This week I’m bringing up a topic that is not very fun – boo! But it’s important!

Psychic development does not have to go hand in hand with spirituality, but the two blend together quite well. When we’re working on increasing our intuition and asking for spiritual guidance, we learn to live a life in alignment with our higher path.

Often, getting onto that higher path requires us to change our ways of thinking and be-ing.

I believe a big problem with our civilization is that many of us tend to refuse to see where we are wrong, to change our ways of thinking, reacting, and behaving. When we are not flexible and willing to adapt and change, that’s where things get stuck.

I recently had a big a-ha moment where I realized I had fallen deep into a pattern of flawed thinking regarding a situation in my life. I realized that I was operating from the space of my wounded inner child. This pattern of thinking was not comfortable, and when I realized what I was doing, I immediately vowed to change my perception. To adapt a new way of thinking about the situation, a more fresh and less “limited” approach.

This was a HUGE a-ha moment. The kind where I realized I was wrong – my thinking was wrong. It was pretty epic. And exciting.

When we really commit to the path, and doing “the work,” we will get tests and trials, because we are holding a different space. Ideally, we want to grow. We want to evolve. And a part of that process – in fact the entire process – requires a deep sense of humility and a willingness to change when change is needed.

What are your thoughts on this? Or your own personal experiences? Have you ever realized you needed to change something about yourself or your life? Please leave a comment on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

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