian, hematite, and other black stones are very grounding
  • Rose quartz helps open your heart, grounding you into the energy of love and forgiveness
  • And there are oodles of other stones whose names I have forgotten but are very helpful

A viewer asked me to talk about crystals, hence this video. My take is that they can be very useful and some are indeed very powerful – you can feel the energy. However, they are not ESSENTIAL in developing your intuition and healing abilities; rather, they are nice tools to have if you like to buy things and you feel they assist.

A really fun intuition-boosting/psychic power-enhancing exercise is to go to a place where they sell crystals and stones and just hold them and feel the energy, noting the vibration you sense, the way the stone makes you feel, and what it activates in you. When I first held the large grounding hematite I show in the video, I could instantly sense a very deepening, soothing vibration and I loved it. Same with other crystals I have.

So, again, this is just a fun and silly look-see of what I have and is extremely UN-TECHNICAL so please don’t get upset if I don’t give you deeper encyclopedic-level meanings of stones. I just sense their energy, get a general meaning for what they do, and go from there. 🙂

Remember, if you need help with connecting to your own intuition or would like guidance in any area of your life, I’m here to do readings, healings, spiritual coaching packages AND one-on-one psychic development training – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at

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