When I started developing my own psychic abilities and learning how to tune in to my intuition, I heard a spiritual teacher say that one of the things you absolutely had to do, no matter what, was meditate.

At that time, I despised the idea of meditation! I was really reticent about it. But I have a very active chattering monkey mind that is extremely powerful and is always going, going, going all the time. I’ve learned from experience that you can’t get into that intuitive space if your mind is taking over. It is just nearly impossible. So take it from me – the #1 most important thing you can do in order to activate your psychic abilities is to still yourself and get into a very quiet space.

Noise Pollution = Energetic Pollution

We live in a noisy world where we are constantly on the go. Noise and energy radiates from our phones, other people, their phones, radios, TVs, exterior noise, and more. All of that drowns out the intuition, which is extremely quiet. 

To get to that space where intuition lives, it’s vital to retreat from the noise and the people of the world. There’s a reason why powerful monks and sages have retreated into the mountains, away from society, for ages. External factors don’t bother them, and they are able to dedicate their lives to their spiritual practice.

Guided Meditations are Ideal for Psychic Development

In everyday life, if you can set aside time each day to listen to guided meditations that are geared towards activating your intuition, you can make great progress. What you are doing is actually slowing down your brain waves, turning down your analytical mind, and activating your creative, intuitive mind. Following these types of guided meditations (I have a few on my website) really does shift your energy. 

Something to be aware of, if you’re working on your intuition and psychic abilities, is that the majority of people do not believe this is possible. Whether or not they vocalize this belief, it’s still there. That might cause you to shrink back and not be as amazing and incredible as you can be. 

Retreating and creating a cocoon of quietness every day gives you the sacred space and place to work on these skills. Eventually, they will get stronger and better, and you will look forward to the respite you get as well. It’s priceless!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

As someone who tends to think a lot, I’ve found mindfulness to be very helpful! But it’s not just a powerful and healing meditative practice. Mindfulness is also great as a grounding technique and coping mechanism.

As you know, I am very sensitive. That trait is great for an intuitive and healer, but not always so good in everyday life, as I can get easily affected by other people’s emotions and energy. Practicing mindfulness is very helpful with this.

In fact, I’ve come to realize that I go into mindfulness mode quite naturally as a way to cope with certain situations, like…

When something really upsetting happens, i.e. I find out someone has cancer, or there has been a shocking accident, or someone dies suddenly, I immediately start cleaning. I will get a cloth and start dusting, cleaning, and organizing while on the phone, or just after getting off the phone, or while being with the person I’m with at home.

Do you every find yourself doing things like this?

The act is, essentially, a practice in mindfulness. Maybe not in the typical Buddhist sense, but it is modern mindfulness: being involved and absorbed in doing something that fully captivates your attention and helps you release energy. 

As I have progressed with my practice and channeling work, I have noticed that I tend to become very ungrounded. As an intuitive who likes to play in the higher realms with angels, light beings, and ascended masters, I can get spacey and distracted. I can bi-locate, which in remote viewing terminology means being in two places at once. Essentially, with bilocation, your consciousness is here, but a part of you is somewhere else. So when I go into these higher realms, my consciousness really is there and I enjoy being there. It’s really nice!!! So coming back down to the earth plane and busy crowded LA can be difficult, to say the least. 

I recently took up Jiu Jitsu as a grounding technique. I have always been interested in martial arts, but I have a shoulder injury and didn’t think it would be a good idea. But my son Ivan started taking jiu jitsu and it looked like so much fun that I decided to try it. And it was terrifying! 

The thing is, if you are not completely grounded and fully in your body, you will get hurt and/or you won’t be able to do the techniques!

Here’s a snapshot of how it goes in class: the instructor will show a technique 3 times on his partner, and then the partner will do it on the instructor 3 times, so you are watching the technique 6 times at least. Everybody watches it. But then when I go to do it with my partner, I tend to blank out and completely forget what I’m supposed to do. For me, remembering the steps and saying them out loud is a practice in mindfulness. It gets me fully engaged in the present moment.

Martial arts is a wonderful training for the mind and body, marrying mindfulness with being in the face of danger. I mean it’s self defense; protection against danger. Circling back to the original idea I started out with, mindful action (even if it’s just cleaning) in the face of danger is extremely therapeutic! 

If you are doing this sort of work and/or are interested in the psychic and healing arts, I advise you to make sure you do something every day to connect to your body. I work out every day, weights, cardio, etc, but that alone isn’t quite enough. Nowadays, the martial arts practice is helping. 

