The energy on the planet is shifting dramatically. Those of us who are sensitive feel it the most, and it can be quite  uncomfortable.

One of the most effective ways to lean into this shift is to increase the amount of light you are holding. Activating your light body will help your spirit have more of an effect in this physical realm. Please note, you WILL see a difference when you start doing this.

In some cases, it will be uncomfortable; those who are not used to the light will not be able to hang out in your presence. But those who know will see you and embrace you with open arms. It might start with animals inextricably drawn to you, then babies and children. Soon enough, though, your light will be bright enough to lead the way not only for yourself, but for others who can resonate with you in this new frequency.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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