I’ve thought about this week’s message for many years now. And it’s this: one of the most incredibly powerful ways you can relate to the people in your life is by…

Looking at them with a Sense of Understanding and Acceptance.

Why? Because it is both therapeutic, and spiritually aligned. While love is, of course, a very strong vibration, sometimes it’s hard to continuously emit a frequency of unconditional love. It’s easier to look at someone and try to understand where they are coming from, why they behave the way they do, and then to accept them just the way they are.

Many of the issues people have with each other spring forth from the fact that they are unwilling to understand and to get why they are they way they are…and then to be OK with it and accept it.

It Works with Family, too!

Understanding and acceptance is especially helpful when it comes to people within our family, and/or at work. People who rub us the wrong way and irk us, making us feel like ARGH!!! can really test our merit. A way around feeling like that is to look into what others have been through, and to deeply try and understand the whole genesis of who they are, inside and out.

As an example, some people are suffering with legitimate chemical imbalances in the brain. They look fine and “normal,” but they are not, because they are dealing with a very challenging health problem. Many people dealing with this face their own feelings of immense guilt and shame. On top of that, others in their life accuse them of being down in the doldrums, or not like everyone else.

I thought of talking about this in this video because a couple of beautiful souls came to me for readings recently who are dealing with this exact ailment. If their loved ones only knew and understood that they have legitimate physiological issues, they might find it easier to simply “be” in life.

Employ Your Intuition with this One.

A very helpful and useful way to use your intuition is to figure out what makes people tick so that you can understand why they are the way they are. You can’t change them; you can only change yourself, and, as they say, knowledge is power.

Being an understanding and accepting person is such a wonderful way to be. It’s definitely peaceful and creates more harmony in your life. It lets you let go!  

And to be on the receiving end of that, to be understood and accepted, is priceless. I love being around friends who completely get me. I can be myself. I am seen. I am understood. I am accepted. 

People who accept you can literally save your life…they make you feel like you are OK, and that you are fine just the way you are. It’s so healing and feels SO GOOD!

That’s all for this week! Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

So many people who are searching for true, lasting, meaningful love come to me for sessions to find out what they are doing to create blocks and repeat negative patterns. While everyone is different, one common thread I have found is that a lot of what’s going on has to do with scarcity thinking.

What Does Scarcity Thinking Mean?

In a nutshell, it means they are afraid they are going to have to settle for less. This fear manifests in a myriad of questions:

“Is the guy you see me with going to be shorter than I want?”

“Am I going to even be attracted to my future husband?”

“Is he at least somewhat good looking?” 

And these questions are all speaking to the same fundamental core issue, which is,

“Please tell me I don’t have to settle for an ogre.”

Of course I get that fear! But that fear, unfortunately, can stop the flow of things happening in your love life. It indicates that you feel you’re not going to be able to have someone come in who is right for you, who you want to have in your life. And it stops the flow when you are looking around the world like “Oh no, I am so not going to get what I want.” Imagine taking that energy with you when you’re shopping for clothes or shoes or makeup! That’s no fun at all! Whereas when you’re excited and hopeful and you know you’re going to score…you generally do.A Core Question: What do you feel you deserve to have?

If you have a sneaking suspicion that you might be aligning with scarcity thinking, don’t worry! Just be real with yourself, and explore how you feel. Get deep into the emotion of it and the energy behind it. Don’t be afraid to feel it. And be honest! If you think there is no one out there for you, say it. Write it down. If you worry that you’re too old to find love, write that down. If you’re afraid you’ve never had good luck and you never will, acknowledge that, too. 

Once you get it all out, purge it! Send it down your grounding cord and release it. Meditate and clairvoyantly see pictures that represent that fear, and then blow them up and watch that energy dissipate. Of course, you can also work with an energy healer or intuitive or therapist to help you heal and release this energy.

Are You Willing to Accept Love when it Arrives?