For many people yoga is very grounding. I have a friend that finds it extremely healing and helpful. Different things work for different people. Once you find the thing that works for you, just make sure you do it consistently. 

If you are naturally ungrounded, no worries! If you find your mind wandering (as I often do), or you are feeling spacey and scattered, you can draw yourself back right away. It’s easy!

Let’s say, for example, that you’re driving and you go on auto pilot. Once you notice this, just put your hands on the steering wheel and start paying attention. In other situations, you can also practice being mindful and notice someone without any thoughts or judgments. Just observe, very practically. You’re not being intuitive here, so you don’t have to worry about getting impressions or anything. Just see what is before you and be really grounded in the reality around you!Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

P.S.I teamed up with an online learning organization called OfCourse, based in the UK, to create a couple of mindfulness courses. The first is an introduction to mindfulness. Click here to get it.

The second is an entire Mindfulness Diploma Course. Click here to check it out!

We’re officially into the holidays now! One of the things that makes me happiest about the season is my beautiful Christmas tree, which has sparkling unicorns, dragonflies, fairies, gnomes, elves, birds, and golden snowflakes. Some of these beautiful ornaments were gifted by friends and family, and some I bought myself. Each item carries with it a memory that makes me happy. This year, I finally put up a special “2016” ornament with a photo of our beloved kitty, Coco, who crossed over that Christmas. Now that the sorrow has eased up, I am grateful to honor her here on the tree each year.

In writing this, I realized that the Christmas tree itself is a household shrine/altar in a way, because it is a power-point of positive energy; a thing of beauty to behold that shifts your energy and raises your vibration when you take it in. It represents hope, joy, happy memories, and magical things.

Holidays aside, it is so very helpful to have a shrine or altar in your home year-round, because this sacred space can help you elevate your consciousness, ground a very powerful energy into your environment, and aid you on the path of spiritual growth.

On a recent writing/research trip to Italy, one thing that I remembered from school, and witnessed in the museums and ancient sites I visited, is that everyone back in ancient times had a household shrine. It was a very common thing. Back then they had shrines to the goddesses, too; goddess worship was HUGE! I also had the realization that Mother Mary ended up being a symbol that embodied the energy of all of the different goddesses….she symbolically adapted all the traits of the great goddess herself. Many of the churches I visited in Rome were built over ancient temples, and it was amazing to go in there and tune into the powerful goddess (turned into Mary) energy. In one church, which was built over an ancient temple of Isis, I really felt the most powerful, loving, tender and caring divine feminine energy. It was bigger than Mary. It was the energy of the eternal goddess. Talk about power centers!!

Back to a household altar or shrine; the very bookcase I sit in front of for all my videos is my altar of sorts. I have a statue of the Shiva Nataraja, the Buddha, and a beautiful golden angel, as well as an amethyst crystal and many spiritual books I like. When I place something on there that doesn’t go (i.e. a dirty coffee mug), it feels off. This is a sacred space that makes me feel focused and at peace.

Any place that you can think of can be an altar in your home. I have a little corner in the living room with sacred objects. I have friends who have big huge altars in their living rooms – I mean entire walls of altars – and others who just have one quiet section with something meaningful to hold the space.

If you’re looking for creative ways to play with your household shrine or altar, you can place a candle, a picture of someone you love who crossed over, an inspiring painting, or images of spiritual avatars on it. Having an image of someone that inspires you, a guru in India or someone from any particular pantheon you are drawn to, can serve to remind you of their grace and strength and can be very charging – powerful enough to effectively raise your vibration.

While candles are fun and relaxing, the candle on your shrine or altar has a special significance. As you light that flame, it is a symbolic gesture indicating that you are lighting your inner flame, a beautiful spiritual principal that is very symbolic and holy.

Other things you can place on your altar are images of, or items that belonged to, family members who have passed, who may now serve as as spirit guides or ancestral guides. You can have a feather to symbolize angel energy, or a container or vessel of water as an offering to your guides and unseen friends and angels who are helping you on your path. You can place a little flower on your altar as a gift to your guides and a token of gratitude. In certain religions, offerings of fruit, like oranges or pomegranates, and incense invoke the presence of high level guides. No altar would be complete without a crystal or stone or two. These precious gems from the earth charge up the energy and keep the vibration high.

You can also place at your shrine or altar anything you want to have blessed; jewelry, mala beads. rosaries, essential oils, etc. Certain oils also attract certain energies; rosemary, for example, is good for bringing in high level fairy energy – good vibes –  and for heightening your psychic energy as well.

