So I haven’t talked about this much, but I made a spiritual pilgrimage to Italy last year to visit Rome and Florence. While I was there, I roamed all though the Vatican and went to the Wednesday audience with Pope Francis, or, as they lovingly call him in Rome, Papa Francesco. That day, he delivered an interesting talk about the commandment that says…


We have all heard of that one, right? And it’s pretty obvious, like, duh, of course I’m not going to kill anyone! I remember thinking that when I first learned about that commandment as a kid.

But Papa Francesco put a spin on it that I honestly hadn’t heard before (it’s not like I’m Catholic or anything so I don’t know if they talk about this in regular church). He said it’s not just about killing someone. He said “Thou Shalt not Kill” also applies to putting people down, belittling them, or making them feel bad about themselves. Intentionally hurting another person in any way is breaking that commandment because, by doing that, you’re crushing their soul. That means…

Bullying is a BonaFide Sin.

I have been bullied over the years by family, and in the workplace – horribly so. If you have a job where you are bullied like I was in a few different scenarios, I feel your pain. That royally sucks because it’s your livelihood! The whole thing is really shocking. And, sadly, it’s rampant. 

Doris Day got it Right…

The beautiful and talented Doris Day died this year, and one of her most famous quotes that circulated around was “I never met an animal I didn’t like, and I can’t say the same thing about people.”

But back to Rome! When the pope was talking about this, I totally had an a-ha moment, like OH! THAT’s what that commandment is about!  We shouldn’t be assholes to each other and putting people down and bullying them and being mean, because that is a form of violence. The soul is a beautiful vibrant energy, and repeated attacks and put-downs can crush someone’s spirit. I mean, abusing kids can ruin their lives. For example…

A Lifetime of Repairing the Self-Esteem

I was raised by my mom and Nana, who was spiritual, but also talked shit about everyone all the time. She was very hard on me, much to my detriment. Of course there was some good, and I have spent a lot of time on forgiveness for the bad, but the way she treated me damaged my self-esteem to the point where this is one of the things I will be working on for my entire life. 

The good new about that is, hey! I have something to work on and keep busy with. And, once I figure it out, I can share it with you guys. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

It’s a Beautiful World (or it CAN be)

If we can all think about treating each other with respect, and work to see the spirit in someone and honor that and be peaceful and kind, much goodness can come about as a result.

Circling back to that commandment, I’ve noticed that even spiritual people can be critical, unkind, and cruel. Maybe it’s because those of us who turn towards spirituality have the most work to do. But we have to watch ourselves and stay true to the path. When the negativity comes up, as it often does, the best avenue to follow is to take a look at it and ask why you are being triggered by others, as opposed to just reveling in your anger and annoyance. 

We should be behaving better. We should be kinder to each other! Let’s love each other and serve as role models for one another. We don’t have to be Polly Perfect little pleasers. We can have fun and laugh and be naughty! We just don’t have to crush people’s souls!

If someone you know starts with garbage critical talk, try and change the subject. Steer it towards the beauty in other people and the good things people are doing. The more we focus on that, the more it becomes our reality, and it will have a domino effect. You can create your own beautiful paradise in life. It IS possible!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about a fascinating mediumship-related story that happened just a few weeks ago. You can watch the video above for the full details of it all; I’ll just sum it up here by saying that yes, without a doubt, consciousness lives on after death, and sadly, some spirits do NOT go into the light. They’re either in shock or they weren’t ready to let go, and they end up hanging around instead of heading up into the light.

I know I always say this, but it’s true: I don’t like mediumship AT ALL. No thanks! Nein Danke! The energy can be so sad and angry and heavy, and for an extra sensitive empath like me, those vibrations are just too much. But luckily, the people in this story – my wonderful former student Louise, who is a very highly gifted natural medium, and the person she read for, Jeannette, who is a fearless healer – don’t mind a bit, and the work they did together actually helped an earthbound spirit release up into the light, which was a blessing not only for that spirit, but for the people he left behind here on the earth plane.

There is so much to learn about the meaning of life, life after death, and life before life. To be honest with you, I wish people were as fascinated with where their fresh new babies had just come from as they were with where people went when they died!!! Baby energies are usually much lighter as their spirits are more excited to be here. But I digress.

In any event, I don’t have all the answers, but it is most certainly fascinating to glean bits of information about what happens when we’re not “here” anymore.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

If you’re interested in strengthening your psychic skills, I guarantee you that at some point or another, you will begin channeling; either channeling your guides, your higher self, or another form of enlightened guiding force. Channeling is really eye-opening, but also a little bit tricky. Here’s how it all started for me!

