This week’s video topic is very precious to my heart, because I have lived it firsthand. And it’s this:

There are people in life who will not understand you. They may find reasons to be unkind to you. They may even bully you.

These are not your people.

There are people in life who will GET you. You can be whoever you want to be. You can say whatever you want to say. You can do your thing, and they will SEE you. Not only will they see you, but they will LOVE you. Hold on to these people for dear life and never let them go. ❤️

Don’t try to change who you are, to conform, to please the people who don’t get you. There’s no point.

Instead, seek out those who do understand you. I promise you, they are out there. They are looking for you, too. And you will find each other.

Who are the people in your life who DON’T get you? Who are the ones who DO? If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with this. Thank you!

A lot of us who are into psychic development are also interested in working on ourselves. We’re on the path of transforming into better versions of who we are. A lot of that means healing wounds from the past and forgiving people who’ve hurt us. It also means understanding why we go through things, seeing patterns, and healing them. Ultimately, our goal is to move into a place in life where things are easier, happier, and more peaceful & authentic.

Personal transformation through healing our flaws

One of the things I’ve personally found useful in this is to see where we are flawed, and to work to adjust that. Few of us like to think about the aspects of ourselves that are unpleasant, but it’s a great place to transform.

Here’s a personal example of that. A while ago, I worked with a wonderful energy healer. He very gently told me that I am always pushing, pushing, pushing, holding on to hard and forcing my way through life. He pointed out that I tend to make things harder for myself than I need to.

He was right! Since my very conception, I’ve been fighting my way through life. As I was growing in my mother’s womb, I was in an environment of cancer. She found out the she was pregnant and that she had cancer on the same day. It was Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a dangerous and aggressive cancer that coursed through her lymphatic system as I was growing inside. I was a miracle baby. They told her it was madness to try and carry a child to term under those conditions.

My expectation that life is difficult is based on my personal experiences, but it also holds me back. It creates too much stress. And, I was starting to create a chip on my shoulder! I am a Pisces, a natural dreamer whose ideal state is one of relaxation and gentle flow. When I’m out of alignment with that, my body feels it, too, and stress symptoms like TMJ and elevated cortisol start popping up.

The Healing Process

Now that I’m aware of what I’m doing, I’m working to shift it. I’m more mindful of my thoughts, and actively look at ways I can relax and make things easier. I’m starting to delegate at home. My son is 8 years old now, and I don’t have to wait on him hand and foot. He can get his own sparkling water from the fridge, and open the blinds. It’s good, and it gives him something to do that builds his confidence. I’m also working on asking for help when I need it. It’s different, but I’m learning to figure it out.

Whatever character trait you have that is flawed can easily be worked on. It doesn’t have to be challenging. The whole goal is to make life easier and happier for yourself. And dropping patterns that aren’t healthy, or that make things harder for yourself, will pay off tenfold. Ultimately, bringing flaws to the surface and working to transform them will only make life more enjoyable.

I hope that makes sense. Thanks so much for reading and watching!

When you are on the spiritual path and working on healing yourself, one of the best things you can do is forgive those who have hurt you. Not so the other person feels better, but so you are released from the pain that was created and the damage that was done to you.

Forgiving Bullies

Many of us sensitive people have been hurt by bullies. It’s a trigger issue for me, because I’ve been bullied. I know how painful and horrible it is. Bullies are scary. When you’re in a home or work environment where you can’t easily escape, it’s a matter of life and death. So the forgiveness of bullies is an extra powerful exercise for spiritual growth.

How can you possibly forgive a horrible, mean person like a bully?

Escape First

Obviously, getting away from (or stopping) a bully is the top priority. Earlier this year, my son told me an older boy at his school was bullying him, and recruited 3 other little boys to the cause. I immediately called the principal, who nipped it in the bud. In some cases, though, bullies won’t stop. The only recourse is to get far away from them. Once you’ve escaped, you can begin to heal the damage that was done to you.

