Are you looking to create a relationship or just more spice in your love life?

If you are, but have been experiencing difficulties in the process, here’s something to be aware of:

You may be unknowingly cloaking yourself.

Just like Harry Potter has that awesome invisibility cloak, you, too, are capable of cloaking your aura so that you go unnoticed by others. It creates this sort of safe haven in your personal space. However, that safe haven can actually get in the way of drawing in love, and if you’re not aware that this is what you’re doing, you’ll find your efforts at finding and attracting love are not really working.

If you think you might be cloaking yourself, the first thing to work on is why. Over the years, I’ve noticed 2 very common and prevalent reasons.

They are:

1. Low self-esteem

2. The fear of attracting a not-so-great person

Once you figure out the core of your own personal “why,” the rest of the work is actually fun and easy! I’ve broken it down into 2 steps.

Step 1: Love Yourself (for reals)

The most effective way to begin to uncloak is to flow love to yourself wholeheartedly. Look at yourself in the mirror and say “I love you.” Notice your reflection in windows when you’re walking down the street and say “Hey Handsome!” or “Hi, Gorgeous!” Coax yourself to open up to do this until you are 100% OK with it.

For a lot of people, this is very difficult to do. So even if you can just get yourself to look into your eyes and say “I love my soul” until you genuinely feel it, that will help. Make this a ritual, and adhere to it. Have your spirit step forward so that you can release the ego aspects that are creating this pain that is cloaking you.

To further this practice, throughout the day, send love to your hands, feet, your whole body. Flow a pink and/or green vibration through your aura, which softens it up and breaks down that cloak.

Next, focus on the things you love about yourself; your positive aspects. Write them down. Think about them. Allow them to sink into your subconscious mind by doing this in the evening before bed and in the morning when you wake up. In this self-love practice, don’t adopt an attitude that’s not yours – there’s no need to project false confidence or be someone you aren’t. Try to genuinely lock in with the things you feel are positive aspects of your being.

Think about these aspects, and let them fuel your confidence so you stand with more genuine pride and self-appreciation. And then…

Step 2 (The Really Fun Part): 

Now, start to become excited about others. The energy of excitement is very alluring – it’s about hope. If you are hopeful and you expect to see and love and appreciate the souls of others, to be excited about meeting different people, to be excited about what fun things are going to happen, what new friends you’re going to meet, what wonderful partners you’re going to bring in, it will create an energy that is genuinely attractive.

Love your environment, love your life, love the people you meet, flow appreciation to all. Appreciate a smile, appreciate that someone let you pass them in traffic, appreciate the way someone is so good looking that you let yourself flirt a little bit!

This will start to transform how you feel about relationships and move from a place of fear to a place of joyful anticipation, positivity and hope.

Remember, it’s it’s more about vibes than looks. This world can trick you into thinking it’s all about appearance (just look at social media!) but that’s simply not true. Everyone – or at least the love you are seeking –  is looking for the joyful spirit of another person. Connect with yours and start bringing through that radiance and you will be magnetic to love. I guarantee it.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

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