As you know, I learned how to be clairvoyant, then practiced and trained in reading cards, the I Ching oracle, and other forms of divination. A couple of years ago I started channeling, which is really different from any of these methodologies.

With channeling, where you’re mostly relying on clairaudience, someone else is speaking to you. You have to figure out who they are, what their intentions are, and how you can work together – all while turning your analytical mind and brain chatter down so that your own thoughts don’t interfere with the process.

Channeling can be REALLY really tricky. To be honest, any form of gathering psychic intel can be tricky because there are so many different subtle nuances to how you see/feel the information and interpret the data you’re getting.

Channeling, however, is very hard for some (i.e. ME) and it takes getting used to – turning your mental faculties down and letting another force speak through you. I wasn’t born hearing voices, like the famous Sylvia Browne who had Francine, or the Medical Medium, who had his guide who has been talking to him since he was a little kid. For me, hearing voices and thoughts that come through my brain, but are not my own, has taken a LOT of getting used to.

In the years that I’ve been working on my psychic abilities (which is like training/working out; if you want to stay strong, you have to work out every day, and if you want to be more psychic and intuitive you have to practice every day), I have only heard my clairaudience as a loud external voice on 3 occasions:

1. During a time when I needed the warning and advice I was given – long story!
2. Before I got pregnant with Ivan (I heard a voice say “You’re going to have a son, and he’s going to be a healer”
3. When I was contemplating adopting our kitty Coco from the shelter; a voice told me “She’s not going to live very long.”

I experienced these voices as very clear and concise. Not long-winded or wordy, but short and to-the-point.

Now when I am doing channeling work, I sit and have a stream of information come through. It sort of activated itself a few years ago. I don’t speak it out, I type it out. The people (if you will) who are speaking through me are a group of beings called the ascended masters, which also consists of saints, deities, goddesses, gods, star people, and a whole sort of entourage of different beings.

What I have noticed is that there are times when I’m channeling for myself, and then I get information that I have come to identify as non-accurate intel. It’s not that the guides are giving me wrong intel, it’s like I am stepping in and my voice and ego start talking instead of the guides. That is where channeling is so tricky! You have to surrender and close that analytical mind down….and it’s hard!!! You need your brain to think, strategize, plan etc. However, this won’t serve you well in the psychic realms!

Knowing when you are doing that takes a lot of trial and error. It’s all about sensing when you yourself are speaking vs. letting your guides speak through you. If you keep at it consistently, with steady practice (I do it every day), and then go back and notice, ok in this situation, etc I am adamantly sure I know the answer vs the guides coming in, that is the best way to tell.

One thing that is really fun about this though, is the more crazy the information you receive, the more likely it is to be accurate. And by crazy I mean something random that you would never know, you don’t know what that is or what it means, and then you write it down, research it and find out that the information is truly amazing and spot on. It’s really fun and that is when you know you have really let go and the flow is flowing through you. To achieve some level of freedom, liberation, and/or a different form of creative mastery, you have to surrender to the flow.

To channel something bigger than yourself, you really do have to let this higher force take over and flow through you. Not only with words but with healing energy, too. Any good clairvoyant teacher will tell you that in order to be really great, you have to step back and let the information and energy flow through you, you can’t effort. There is a whole section in clairvoyant training about effecting. When you put too much of your energy in, you are going to drain yourself vs. letting higher power flow through you. The same goes with channeling. The minute you think you know what you are talking about, you are stepping into the potential to be wrong.

In Remote Viewing, where you are gathering data at a distance, they have a term called AOL, which stands for analytic overlay. Let’s say you are viewing something, and you see water, water flowing, rocks, and then you’re like it’s a waterfall! And you are so stuck on it being a waterfall that you can’t see anything else, and you start describing attributes that may not even be there, because you think it’s a waterfall. That is the AOL talking, and perhaps what you are viewing is really water flowing out of a pipe or water gushing out of something else. To get past this, you have to let a part of yourself go, turn down your analytical  mind, work really hard to let it flow through you, and let it not make sense. That is when you are deep diving and finding the real treasures.