How to Heal

The most gentle way of dealing with the fallout from bullies is to understand what happened to them and why they behave that way. Understanding is like a soothing balm on a wound, and it immediately reduces inflammation and starts the healing process.

Some bullies are just downright evil people. Everything is not all roses out there, and some humans actually delight in torturing other people. Others have psychological disorders for which there is no cure. If you can understand that they are sick, as are the evil people, you can release them with compassion and forgiveness because they know not what they do. They are ill.

Other bullies were abused as children or adults, and feel threatened by you and your light. They are acting out because they’re in pain. Their self-esteem is so low that they thrive on taking others down.

The Writing Process

There are other reasons people bully, of course. One of the most profound and powerful ways you can heal AND boost your intuitive skills is to journal. Write out why the person acts the way they do. Create it like a story. Chances are, you will be more accurate than you could ever begin to believe. And this writing process is very healing. You will hit on powerful truths.

You can then write “I release you, and I forgive you. You will not longer hurt me” or something to that effect. And if you want to make a ceremony out of it, burn the story about the person, and burn your note of forgiveness. Do this when the moon is waning, and you will have a powerful releasing process.

The act of forgiveness of a bully is serious work. And it’s important, because it releases you from being a victim. When you forgive, you lock in your true power. You are safe and protected. And that means you have the power to advocate for others who are being bullied. Together we can overcome this on a global scale.

I hope that makes sense and helps. If you have been or are being bullied, my heart goes out to you. Thanks so much for reading and watching.

So I haven’t talked about this much, but I made a spiritual pilgrimage to Italy last year to visit Rome and Florence. While I was there, I roamed all though the Vatican and went to the Wednesday audience with Pope Francis, or, as they lovingly call him in Rome, Papa Francesco. That day, he delivered an interesting talk about the commandment that says…


We have all heard of that one, right? And it’s pretty obvious, like, duh, of course I’m not going to kill anyone! I remember thinking that when I first learned about that commandment as a kid.

But Papa Francesco put a spin on it that I honestly hadn’t heard before (it’s not like I’m Catholic or anything so I don’t know if they talk about this in regular church). He said it’s not just about killing someone. He said “Thou Shalt not Kill” also applies to putting people down, belittling them, or making them feel bad about themselves. Intentionally hurting another person in any way is breaking that commandment because, by doing that, you’re crushing their soul. That means…

Bullying is a BonaFide Sin.

I have been bullied over the years by family, and in the workplace – horribly so. If you have a job where you are bullied like I was in a few different scenarios, I feel your pain. That royally sucks because it’s your livelihood! The whole thing is really shocking. And, sadly, it’s rampant. 

Doris Day got it Right…

The beautiful and talented Doris Day died this year, and one of her most famous quotes that circulated around was “I never met an animal I didn’t like, and I can’t say the same thing about people.”

But back to Rome! When the pope was talking about this, I totally had an a-ha moment, like OH! THAT’s what that commandment is about!  We shouldn’t be assholes to each other and putting people down and bullying them and being mean, because that is a form of violence. The soul is a beautiful vibrant energy, and repeated attacks and put-downs can crush someone’s spirit. I mean, abusing kids can ruin their lives. For example…

A Lifetime of Repairing the Self-Esteem

I was raised by my mom and Nana, who was spiritual, but also talked shit about everyone all the time. She was very hard on me, much to my detriment. Of course there was some good, and I have spent a lot of time on forgiveness for the bad, but the way she treated me damaged my self-esteem to the point where this is one of the things I will be working on for my entire life. 

The good new about that is, hey! I have something to work on and keep busy with. And, once I figure it out, I can share it with you guys. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

It’s a Beautiful World (or it CAN be)

If we can all think about treating each other with respect, and work to see the spirit in someone and honor that and be peaceful and kind, much goodness can come about as a result.

