Something I’ve taken note of over the years is how quickly angels are able to respond to requests and send signs in times of need. Recently, Archangel Michael came through in a reading for a client, and performed a healing. Not 30 minutes later, a dear client sent me an email about an Archangel Michael experience she had…and later that day, a repair man came with a HUGE Archangel Michael tattoo on his forearm. His name was Mike.

That’s just one example of many. Other angels have come through in a myriad of ways, and I’ve often wondered how and why it’s so easy for them to interact with us in this physical plane.

A few days ago, in a channeling session, my guide brought through Archangel Uriel, who delivered a beautiful message and then explained, in a nutshell, that our consciousness identifies angels as different beings with different names, but they are really one and the same; the same light consciousness.

The exact words I heard were “You seek to individuate that you may more easily understand. You create us as individual manifestations of energy. And yet we are one. Manifold.”

I explain the process in the video above – but basically I KNOW I am channeling and not just talking to myself when I get words I don’t really 100% understand the meaning of.

And in this case, it was the word Manifold. So I googled it.

The definition of the word was just as I’d thought I’d remembered: many, numerous, multiple, legion, diverse…you know the drill. And it would make sense  – Archangel Uriel said “We are one. Manifold” meaning that angels are one, and also many…perhaps because OUR consciousness perceives them as such, since we perceive ourselves the same way. We are one as humans, one as energy, and yet we see ourselves as different from each other, therefore we are many. So we made our angels the same way, because we understand that. Right?

But to the side of the page on google was a strange drawing and the following definition:

“In mathematics, a manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space near each point. More precisely, each point of an n-dimensional manifold has a neighbourhood that is homeomorphic to the Euclidean space of dimension n.”

I went on to explore all of this (click here for the Wikipedia link) and my Art History brain figured out that this is all about math, physics and dimensions. Not my strong suit, my friends.

So what I am very informally postulating is that angelic energy interacts with ours so easily because the space or dimension that they are in easily interacts with ours. To be honest with you, I had never even heard of Euclidian space before this, and my little cursory Google searches seem to show that people don’t even know if our universe is Euclidian space…but at least in theory it appears that a manifold can intersect with Euclidian space and therefore…assuming that’s what we are in…angels, who are in another dimension, can inter dimensionally travel into the space we are in very easily. Their space intersects with ours.

I hope that makes sense to you – and thanks for being open-minded about all of this and patient with me for not quite being able to explain these scientific types of things.

There is so much we don’t know…but what I do know is angels are very real – and you can test it out by asking them to help you and give you signs, and then just noticing how they come through!!!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

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