And truly, what is the point of all this if we are not tapping into something greater than ourselves – that is what makes it so fun!
Whether you are channeling, reading cards, or practicing clairvoyance or any form of energy healing, I hope this makes sense and helps. 🙂

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Forgiveness is something we all have to work on – forgiving others as well as ourselves. And it’s a lifelong process, to be honest with you…at least if you want to go deep, and really, truly get into that space of pure alkaline neutrality.

As we go through life and the natural aging process, not forgiving and/or resenting people and situations creates a very negative vibration that can actually cause a hardening in areas of the body, which in turn causes pain, malfunction, and disease. I’ve seen it over and over again with clients I work with, and I’ve seen it happening first hand with myself. In fact, right now I’m going through a very deep process of healing the mega horrible wounds I had from childhood.

There are many ways to work at forgiveness. But one of the easiest things to do is to cultivate, as a practice, the art of compassion on a moment-to-moment, day-by-day basis.

Compassion in conjunction with forgiveness is so helpful because it eases your anxiety and tension, softens the flow, and creates a gateway/portal to love, which is the highest vibration of all.

So how do you cultivate compassion?

It’s actually not that hard!

Just approach people with a tender heart, let your guard down, and really try to understand or think about what they might be going through. Instead of saying or thinking “You’re a jerk!” or “I don’t like the way you look, your attitude, the way you do your job, the way you’re driving” etc., take those areas or that upset feeling, look at that person, and try to understand, sympathize with, and have compassion for their lot in life. Think about what they might have gone through and how it might have affected them. Even the people who appear to have it all or are so extremely good looking that you feel like they can’t possibly know what it is to suffer, have gone through stuff.

Every human on the planet suffers. Nobody gets out scott free. We’ve all got wounds. The people who appear to be perfect, to have it all and more…if they haven’t suffered yet, they will. We all do. Sadly, it comes with the territory here on planet earth.

So, the next time someone royally pisses you off, instead of reacting and barbing out more hate, consider the fact that they are having a rotten day and you just happen to be there. Summon up all your neutrality and conjure up some empathy.

Even with the people who are the most horrible, those who have terrible behavior patterns and do awful, unforgivable things – well, maybe they are narcissists, or sociopaths, or have some other sort of psychological disorder that is actually a disability, even though they look and appear to be normal on all other fronts. Just understanding that they are fundamentally diseased can help you to cultivate compassion and forgiveness.

Ultimately, if you can look at everyone as though they are a friend –  even if they are projecting this adversarial energy – that’s the place to be.

And then when you’re confronted with the big bad stuff, like the people who did you wrong or who really hurt you…no matter how bad it is…sitting in a place of compassion, and thinking about what their life experience must have been like, what they went through, can help you to soften and release. Not everyone is mature or enlightened enough to be able to treat people well or make the right choices. When you understand that, you can heal yourself and your reaction and response to them and to the damage they did to you.

When it comes to healing those deeper wounds…trust me, it takes time. A lifetime, in fact. But what else are you going to do with your time? And if you do commit to this, know that I’m right here with you doing it too. You’re not alone.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

Do you ever wonder what you’re HERE for? Everyone has a different life path, purpose, and overall “raison d’être.” For the most part, though, specific details aside, we’re all here to leave the world a better place than it was when we arrived.

Does that mean inventing something that changes lives? How about saving the planet? Maybe discovering a cure for a life-threatening disease? It could.

But one of the simplest and easiest ways you can establish what you are here for while making a lasting impact in the world is by simply helping others.

And by helping others I don’t mean joining the Peace Corps or toiling away in a soup kitchen every weekend, although volunteering is a wonderful thing to do (and my guides offer it a LOT as a suggestion to help people who are feeling sad, lost, or stuck in a rut).

Helping others can come in all types of ways, including being fully present and engaged, in person, with the people you share your life with: family, friends, and those you interact with on a daily basis.

In the video above, I talk about how my favorite aunt took a vested interest in me and my life path after my mom dramatically cut us off from her entire family when I was a kid, and then died of cancer. Despite how hurtful that was, my aunt became determined to find out what had happened to us and even hired a private detective to get intel. That is how she discovered that my mom had died and I was living with my father (from whom my mother had also been estranged, but luckily the Department of Child Services found him).

My aunt was (and continues to be) a steady force through all of my years of healing, seeing me through the rest of my teens and 20’s, always there for me no matter what. She sent letters and care packages, arranged trips, and was always there when I needed her, listening to me complain and cry and struggle my way through college, work life, and more. Her guidance helped me heal. She was there, and she was steady.