Circling back to that commandment, I’ve noticed that even spiritual people can be critical, unkind, and cruel. Maybe it’s because those of us who turn towards spirituality have the most work to do. But we have to watch ourselves and stay true to the path. When the negativity comes up, as it often does, the best avenue to follow is to take a look at it and ask why you are being triggered by others, as opposed to just reveling in your anger and annoyance. 

We should be behaving better. We should be kinder to each other! Let’s love each other and serve as role models for one another. We don’t have to be Polly Perfect little pleasers. We can have fun and laugh and be naughty! We just don’t have to crush people’s souls!

If someone you know starts with garbage critical talk, try and change the subject. Steer it towards the beauty in other people and the good things people are doing. The more we focus on that, the more it becomes our reality, and it will have a domino effect. You can create your own beautiful paradise in life. It IS possible!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

You might be surprised to hear me say this, considering I do intuitive sessions for people for a living, but there IS such a thing as getting too many readings! Now, this is different from consistently working with someone to get through a difficult period in one’s life, or to heal something you are working on. What I’m talking about is that there are people who spend thousands of dollars on psychic hotlines and go to intuitives way more often than necessary, asking surface questions about people and situations, but not going deeper. When you are working on something with an intuitive/energy practitioner, like when you’re working on an issue as you would with a therapist, that’s different, and is fine, and healthy.

But if one is just going to psychics and asking the same question over and over or the same question in a different way, not working through the core issue but repeatedly asking nonconstructive questions, the situation can become really unhelpful and perhaps even more confusing than it needs to be. Essentially, it’s not good to go to someone or to a bunch of people for readings too often unless your focus is more along the lines of “how can I shift, heal, transform, and move the energy to live my highest truth and to evolve and grow.”

Repeatedly going to psychics/intuitives for surface readings can become addictive, sort of like gambling. In addition to that, you might start receiving confusing information or muddled up intel that doesn’t help you at all.

The easiest way I can explain this is through the iChing, which is an oracular book that I use for myself when I have questions and don’t want to sit down and be clairvoyant. The iChing is called the book of changes, and it helps you navigate your way through the constant changes in life. When you sit down to consult the iChing, you are asking the spirits and guides of the oracle to help you through a situation, to provide guidance and insight.

And here’s the funny thing! The iChing is so helpful and soothing when you desperately need help, but when you are asking repetitive questions of a non-helpful nature, it literally sasses you and is like no no no, that’s not the way! Listen, why don’t you ask it in a better way? There are passages in the iChing that literally tell you “Ask once, okay. Ask twice, fine. Ask a third time? Trap! The way closes!” or that tell you that you are muddying the waters by asking too much. And I’ve worked with the iChing so often now that these answers are really tuned in to where I am with what I’m asking – it’s seriously profound and incredible how it works.

If you ask a question that helps to you heal and transform, the iChing will encourage you to keep following that line of questioning, by saying that the spirits will help you through it and it’s important that you understand the situation.

So, to recap what I’m trying to illustrate here, the iChing oracle (which is older than the bible, by the way!) will:

a) Scold you for asking petty questions
b) Encourage you to ask deeper, more transformative and probing questions

So if, for example, someone keeps calling psychics to ask what a guy is thinking about them, and the guy is really not the best person for them in any way, nor is he interested in a relationship, a more healing and productive way to approach the situation would be to look at how to break the cycle of being attracted to the wrong men, how to repair the self-esteem, and how to then attract in an ideal partner. Does that make sense?

When you are in a reading, and/or you find that you are getting too many readings asking the same types of surface questions, you also want to be careful not to give your power away. We ALL have the power to be intuitive and psychic! And it’s so empowering to be able to be your own oracle. Of course, we also all need guidance and/or confirmation from a trusted advisor now and again, especially when we are really close to a situation and it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. In cases like that, it can be wonderfully healing to work with an intuitive and energy healer you know you can trust. And it’s fine to go often if you need to! Just don’t get readings every single day. Let the answers sink in so that you can continue to heal and move forward on your path.

