This week’s video topic is very precious to my heart, because I have lived it firsthand. And it’s this:

There are people in life who will not understand you. They may find reasons to be unkind to you. They may even bully you.

These are not your people.

There are people in life who will GET you. You can be whoever you want to be. You can say whatever you want to say. You can do your thing, and they will SEE you. Not only will they see you, but they will LOVE you. Hold on to these people for dear life and never let them go. ❤️

Don’t try to change who you are, to conform, to please the people who don’t get you. There’s no point.

Instead, seek out those who do understand you. I promise you, they are out there. They are looking for you, too. And you will find each other.

Who are the people in your life who DON’T get you? Who are the ones who DO? If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with this. Thank you!

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