She inspired me to become a healer (she herself is an incredible therapist and healer). Her actions spread light – and then inspired me to shine brightly again and share my light with others.

I don’t know if I would be where I am today if not for her.

So you see? Just by taking an interest in the lives of others, by being available and loving, you can make a HUGE difference in the world and leave it a better place than it was when you arrived. We are all interconnected, and the more of us looking out for another – well, it creates this effect. The love and the light spreads.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

The news is always on at the gym when I go in the mornings, so I get to catch all the crazy, awful, scary headlines first thing. Sometimes I watch a while, and sometimes I turn it off straight away. Nevertheless, a lot is happening on a constant basis that causes people to feel anxious, depressed, and frightened.

That’s why I was delighted when a lovely viewer asked me to talk about my personal experience with angels. In all of this darkness, angels offer a ray of hope, and I’ve had such wonderful experiences with them that I know without a doubt that they are here to help all of us when we need it.

Angels are easy to talk to, to listen to, to see and to feel. In fact, they’re easier to connect with than guides, more personal than God, and I can tell you first hand, they ALWAYS come through with the best signs available.

Angels love to give signs, and all you have to do is call on them, ask them to show you they are here, and then watch. I guarantee you will get at least one beautiful sign if you intend to be aware and notice.

The video above is all about some of my hallmark experiences to date with angels. This psychic journey has brought me into some very interesting situations, some in which I blissfully saw angels clairvoyantly, and others in which I really worked hard to call them in and help me get rid of dark energies.

As for you – and all of us – if we can collectively call on angels daily, hourly, or with each breath we take, we can not only calm ourselves down, but hopefully get some positive energy out to the world as well. Even if you just work with angels in your personal life, your own sense of peace and love, the frequencies they bring to you, can have a wonderful wave-like effect on the people you interact with. We are all resonating with each other, and the more of a positive resonance that we are able to create on an individual level, the better it gets for everyone.

If you have particular angel stories, I would love to hear them, so please feel free to email me or add it in the comments on YouTube so other people can see and learn and know they are not the only ones seeing the signs! 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

For many people, the term “aura” seems pretty new-agey. But when you think about it, it makes perfect sense – everything that vibrates naturally emits an energetic force field, so your aura is just the vibration that your cells, molecules, and emotions make.

It is very easy to work with your aura: by just imagining it changing, it actually does change. This, too, makes common sense, because when a particle/photon/electron is viewed, it changes – that’s Quantum Theory.

A healthy aura equates to a healthy body and emotional field, so if you work to balance both, you’ll be in great shape. Here are some of the things your aura needs to be healthy and strong:

  • Sunlight
  • Nature
  • Fresh clean water
  • Fresh clean foods
  • Plenty of rest
  • Good physical activity
  • Positive emotions
  • Positive thoughts
  • High-vibrational music
  • High-vibrational atmospheres

And there you have it! Everything on the opposite end of that list equates to a weaker, clogged, clouded or even torn aura. The good thing is, damage to the aura can be repaired with energy work and intention. You can do this yourself by simply following the basics of the list above, or by working with an energy healer, massage therapist/bodyworker, traditional therapist, TCM practitioner, etc.

A nice, clean, strong aura keeps you feeling good and clear. It helps you manifest what you want to experience in life, and it equates to good physical health as well. Maintaining your aura is as important as brushing your teeth, and it’s as easy to do as applying lotion to your body each day. 🙂

It’s imperative for your personal and spiritual growth that you take time out for self-care, to slow down, tune out the noise of the world around you, and retreat. However you wish to do that is your prerogative (I just noticed how funny that word is spelled!), but just be sure to do it and know that this, too, will impact your overall health, happiness, and well-being!

I haven’t dated for many moons, but I work with enough women in my practice to have a glimpse into what the reality of it is – not easy and, to put it bluntly, oftentimes not fun.

When women call me for insight into relationships, they’ve already had a gut feeling that leads them to seek out answers. And that gut feeling is always right. So, I made this video to talk about that, and to also say that there is a whole other tricky thing happening when it comes to sociopaths and pathological liars. I have been tricked TWICE in a psychic space by people who are so fully convinced that they are not being duplicitous or lying, that even their souls show me they are being truthful in sessions. It’s a definite psychological disorder, and the level of non-truthfulness runs so very deep that it shifts energy as well.

