You’ve got to admit, the whole notion of spirit guides is pretty new agey. Which is why I thought it was funny when I found myself telling close friends last week that “My Spirit Guide said (insert guidance here – from ‘don’t get an IPL photofacial because the results won’t be worth it’ to ‘send Ivan to this new school vs. another’).” It still makes me chuckle; I am amused, blown away, and also a tad skeptical (STILL – I’m working on it).

The thing is, I have been intrigued by the concept of spirit guides ever since I heard about them, and have been working diligently to make contact with mine. Now that I have been channelling for over a year, I am confident that my main guide is 100% real, accurate, and, basically, legit – because I sit down and listen to him every single day. The things he has told me are right on, and the level of energy healing and other things I have seen and experienced in this realm of the Ascended Masters is just BEYOND. Before that, I knew I had guides, but channelling has taken it to the next level.

So in the video above, I chat and at some points ramble about spirit guides vs. deceased loved ones and how to connect and why. Once you get in the zone, and it has taken me quite a few years to do so, but once you do, you will be amazed by the level of assistance that’s available to you.

I don’t say this in the video, but I have had experiences where my departed loved ones have come through, and I know it’s them vs. my guides because of the feeling I get. When Nana came a couple of years ago, she gave me a song she used to love. It just was placed in my head and I felt a wave of love and mutual forgiveness that was much needed. My grandma Lauretta helped me in the delivery room when Ivan was born, and angels were there too because they always come when you call them, without a doubt and undeniably so, and I just knew they were there.

You most definitely can differentiate who it is that is helping you and what they are here to assist with. My blue guide, an Ascended Master who I talk to daily now, has a pattern of speech and a vibration that I clearly recognize. Now, with him, I am channelling, so that is different than just tuning in while going about your day. The main difference with that is I set time aside, just like I do with my daily workout, to focus and connect.

When you make the effort to take this path seriously and incorporate it into your life for guidance, spiritual and emotional healing, or whatever else you need, the space will be made and they will most absolutely come through. You can have many guides to assist with many different areas of your life; teacher guides, medical guides, master guides, spiritual guides, creative guides…there is no limit to the type of help you can receive.

Remember, we weren’t sent here to earth to struggle alone and get through life without assistance. There are realms upon realms of wonderful beings and energies available to you. And if you need help making the connection, remember that I’m here with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

As you probably already know (because I say it CONSTANTLY!), I learned how to be psychic and intuitive.

And because of this, I know for a fact that we can all do it. I’ve worked with groups and with individual people to help them tune in and amplify their innate abilities, and never have I met anyone who is flat out completely and totally unable to tap in to either clairvoyance, clairaudience, or empathy.

However, we all have weaknesses. A common one for a lot of people is the fear of being wrong. The thing is, once you start putting your intuition to practice, you’ll find that it’s not about right or wrong – it’s about INSIGHT. And intuitive insight is always helpful. It’s all about the vibes!

ANYWHO, what is very interesting about the psychic development world is that your ability to tune in is oftentimes directly related to your excitement and/or interest in the subject matter. It makes sense, doesn’t it? If you are fascinated by something, or driven by the desire to know more or learn more, you will be more inclined to pursue it.

I talk about it in the video above, but a recent example of this happened with my Clairvoyant student Courtney, who definitely has clear sight. I was teaching her how to do Remote Viewing, and had her look into my closet, which was great fun for the both of us. Note: She was at home in Kentucky, while I was at home in Los Angeles. We were doing the training over the phone. And Courtney was so incredibly accurate I had to laugh! It was as though she was really here with me, or we were FaceTiming, because that was how amazing it was. But she, like me, loves clothes and shoes, so it was a win-win. When it comes to subjects that are trickier, or not as easy/fun, we can block ourselves because of the fear of being wrong, or just the boredom/distraction factor (a story about how that happened to me in a Remote Viewing class is in the video above too).

If you are interested in boosting your own psychic and intuitive abilities, first trust that you have them, and then embrace the idea that it can be EASY. Don’t throw yourself under the bus by making yourself do right/wrong games, but try and just get a sense or feeling of things. Tune in to people or situations for yourself and for others. Make a game of it, and make that game fun. The more you work those intuitive muscles, the more they will grow. I guarantee it!!

And remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

I haven’t dated for many moons, but I work with enough women in my practice to have a glimpse into what the reality of it is – not easy and, to put it bluntly, oftentimes not fun.