Another issue that often comes up around blocks to love is that of sending away good potentials. For example, when you see someone who might be suitable for you, you find reasons not to like that person and you stop anything from developing. Maybe you are still caught up with another unsuitable person, or you look for reasons not to like the person that is here for you right now.

A great way to work with this is to practice being open to love coming through in many different ways, shapes, and forms. No, you do not have to settle, but you do need to be open to a myriad of different people as potential partners. Different ethnicities, ages, etc. There are billions of people on the planet! Start to look for the beauty in others! Look into their eyes and see their spirit and you will find so many more wonderful people you could be in partnership with.

And Last but Not Least…Manifesting Time!

Sometimes we are so used to living on auto pilot that we forget what powerful manifestors we are. You really can get what you want in life. Once you see that you can create circumstance and experiences and things in other areas of your life, you can apply it to love and watch beautiful transformations take place. Start easy! Make a manifesting list, a vision board, and start to make that happen. Keep it simple! Try to remember that it can be as easy as making a grocery list: you just go to the store and get all the things on your list. You created a fridge full of food! You can do the same with manifesting other things in life, including love. Why not?!

Finally, as I always say, once you know you have a block or pattern, you can release it! There is so much reason to have hope. Really and truly.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Oh, is this ever a fun topic to talk about! I can’t tell you how many times over the years that I’ve been asked the following questions:

What do I need to do to meet my soulmate?
How can I prepare myself energetically to meet someone?
What is blocking me from meeting a romantic partner?
What practical everyday things can I do to meet this person?

And there are a few big things I’ve noticed that tend to block a majority of people in the love department:

Scarcity mentality – there aren’t enough good men/women out there
Fear of meeting a horrible person
The desire to stay in a safe, happy comfort zone

This video and chat is all about the comfort zone.

Many times when people ask what they need to do to meet someone, I’ll get a laundry list of suggestions of hobbies they can take up, places they can go, and things they can do in real life in order to naturally bump into that much-desired significant other.

However, when these suggestions come up, I’m often surprised to hear the readee say “But I don’t like sporting events!” or “I don’t want to learn how to golf.” or “Martial arts? Are you kidding me?” It’s funny and I totally get it – it’s much easier and more relaxing to come home from work and curl up in your cozy pajamas with a glass of wine and watch Netflix than it is to do something totally out of character with the objective of meeting some stranger who will hopefully one day become Mr. or Mrs. Right.

So I’m just gently bringing this up, because it’s a core concept in manifesting, too! Sometimes we THINK we want certain things, because we are supposed to want them, but we’re much more at ease in our comfort zones than we are dramatically changing things up. And that’s OK! It’s just that, if you really do want something, it helps to take actionable steps towards getting there than just doing the same old thing and expecting different results.

Yes, people meet by happenstance. I have a family friend who met her husband in a traffic jam in San Francisco! People do bump into each other in elevators and at the grocery store.

But if you wish to really make it happen sooner, nothing shifts energy more than mixing things up and doing things differently. It doesn’t have to be scary or uncomfortable, either…if you shift your mindset and think of it as an exciting adventure, it might actually be fun. I know many people might be rolling their eyes right now going, great, now I have to do this activity and that activity and meet this stranger and that stranger and they STILL might not be the right person…but yet, it’s about energy, and ramping it up will probably increase the odds more so than just hoping it’ll happen while you’re at home binge-watching The OA.

That’s my two cents on the matter!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This is such a huge topic that it’s hard to cover all the nuances in one video/post, but here it goes!

It’s about relationships, and I’d like to share a story with you about something that happened recently. One of my dear friends had a very emotionally charged and painful experience with a family friend she had known her whole life. Her mother, with whom he, too, had been close, had passed away, so she’d had a difficult year, but things were starting to look better.

One evening, this family friend came over with some wine. They ended up hooking up and had several subsequent romantic interludes that were filled with passion and his pronouncements of the deepest love he’d ever felt in his life. He planned to take her to Hawaii. They talked about meaningful things. But then it all went horribly wrong when she voiced the idea that they had a wonderful connection – which he agreed they did – and asked where they were taking it – what would be happening next or what his thoughts were.