Let me just tell you this: if you have reason to doubt or speculate about someone you’re dating, and you sense something isn’t right, guess what? It isn’t. It could be something glaringly obvious, or it could be a string of little things that leads you to suspicion. One of my favorite people turned into a Super Sleuth with someone she was dating and, after some effort, got straight to the truth; I am in awe of her diligence and insight. The person she was dating was a pathological liar – one of the two people I mentioned in the video above who tricked me in a session. 🙁

We are hardwired biologically to protect ourselves, so it makes perfect sense that we would have a sense, a feeling, or a knowing that something isn’t right with someone we are dating. Of course, sometimes we get blindsided, especially by those who are so good at covering up the truth that they even trick themselves. However, what I have seen is that more often than not, there are other things that happen to warn us. Maybe your friends don’t like him, or your kids. Kids are excellent judges of character. Friends might not always tell you the truth, but kids will. And parents (even if we don’t want to hear it).

The more you trust your intuition, the more it works for you. But if you find yourself on the sour end of something that has gone wrong, it might also help to know that sometimes we just need to see it to believe it. Like, to stick it out with the person until you find out the hard way. If that has happened or is happening to you, don’t punish yourself for it – just chock it up to experience and do what my Super Sleuth friend did – get a journal and take notes assessing every subsequent person you date until it works out.

We are all in this together, and as women let’s support each other on the path of truth, knowledge, intuition and insight. If there are specific things you want me to cover regarding intuition and dating and getting a read on someone’s energy, please let me know, and I promise you I will work on it.

And if you are interested in healing and transforming your life, remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

I am sure you’ve heard the phrase “what’s your story” or, if you’re working on improving yourself and your life, the healing method whereby you re-write the story of your life.

We all have a story; our lives are stories. What is your story like? Is it the kind you’d love to read? Or are you telling yourself, and everyone around you, a story that diminishes you or keeps you in a pattern or cycle that is less than positive?

If you are in a scenario that’s not so great and you want to change it, the first thing to do is to look at it as though it is nothing but a pretend story. What are you telling people about yourself and your life? What do you talk about all the time? What are you thinking about? How are you perpetuating this story?

Many of us wear our stories like a cloak around our bodies. They become interwoven with our aura, and therefore these stories literally become US. But if we stop talking about the stories, stop complaining about them, and stop being them, we can remove that cloak and don a new, sparkling cape that tells a different story.

Life is all about cycles, patterns, eras. And the biggest thing about these cycles and patterns and eras is that they can all come to an end. They can mutate, shift, and transform. We can choose to end patterns, become different people, and improve our lives. It just takes a concerted effort and a willingness to shed the old skin in order to make way for new growth.

It’s not like we’re getting rid of ourselves, our core being – it’s an upgrade. If you want a laugh, I made this video (in which I talk about getting rid of physical objects when I did The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up earlier this year) wearing a dress that I got in high school. It’s one of the few clothing relics from that era and I kept it to remind myself that I can change, and be a new and improved version of myself, but still retain that part of me that was young and hopeful and wore a silly yellow dress from a vintage store with red lipstick. In essence, still be me. Does that make sense?

I have done a lot of work on re-writing the story of my life, and little by little, it has made a difference. There are two easy ways you can do it. One is doing a hypnotic regression or guided meditation where you go back to your childhood and change the really traumatic things and make yourself feel better. Another involves associating with a new archetypal image and imagining you are that god or goddess or superhero. Both have been amazing for me – so try them if you are so inclined! All it takes is a little time and imagination.

If you are interested in healing and transforming your life, remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

As you already know, I learned how to be psychic and clairvoyant. And one thing that’s interesting about the particular type of clairvoyant training I received from my teacher Debra Katz, a student of famed clairvoyant master teacher Lewis Bostwick and the Berkeley Psychic Institute, is the notion of Baby Beings.

We as a society tend to focus A LOT on the after life and life after death. But what is equally as common as seeing the souls of people who have passed on, is seeing little Baby Beings around people who are either jonesing for kids or are just potential portals for life to be created.

If you’re interested in this odd clairvoyant phenomenon, I chat all about it in the video above. It’s quite funny and interesting to me, because as women we are all potential portals for life, therefore baby beings tend to hang out in our auras hoping to be born. I haven’t seen baby beings in the auras of men, because first of all, most of the men who come to me are not asking about their future babies, and secondly, I work mostly with women anyway. So that’s that!

There is so much more to this world than meets the eye, and the more naturally we relate to and think about things, the more we can see that we are living in a reality that has many more dimensions and depths than we can even fathom! So I hope you find this discourse interesting.

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