Have you heard of the concept of your “higher self?” That all-knowing, wise aspect of yourself who is much more calm, more focused, and more high-vibrational than your regular old ego-self?

The term “higher self” makes sense and of course has validity. I like to think of my higher self as that quiet part of me who KNOWS THINGS. However, because I’m visual and clairvoyant, I like to see who and what things are. And it’s been hard for me at times to associate with an aspect of myself that feels a tad intangible and un-relatable.

Am I making sense here? It’s like, OK…I know there is a higher self, but who or what exactly IS she?  Please tell me I’m not the only one pondering this dilemma. 🙂 In hopes that you, too, may at some time or another have felt or do feel the same way, I made this video and am offering up a tip that has helped me in the past.

It’s all about associating with an archetype to connect with, visualize, and tune in to your higher self. Just like Wonder Woman has her fierce divine female warrior outfit, and Super Man has his costume, we, too, can transform into our most powerful higher selves by imagining who we would be if infused with super-human, divine spiritual powers.

At one point in my life, when I was struggling to break free from a negative work environment, I would visualize myself as a serene, kind, powerful and benevolent golden princess. I would do this before every clairvoyant reading, and the golden energy of this archetype, representative of my higher self, began to empower my energy field. Within a very short amount of time, I was catapulted out of there, never to return.  When you associate with an image that captures your imagination, the power behind that – the essence and energy of it – will change your vibration and cause this higher self aspect of you to lead the way when your ego-self can’t. It’s a great tool to use when you are going through a challenging time, or need to make a change. And it’s a really great way to tap into your limitless strength and power. Because you are using your imagination, which goes hand in hand with your intuition, you can change your archetype whenever you see fit. There’s no need to limit yourself.

I hope this helps, and that you are able to become one with your higher self on a moment-to-moment basis.  And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with (including but not limited to helping you connect with your higher self!), I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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