He instantly got defensive and upset. It triggered him. He didn’t want to have that talk. So, rather than come over and sit down and discuss things, he decided to ice her out, and he cut her off completely. That withdrawal was so painful for her that it made her furious. They had one last heated argument when he finally did answer the phone, and when they hung up on each other, he told several family friends that she was…drumroll…CRAZY.

I feel kind of weird bringing this up, because it was so personal and difficult for my friend (who, by the way, approved this video), but it’s important that we voice these matters so that we can support one another when things like this happen. I have come to realize that there are a lot of situations where guys refer to women as “crazy.” In some cases, I am sure there are women who are dealing with disorders and issues that make them emotionally unstable. However, it seems to have become more acceptable to call women “crazy” (remember the “Crazy-Hot Matrix video?) than to call men crazy. And I would like to just point out that, in my friend’s situation, calling her crazy was unwarranted. 

The whole reference to calling women crazy triggers something with me because, spiritually speaking, there is a whole huge energy exchange going on between men and women when they are in a relationship. Often, men will not express their emotions (or are taught to repress them). During a sexual exchange, a woman will run his energy through her and often unknowingly take it on as her own. Running someone else’s energy through you can be overwhelming and cause you to become more attached to the other person than you mean to be (that’s also due to the hormones that are released during sex).

The energetic connection between two people can be almost overpoweringly strong. That’s a whole other video! However, when a man refuses to communicate, or drops you and doesn’t want to talk about the relationship after running his energy through you, it can be devastating. Here you had what you thought was love, and a real connection, and it’s just gone, with no explanation, because he refuses to talk.

In an effort to understand what happens with guys, I have been doing research about men and what they go through. They do feel emotions (very much so) but for some men, the idea of having this long talk about where things are going when they aren’t sure they want a committed relationship is like water torture, or ripping the fingernails off of each finger. It’s scary and painful and a lot of guys run from confrontation because they think you are going to be sitting there crying and raging and being upset – at them. So, rather than have that conversation, they just run away and disappear.

But to be honest with you, the main gist of what I wanted to say in all of this is that it seems unkind of my friend’s former friend, who is spiritual, to tell people they mutually know that she is crazy. Yes, she is eccentric, and hilarious. Like all of us, she has an angry side. She also has a huge heart and is very loving and understanding. People can be themselves around her with no apologies. Yes, she’s fun and wacky, but is she crazy? No. Not at all.

I have a lot of clients calling about issues like this, and you know, this happens to people – men (and women, too) running off with no explanation. They come to someone like me for closure, to tell them what the other person is thinking, because the other person won’t tell them!

It’s unfortunate, but if you are going through this or have gone through this, it helps to know what’s going on with the other person. Knowing about their family history can really make a difference, for example. In many cases, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! During her processing of all that happened, my friend remembered her friend’s dad would go away and leave the mom for weeks at a time. In turn, said friend walked out on his ex-wife and never spoke to her again, and voila – he did the same thing with her.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have conversations about things rather than practice avoidance and name-calling? Though, in all honestly, I understand that most guys really don’t WANT to have to tell you they don’t want to see you again, or to make you cry. That’s why they don’t want to talk!!! But wouldn’t it be better to be able to talk than to run away or call each other names that are unfair and untrue?

Such a charged subject today! But interesting nonetheless, and the more we understand people and situations, the better we will be able to navigate them, and then heal.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Signs and synchronicities are one of the easiest ways to connect to the universal force field of energy all around us. For example, when you ask for signs from your guides, you will absolutely see them: you just have to train yourself to be open and notice. I’ve seen the most incredible signs from angels and guides that just blew me away and reassured me that yes, these beings really do exist and are here to help. It’s amazing.

Signs can be confusing, though, too, especially when they’re about a potential love interest.