Some people pray at their altars; others center themselves and meditate in front of them. When you focus your energy in such a way, you create a vortex of positivity.

So whether you already have a shrine or altar, or are looking to create a new one, I hope this info helps. I made a follow-up video to this with more information on working a shrine/altar that I will send out next week, so keep an eye out for it!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

With the holidays fast approaching – I know, I know, right!?!? – my mind is as busy as ever. It reminds me of a funny thing I once heard Esther Hicks/Abraham say – “it’s like your thoughts are thinking themselves!”

Do you ever feel like that?

The thing is, we are trained to be so alert and focused on a million different things at one time, that to clear your mind completely and not think about ANYTHING AT ALL is shocking and feels almost sinful!

However, and I can wholeheartedly attest to this, when you are able to clear your mind, amazing things can happen. For one thing, you can become much more intuitive and psychic. Take it from me!

There is so much noise around us – just general background noise, electromagnetic frequencies, the energies of others, as well as our own thoughts, that it can really deplete your energy.

Tuning all of this noise out is not only therapeutic for your body and your mind, it’s also incredibly healing for your spirit and soul. While it’s difficult to just sit there and not think about anything (which is what a lot of people think meditation is about), guided meditations help shut out the noise of the world just the same. Even just 10 minutes a day can help soothe your soul!

Once you get a meditation practice going, you can bring this new awareness into your everyday life by practicing mindfulness, which is about extreme focus. For example, if you’re chopping an onion (which I need to do after this for the lentils I’m making for dinner tonight), just focus on chopping that onion. If you’re driving, just focus, be in the zone, pay attention to the cars around you, feel the steering wheel. If you’re listening to music, focus on the sound, the notes, the harmony, the lyrics, and how the music makes you feel. You can even multi-task by listening to music while you drive, and still be practicing mindfulness. 😉

Remote Viewing, a methodology which helps you to gather impressions about a distant or unseen target, is all about focus. Practicing it trains your mind to really notice what you might otherwise have thought was mundane, like something on the wall, or the lines and structure and architecture of where you are. You can spend a great deal of time just studying a chair, for example, and this practice not only keeps you occupied if your phone battery is dead or you are phone-free for a change, but also helps you get more grounded, centered, and intuitive because you are fully engaged in the present moment, to the exclusion of all else.

By doing this, you are experiencing each moment as it unfolds, rather than letting your thoughts circle around your consciousness like a runaway train. You see, thoughts aren’t necessarily real, whereas your physical body is. So try and make your thoughts take the back stage and don’t let them run the show. Christmas cookies and tins to put them in – I’ll put you on the to-do list and forget about that for now!

At some point or another, ideally in your meditation space, you will be able to get to that place of thinking about nothing. It’s not going to happen for long periods of time – but even just 5-10 seconds is progress – and it’s an amazing feeling!!!!!

Doing this will ultimately help you to cultivate a strength and power that extends into your moment-to-moment experience of life. It’s about focus, really. Think about those pro athletes who are successful. They are in the zone, fully and totally in the zone, to the exclusion of all else. And when you are in the zone you are VERY POWERFUL!! It’s actually quite incredible. That’s why I love clairvoyance. Your literally have to focus on the pictures that are coming up, and monitor the energy of the person or situation you are reading, as well as your own. You are fully present in every way. And it’s awesome!

Well, I’m off to chop onions mindfully now. Fun note – when you cook mindfully and/or with love and gratitude, the food you make actually tastes better, and can generate healing properties too!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


I don’t often talk about food and consciousness, but it’s a very important topic. And to be honest, many people have varying points of view on the best way to eat and get quite worked up about it, thinking their way is the only way. However, when it comes to raising your vibration and being more psychic, there is an ideal way to go:

Eat healthy and eat clean (for the most part).

It doesn’t matter if you eat meat, if you’re vegetarian, if you’re paleo, or full-on vegan. If you’re eating whole, healthy, unprocessed foods (most days), and you’re focusing on living a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of water, being in nature, thinking pure thoughts and meditating, you’ll have no problem raising your vibration, being psychic, feeling grounded and balanced, and everything else this spiritual path entails.

A lot of yogis, monks, and others devoted to a life of spirituality espouse healthy eating in order to obtain enlightenment, and that’s fine and good. They immerse themselves in their spiritual pursuit and wear robes, adapt spiritual names, and live an almost spartan lifestyle in order to maintain a steady and high vibration. This has been done since time immemorial and of course it helps one stay pure and high.