I hope that helps and makes sense! Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

We’re officially into the holidays now! One of the things that makes me happiest about the season is my beautiful Christmas tree, which has sparkling unicorns, dragonflies, fairies, gnomes, elves, birds, and golden snowflakes. Some of these beautiful ornaments were gifted by friends and family, and some I bought myself. Each item carries with it a memory that makes me happy. This year, I finally put up a special “2016” ornament with a photo of our beloved kitty, Coco, who crossed over that Christmas. Now that the sorrow has eased up, I am grateful to honor her here on the tree each year.

In writing this, I realized that the Christmas tree itself is a household shrine/altar in a way, because it is a power-point of positive energy; a thing of beauty to behold that shifts your energy and raises your vibration when you take it in. It represents hope, joy, happy memories, and magical things.

Holidays aside, it is so very helpful to have a shrine or altar in your home year-round, because this sacred space can help you elevate your consciousness, ground a very powerful energy into your environment, and aid you on the path of spiritual growth.

On a recent writing/research trip to Italy, one thing that I remembered from school, and witnessed in the museums and ancient sites I visited, is that everyone back in ancient times had a household shrine. It was a very common thing. Back then they had shrines to the goddesses, too; goddess worship was HUGE! I also had the realization that Mother Mary ended up being a symbol that embodied the energy of all of the different goddesses….she symbolically adapted all the traits of the great goddess herself. Many of the churches I visited in Rome were built over ancient temples, and it was amazing to go in there and tune into the powerful goddess (turned into Mary) energy. In one church, which was built over an ancient temple of Isis, I really felt the most powerful, loving, tender and caring divine feminine energy. It was bigger than Mary. It was the energy of the eternal goddess. Talk about power centers!!

Back to a household altar or shrine; the very bookcase I sit in front of for all my videos is my altar of sorts. I have a statue of the Shiva Nataraja, the Buddha, and a beautiful golden angel, as well as an amethyst crystal and many spiritual books I like. When I place something on there that doesn’t go (i.e. a dirty coffee mug), it feels off. This is a sacred space that makes me feel focused and at peace.

Any place that you can think of can be an altar in your home. I have a little corner in the living room with sacred objects. I have friends who have big huge altars in their living rooms – I mean entire walls of altars – and others who just have one quiet section with something meaningful to hold the space.

If you’re looking for creative ways to play with your household shrine or altar, you can place a candle, a picture of someone you love who crossed over, an inspiring painting, or images of spiritual avatars on it. Having an image of someone that inspires you, a guru in India or someone from any particular pantheon you are drawn to, can serve to remind you of their grace and strength and can be very charging – powerful enough to effectively raise your vibration.

While candles are fun and relaxing, the candle on your shrine or altar has a special significance. As you light that flame, it is a symbolic gesture indicating that you are lighting your inner flame, a beautiful spiritual principal that is very symbolic and holy.

Other things you can place on your altar are images of, or items that belonged to, family members who have passed, who may now serve as as spirit guides or ancestral guides. You can have a feather to symbolize angel energy, or a container or vessel of water as an offering to your guides and unseen friends and angels who are helping you on your path. You can place a little flower on your altar as a gift to your guides and a token of gratitude. In certain religions, offerings of fruit, like oranges or pomegranates, and incense invoke the presence of high level guides. No altar would be complete without a crystal or stone or two. These precious gems from the earth charge up the energy and keep the vibration high.

You can also place at your shrine or altar anything you want to have blessed; jewelry, mala beads. rosaries, essential oils, etc. Certain oils also attract certain energies; rosemary, for example, is good for bringing in high level fairy energy – good vibes –  and for heightening your psychic energy as well.

Some people pray at their altars; others center themselves and meditate in front of them. When you focus your energy in such a way, you create a vortex of positivity.

So whether you already have a shrine or altar, or are looking to create a new one, I hope this info helps. I made a follow-up video to this with more information on working a shrine/altar that I will send out next week, so keep an eye out for it!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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