When you have a crush on someone, or are interested in them, you may go through a period where you see a LOT of signs and synchronicities related to that person. Maybe you see their name everywhere, or keep seeing things related to them – like references regarding where they’re from or what they’re into.

This is all fun and cool and of course very exciting, but the thing to be careful about and aware of is it doesn’t necessarily mean they are THE ONE or that you’re going to have an epic connection. Not to be a wet blanket, but sometimes when you are hyper alert and focused and excited about something, you manifest it into your life. And so when you feel like that about another person, whether you are dating them or they don’t even know you exist, you might manifest signs and symbolism and synchronicities about them into your life – but not necessarily the actual person him-or her-self.

I know it’s complicated, but cautious optimism is the best way to go in a situation like this, even if you’re getting signs left and right!

It’s like when you’re shopping for a new car: you start to see that car everywhere. It’s on your radar. You bring it into your reality, and you notice it, too, because your awareness is heightened. A similar thing can happen when you are into someone. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that that person is your twin flame/soul mate/epic love. It could just mean that you are so excited and focused that you are noticing signs related to them and/or are manifesting these signs into your reality.

And therein lies the problem! While it’s fun and exciting to get swept away, your best avenue in cases like this is to notice these signs with amusement and not get caught up in a fantasy. Control your emotions as much as you can and be neutral. I’m not saying you can’t get excited, but here’s the thing: people tend to come to me as an intuitive when things are headed south, so I am coming from the experience of helping people who say “it felt so epic and real” but then got let down in the most anguishing ways.

So that’s where I feel that even if you are getting all these signs about someone, being neutral will help you to preserve your self-esteem and to remember to keep yourself level-headed. If you get carried away, thinking “this is it, this is meant to be” because you are getting all this sensory input in your reality, you can lose a lot of time and expend a lot of unnecessary energy, all swept up with this person when they may not be ready to be in a relationship, or may not in fact be the best person for you at all.

The next time you find yourself in a situation like this, just look at the signs with detached amusement. Maybe laugh, write them down if you want to just see what happens (again from a place of neutrality), and/or set an intention to re-direct the energy to getting signs about your own personal growth and development, diverting your attention back to yourself and your highest path.

I hope that makes sense. Every person is unique and every situation is different, and while having an open heart and an sense of excitement and optimism is key, it’s also very healthy to be aware and grounded whenever you’re engaging in a new romantic situation.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Whether you are suffering through a breakup, the end of something that never really began, or a general parting of ways, the experience is rarely fun. So here are a few self-healing essential tips to help you recover with ease, so you can reclaim your energy and move forward.

When I first started doing professional readings, I was thrilled to be able to use my intuitive know-how and thought it fascinating that you could pretty much google the universe any conceivable question – and get an answer. However, I soon found out something very interesting about 95% of the people doing the asking: they MOSTLY just wanted to know about romantic relationships, and how to heal from them.

In fact, I had so many women coming to me asking how to stop obsessing over a guy that I created an entire month-long program to help. You may have taken it – it’s called Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days. Many women said the exercises and healing meditations in the program really helped them recover.

So in the video above, I go over some of the basics that have come up universally in the thousands of readings and healings I’ve done to help beautiful souls (like you!) to recover:

1. Remember to part ways energy-wise…that other person will have had an impact on you. This will be harder if the relationship was more in-depth or energetically charged, and may take a wee bit longer to heal from.

2. Allow yourself to go through a mourning process – there has to be time for you to heal and release!

3. Be aware that when you are sexually connected you create cords, cords into the root, second, and third chakras. Start with your solar plexus, the seat of your personal power. Imagine there is a cord running between you and that person, and cut it. Call in the archangels; typically Archangel Michael with his sword surrounded by the violet flame will help.

4. Reclaim your sex organs, ground into yourself, and into the earth. Create a grounding cord, plug it into earth, and release that person’s energy down through that grounding cord (free grounding meditation on my website HERE!)