However, let’s be honest here. We are real people living in the real world. If there is dark chocolate to be enjoyed, does restricting oneself from it really make a difference?

Yes, too much sugar is not good for you and can lower your vibration. Too many hamburgers can do the same. Eating only cucumbers and nothing else will throw you off balance, too.

Everything in moderation, with flexibility and adaptability, is the optimum way to go.

One of the things that fascinates me to no end about psychic things is that there is ALWAYS room for surprise. In fact, surprise – both expecting it, and being open to being surprised – is what makes this all so much fun. Things are never what they seem and although you might expect something to turn out in a certain way, it can be completely different – and also good.

That’s why, when it comes to food and your vibration, it’s best to allow yourself to be guided, to let your body do the talking for you and tell you what you need. Perhaps going vegan and/or sugar-free for a while is good for you. Maybe you, like my shaman sound healer friend Dominic, need to eat a little grass-fed beef on a weekly basis.

All of our bodies are unique and different, so no blanket statement on eating meat vs. abstaining is going to be effective for everyone. Go easy on yourself, make sure what you fuel your body with is nourishing, and your vibration will be just fine.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Let me be honest with you: I love cosmetics and beauty products. Always have, always will. While I am merely a Sephora “Beauty Insider” and not “VIB” or “Rouge” status, I must admit, these things delight me. And, as you know, the things that delight you are good for your spirit. 😉

I recently purchased an eyelash primer, which you coat on your lashes before applying mascara. It’s interesting and not wholly necessary, but my point with this story is this: I was having one of those “thinking too much” moments. I was prepping to do videos, and thinking too much about nothing concerning videos, and I decided enough was enough. I gathered all of my energy and focused ONLY on coating my East Indian eyelashes (thanks Dad) with the eyelash primer. And then, coating them with mascara. That was all that I focused on.

And it worked.

While I felt a tad ditzy focusing ONLY on doing this, I reminded myself that this is the essence of mindfulness, a practice that is extremely therapeutic. By focusing only on the task at hand, you make your entire life a meditation. You are in the present moment, the now, the only thing that really exists.

All else is extraneous.

We are trained to be completely on top of everything at all times. To multi-task. To be doing and thinking of many things at once, for if we do not, something will surely slip through the cracks.

But all of this doing-ness can be over taxing to our minds and bodies, not to mention our spirits. We forget to breathe, to really experience the moment as it’s happening, to literally BE HERE NOW. Too much doing-ness amounts to distraction, which weakens our energy.

One of the most beautiful things about clairvoyance is that when you are doing a clairvoyant reading, in order to be good, you must focus. Your attention cannot wander. Your entire consciousness is completely focused on delivering a reading and energy healing to the person you are working with. And there have been many times in my life where I have found this to be a complete relief, for it allows me to take my mind off of myself and focus on another soul. It really is a gift.

You might not be able to master mindfulness immediately, but what I have noticed is that if you allow for clear moments to come in, you will feel relief. A classic example for me is trying to not be on my phone while with my son at the park. I watch him play. He likes this, because he’s one of those kids who’s always looking to see if I’m watching him. I notice the trees and the sky and the other children. I simply pay attention, and it does feel very good. Sometimes I feel guilty – like I should be checking emails and reading the news and monitoring the stock market – but that doesn’t need to be done 24/7.

Life is to be lived, and to do so, simply calm your thoughts, observe, see, and feel. It really is OK to do this…and not only is it OK, it’s marvelously good for your mind, body, and spirit.

That’s all for today. I am going to now try and be mindful! But remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

The topic of spirit guides comes up a lot with the people I work with, and the biggest two questions are 1) How can I hear them/connect with them more easily? and 2) What are their names?

So in the video above, I chat a bit about the concept of spirit guide names. The primary takeaway is this: they themselves don’t really associate as a naming identity, as they dwell in the world of spirit, but we call them names for ourselves so that we can more easily identify who these beings are.

Of course, a lot of this depends on who you are using as a guide, too. If it’s your grandmother, and you would prefer to keep calling her by the name she had in her lifetime, then that’s what you will call her and that’s who she will say she is. If, however, it’s a light being from another universe where they don’t speak in language form, you might call that guide any name you want that will help you identify him or her or it. 🙂

The spirit guide realm can be very complex, depending on who you want to work with, what you want them to help you with, and more. You can rely on one guide, or dozens. You can talk to a group of guides, as many people do, and refer to them as a collective, none of them having their own name.