When women call me for insight into relationships, they’ve already had a gut feeling that leads them to seek out answers. And that gut feeling is always right. So, I made this video to talk about that, and to also say that there is a whole other tricky thing happening when it comes to sociopaths and pathological liars. I have been tricked TWICE in a psychic space by people who are so fully convinced that they are not being duplicitous or lying, that even their souls show me they are being truthful in sessions. It’s a definite psychological disorder, and the level of non-truthfulness runs so very deep that it shifts energy as well.

Let me just tell you this: if you have reason to doubt or speculate about someone you’re dating, and you sense something isn’t right, guess what? It isn’t. It could be something glaringly obvious, or it could be a string of little things that leads you to suspicion. One of my favorite people turned into a Super Sleuth with someone she was dating and, after some effort, got straight to the truth; I am in awe of her diligence and insight. The person she was dating was a pathological liar – one of the two people I mentioned in the video above who tricked me in a session. 🙁

We are hardwired biologically to protect ourselves, so it makes perfect sense that we would have a sense, a feeling, or a knowing that something isn’t right with someone we are dating. Of course, sometimes we get blindsided, especially by those who are so good at covering up the truth that they even trick themselves. However, what I have seen is that more often than not, there are other things that happen to warn us. Maybe your friends don’t like him, or your kids. Kids are excellent judges of character. Friends might not always tell you the truth, but kids will. And parents (even if we don’t want to hear it).

The more you trust your intuition, the more it works for you. But if you find yourself on the sour end of something that has gone wrong, it might also help to know that sometimes we just need to see it to believe it. Like, to stick it out with the person until you find out the hard way. If that has happened or is happening to you, don’t punish yourself for it – just chock it up to experience and do what my Super Sleuth friend did – get a journal and take notes assessing every subsequent person you date until it works out.

We are all in this together, and as women let’s support each other on the path of truth, knowledge, intuition and insight. If there are specific things you want me to cover regarding intuition and dating and getting a read on someone’s energy, please let me know, and I promise you I will work on it.

And if you are interested in healing and transforming your life, remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

I am sure you’ve heard the phrase “what’s your story” or, if you’re working on improving yourself and your life, the healing method whereby you re-write the story of your life.

We all have a story; our lives are stories. What is your story like? Is it the kind you’d love to read? Or are you telling yourself, and everyone around you, a story that diminishes you or keeps you in a pattern or cycle that is less than positive?

If you are in a scenario that’s not so great and you want to change it, the first thing to do is to look at it as though it is nothing but a pretend story. What are you telling people about yourself and your life? What do you talk about all the time? What are you thinking about? How are you perpetuating this story?

Many of us wear our stories like a cloak around our bodies. They become interwoven with our aura, and therefore these stories literally become US. But if we stop talking about the stories, stop complaining about them, and stop being them, we can remove that cloak and don a new, sparkling cape that tells a different story.

Life is all about cycles, patterns, eras. And the biggest thing about these cycles and patterns and eras is that they can all come to an end. They can mutate, shift, and transform. We can choose to end patterns, become different people, and improve our lives. It just takes a concerted effort and a willingness to shed the old skin in order to make way for new growth.

It’s not like we’re getting rid of ourselves, our core being – it’s an upgrade. If you want a laugh, I made this video (in which I talk about getting rid of physical objects when I did The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up earlier this year) wearing a dress that I got in high school. It’s one of the few clothing relics from that era and I kept it to remind myself that I can change, and be a new and improved version of myself, but still retain that part of me that was young and hopeful and wore a silly yellow dress from a vintage store with red lipstick. In essence, still be me. Does that make sense?

I have done a lot of work on re-writing the story of my life, and little by little, it has made a difference. There are two easy ways you can do it. One is doing a hypnotic regression or guided meditation where you go back to your childhood and change the really traumatic things and make yourself feel better. Another involves associating with a new archetypal image and imagining you are that god or goddess or superhero. Both have been amazing for me – so try them if you are so inclined! All it takes is a little time and imagination.

If you are interested in healing and transforming your life, remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

This week’s video is a very informal look at crystals that help boost your intuition and keep you clear and grounded. It’s not meant to be super instructional or in-depth with definitions of what crystals are purported to do – it’s just a simple walk-through of what works for me and how I use them.