5. If you feel too overwhelmed, do a cleanse and/or monitor or change your diet. Shift things up, purifying the body and reclaiming it as your own. (the other person may have claimed you as their own, so you need to make sure you are taking your body back).

6. Do a series of scrubs, cleanses, aura & chakra cleansing and purification rituals, focusing on the lower 3 chakras.

7. For your heart chakra, release the person with love and forgive them. Just imagine you are energetically taking them out of your heart and sending them back, release, you are done, cut cords, do not think about them too much, just let go. Manipulative and hurtful people can really hurt your heart if you hold them in there with the imprint of pain that was exchanged between the two of you. Send them away with love and then flood yourself with love, fill your aura with love, send bright pink and green energy to your heart, and focus on green and pink healing energy when you meditate.

Remember, above all else, to be gentle with yourself, and to give yourself time.


If you are fearing that having this kind of person in your life, or being in this sort of circumstance, is becoming a pattern, listen up!

Just by the virtue of you recognizing this means you are in a position to break it and end it. This is where you bring in your power to manifest things, to shift the karma, and to release it. If you are feeling the calling, it is the time. You will transform and evolve in the process and you will evolve out of that circumstance happening. You will not have to repeat it. You CAN do it.

Remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Have you heard of the whole “Twin Flame” concept? I have, and didn’t really give it much intense consideration until a client and two friends asked me to check in with the Ascended Masters (whom I channel) to de-mystify the concept. And so I did just that!

According to them, the term “Twin Flame” is not an accurate one, because we are all twin flames; sparks of the divine. A more appropriate term would be “Mirror,” for that person has mirror qualities similar to one’s own.

The problem that makes a “Twin Flame” relationship, or rather non-relationship, so painful, is when you can’t be with yours. The main reason another soul, no matter how powerful your connection is, will not want to be with you, is that there are things they need to learn in this lifetime that they would not be able to learn if they were with you. And so they choose to go on without you. And then you’re left knowing there is this person you are so akin to in this lifetime, but you can’t be with them.

It’s an incredibly difficult thing to experience, but if one can overcome this lesson, great strides can be made in healing and resolving deep-seated issues related to the concept of love. Rather than try and summarize the download I received, I’ll just copy and paste it here for you to read:

“What is one to do when one recognizes a twin flame but the feelings of soul love are not reciprocated? It is time to do some deep soul searching to find what it is one really needs. It is not this mirror soul who has so many similar qualities and interests, to whom one feels so inexorably drawn, but who does not accept your advances. No. This is not the way. It is time to dive deep, to recognize that there are many souls walking this earth, and to explore and examine ones own internal beliefs and ideas about what love is. To be ready and willing and able to accept and receive unconditional love from another. Love without strings attached. To love and be loved. To immerse oneself in the energy of love. To love this mirror soul who chooses to go on another path separate from one’s own, and to trust that life holds many wonderful gifts and surprises. The pain can and will be overcome. And that, too, is a gift that means great karma is being resolved. A great lesson, learned. Bringing one closer to true understanding, meaning and enlightenment. Release. Let go. Live, and love without restrictions. This is the way. This is the true path. There is great meaning here. The essence of freedom and liberation.”

If you’ve ever had to go through a twin flame or soul mate breakup, just remember that this experience is guiding you towards a greater path of healing and fulfillment.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

I haven’t dated for many moons, but I work with enough women in my practice to have a glimpse into what the reality of it is – not easy and, to put it bluntly, oftentimes not fun.

When women call me for insight into relationships, they’ve already had a gut feeling that leads them to seek out answers. And that gut feeling is always right. So, I made this video to talk about that, and to also say that there is a whole other tricky thing happening when it comes to sociopaths and pathological liars. I have been tricked TWICE in a psychic space by people who are so fully convinced that they are not being duplicitous or lying, that even their souls show me they are being truthful in sessions. It’s a definite psychological disorder, and the level of non-truthfulness runs so very deep that it shifts energy as well.

Let me just tell you this: if you have reason to doubt or speculate about someone you’re dating, and you sense something isn’t right, guess what? It isn’t. It could be something glaringly obvious, or it could be a string of little things that leads you to suspicion. One of my favorite people turned into a Super Sleuth with someone she was dating and, after some effort, got straight to the truth; I am in awe of her diligence and insight. The person she was dating was a pathological liar – one of the two people I mentioned in the video above who tricked me in a session. 🙁

We are hardwired biologically to protect ourselves, so it makes perfect sense that we would have a sense, a feeling, or a knowing that something isn’t right with someone we are dating. Of course, sometimes we get blindsided, especially by those who are so good at covering up the truth that they even trick themselves. However, what I have seen is that more often than not, there are other things that happen to warn us. Maybe your friends don’t like him, or your kids. Kids are excellent judges of character. Friends might not always tell you the truth, but kids will. And parents (even if we don’t want to hear it).

The more you trust your intuition, the more it works for you. But if you find yourself on the sour end of something that has gone wrong, it might also help to know that sometimes we just need to see it to believe it. Like, to stick it out with the person until you find out the hard way. If that has happened or is happening to you, don’t punish yourself for it – just chock it up to experience and do what my Super Sleuth friend did – get a journal and take notes assessing every subsequent person you date until it works out.

We are all in this together, and as women let’s support each other on the path of truth, knowledge, intuition and insight. If there are specific things you want me to cover regarding intuition and dating and getting a read on someone’s energy, please let me know, and I promise you I will work on it.

And if you are interested in healing and transforming your life, remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

When I learned how to be psychic, I was super jazzed and excited about being able to google the universe for answers to help people. I had no idea that the NUMBER ONE thing they’d be asking for help with was romantic relationships. Now I know, and now you know – it’s the NUMBER ONE THING people want to know about!

Of course that makes sense. We all want to love and to be loved.

So here’s a little secret for you: when people ask me what is standing in the way of them meeting someone, one of the most interesting and common things I see is that, in some way or another, they are projecting the energy of FEAR rather than the energy of HOPE. It’s like they’re afraid they’ll bring in the wrong person, or someone they don’t find attractive, or someone awful, or someone who will hurt them.

But that fear is exactly what blocks them from magnetizing the ideal person in. And I get the fear, I mean really, so many people have been completely hurt by others, and the dating scene from what I hear can be BRUTAL. Especially online dating. And then there’s the texting. And the men who disappear without a trace. I hear a lot about that and it’s awful. So I GET IT!!!! And yet, approaching it all from a place of fear is just what brings in more of it. But hope, on the other hand, changes all of that.

Hope can be hard to muster, especially in the face of adversity, but you have every reason to have hope, and to trust that you will find the right person for you. If you want it, I promise you, you will have it. Ask and it is given, remember? It’s true!!!

With billions and billions of people on the planet right now, and the ability to travel and go anywhere you want, there isn’t any reason why you wouldn’t meet someone. It was only in the olden days, only for your ancestors, that the pool was very limited and choices few and far between. Sometimes we can’t help but carry the genetic imprint of that fear and limitation with us, but the mere knowledge that it’s there can help you heal and release it, and get back to having hope, which changes everything.

Don’t you love the dour expression on my face in the video still above?

It’s because this is a bummer topic. Why is it that you can have the deepest connection with someone, and just KNOW there’s something more…but you can’t be together either because they’re not ready, or they drive you crazy, or it just doesn’t work out for whatever reason?

When I learned how to be intuitive, I had no idea how many times this topic would come up in sessions. But it does come up – a LOT!
It’s a very painful thing that many people go through, and while each situation is different and unique, here’s some general information I’ve gleaned about why the timing isn’t right for two soul mates to be together in a romantic relationship in this lifetime.

I seem to have a bit of writer’s block today so I’ll just keep this summary short and let you watch the video if you’re so inclined!

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