In a very brief nutshell…

  • Clear Quartz crystals help amplify your intuition and open your third eye and crown centers
  • Amethyst really helps boost your intuition and heighten your ability to connect into the higher realms
  • Selenite clears your aura and personal space
  • Obsidian, hematite, and other black stones are very grounding
  • Rose quartz helps open your heart, grounding you into the energy of love and forgiveness
  • And there are oodles of other stones whose names I have forgotten but are very helpful

A viewer asked me to talk about crystals, hence this video. My take is that they can be very useful and some are indeed very powerful – you can feel the energy. However, they are not ESSENTIAL in developing your intuition and healing abilities; rather, they are nice tools to have if you like to buy things and you feel they assist.

A really fun intuition-boosting/psychic power-enhancing exercise is to go to a place where they sell crystals and stones and just hold them and feel the energy, noting the vibration you sense, the way the stone makes you feel, and what it activates in you. When I first held the large grounding hematite I show in the video, I could instantly sense a very deepening, soothing vibration and I loved it. Same with other crystals I have.

So, again, this is just a fun and silly look-see of what I have and is extremely UN-TECHNICAL so please don’t get upset if I don’t give you deeper encyclopedic-level meanings of stones. I just sense their energy, get a general meaning for what they do, and go from there. 🙂

Remember, if you need help with connecting to your own intuition or would like guidance in any area of your life, I’m here to do readings, healings, spiritual coaching packages AND one-on-one psychic development training – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at

If you have ever struggled with ANYTHING in your life – be it being single, or constantly dating the wrong type of person, or not finding your purpose in life, or struggling with money – you have likely asked yourself, “Is it just my FATE to go through this?”

And you know, to a certain degree, yes, it is. By the time you’re asking, is this my FATE?!?, fate has officially made her presence known.

Fate does exist. And many of us struggle with things we would really rather not have to struggle with. Why? Because there’s a code in place. You can hack the code, you can change the code, you can re-write the code – but there is always a code.

The code serves as the foundation of your life. If you didn’t come into life with a code, some sort of structure, there would be no order to anything at all. You wouldn’t know what lessons you were here to learn. There wouldn’t be any meaning to anything.

What if it’s Your Fate to be Single?

I focused this video on the idea of whether or not it’s your fate or destiny to be single because someone lovely specifically asked me:

“Do you think there are certain people out there just searching and searching, but not finding anyone because perhaps it’s their fate to be alone?”

Good question, right?! Every person is different, so maybe there are people out there with that fate. However, if you are struggling with being single and NOT WANTING TO BE, that NOT WANTING is a sign that this is something your spirit really really really desires to work on and transform in your lifetime.

Anything that you’re really having a hard time with is something that invites you to look at your core beliefs more deeply and to heal destructive patterns, whether they are conscious, subconscious, ancestral, past-life related, or anything else.

The energy of not finding someone wonderful to be with, and being single, is directly related to love. So if you’re dealing with that and thinking about how fate might have dealt you an unfair hand in that department, you have a specific invitation from Source to delve into and heal your core beliefs about love.

Love is limitless, and the idea that it can be withheld is just another construct of the human condition. It’s a fear picture that is not REAL. Why should you withhold love from yourself? Why would you think anyone would withhold love from you? Just because you experienced a withholding of love in the past does not mean that that’s how it’s always going to be.

Once you open up to more love, you break the code and end the cycle and pattern that keeps you attracting the wrong person, or nobody at all. Have you noticed that your reality matches your vibration? You won’t even be magnetizing in people who are afraid to love you. It will all change.

We all have a code, but that code can be hacked by changing your beliefs around the struggle, and by healing your vibration so that everything in turn shifts. And that healing work is FUN!!!!!!! It is meant to be enjoyed. You will feel liberated, lighter, and happier. And then you will notice things changing for the better. It might take time, but what else are you gonna do anyway!?! It’ll be time well spent. 🙂

P.S. And speaking of fate, who knows if perhaps fate has someone lined up for you in her own timeframe? I know of MANY people who thought they would never meet The One, until they did. In fact, my best friend from high school was just talking to me on the phone a few months ago, in tears, fearing that this was it: she was never, ever going to meet him. And then one day out of the blue, someone suggested she go out with this guy. And she did. And he is wonderful, and people ask them how long they’ve known each other because it seems like they’ve been together forever. They’ve only been dating for a couple of months, and they’re moving in. He has my seal of approval. 😉 Everything changed in an instant. HAPPY!!!!

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