I went for years not naming my guides. One of them I just called “The Blue Guide” because everyone saw him as blue. But last year, when I started channeling, I got a name. And then when I work from the realms of the Ascended Masters and beyond, I get many, many names of different beings. We’re talking angels, saints, masters, etc. Now up there in those realms they don’t chit chat with each other they way we do, but they tell me who they were on earth or when they interacted with others on earth, and that helps me identify their presences and energetic signatures.

When it comes to a name, just know that it’s more of a tool for YOU to associate with that being than it is their actual moniker.

I wish you the best of luck in working with your guide or guides. I do have some meditations and downloadable workshops that are designed to help, so click here for more info!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Namaste America!

In case you didn’t already know, Namaste America is a very popular televised program that my forefathers, who are East Indian, and many others in the East Indian community tune into on Saturday mornings. It is a cultural phenomenon amongst immigrants and their descendants alike, to the point where, when someone says Namaste to me, I almost ALWAYS think “Namaste America.”

Namaste is a Sanskrit word translating to a beautiful way of greeting someone while honoring their spirit. Namaste, in essence, means that your being/spirit literally BOWS to the spirit, or spark of the divine, in another being.

And that brings me to the whole topic of the video above, and the secret ingredient that makes clairvoyant readings so powerful.

It is simply all about witnessing the spirit of another person – greeting that spirit, communicating with that spirit, bypassing the personality and the ego and just being at one with another being on a deep spirit-soul level.

Clairvoyance is really a method of meditation, that, when applied in communicative form towards healing another person, can help them to shift and transform. The reason why a clairvoyant reading (which follows a certain set of procedures to be done properly) is more powerful than other forms of divination is that it requires the reader to tune in to the spirit of the person being read. Not the personality: the SPIRIT.

Think about it: how often, in our everyday lives, do we take the time to stop, to look into someone’s eyes, and to listen to their spirit? How often do we see others for who they really are at their very core? Not often enough, if you ask me.

So whether you do energy healings or readings yourself, or would just like to bring more light and spirit-centered communication into your life and the lives of others, why not set the intention to greet and honor their spirit, and to ask the spirit to step forward and be more present in your interactions?

The spirit brings with it an energy, a connection, to the oneness of all that is. When it is honored and witnessed, a sacred space opens up. All you need to do is to allow for that to happen, and it will.

Namaste America! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


As a spiritual and open-minded person who believes in energy, auras, spirit guides, angels, intuition and the like, do you have a hard time sharing these beliefs with others? Louise, who asked me to talk about this subject, does. And I did (and still do, in new situations when people ask me what I “do”).

Coming out of the spiritual closet is a GREAT BIG DEAL. And like coming out of any closet, it helps to find a community so you can thrive and grow in a supportive space, with people who will believe in you, love you, accept you, and support you unconditionally.

When I learned how to be psychic, and then discovered I was getting kind of good at it, I totally had to come out of the closet. If you would like me to make a video or talk about just that, please let me know and I will. But after fumbling like 3 times trying to record the video above, I decided to just try and finish it with tips that will help you if you are just on the verge of coming out of that closet – or are at least seeking more like-minded friends. And so here are some of them!

Test the Waters

With friends, co-workers, and family, just ask a mild question, like “Did you hear about (some reincarnation thing, or a new book, or movie, or video, or something of the like)? What do you think about that? Do you believe in it?” If the response is positive, go further and see what happens. If it’s totally shut down and negative, move on to The Weather or something more mundane.

Go to Spiritual Places

There are tons of them in LA – mediation centers, sound baths, yoga studios, spiritual bookstores, and the like. Wherever you are, seek out the places where like-minded magical people are apt to gather, and GO THERE regularly.

Start a Book Club or Group

When I first started out, I had meetings at my home just in my living room! I made a couple of nice friends that way. If a psychic development, energy healing, or tarot group seems too “out there” for your area, try a book club, and introduce books with more spiritual, holistic, or metaphysical topics – fiction, nonfiction, or both. And then try the “test the waters” technique.

Send your Energy Out 

You can beam your energy out like the light from a lighthouse, with the intention to draw in or attract like-minded people, soulmates, and those on the same energetic bandwidth as you. Set your intention for the kind of people you want to meet, go into a short meditation, and just “beam out” your light. Do this every day for a couple of weeks. It will work!

Don’t try to Convert Anyone

Converting people doesn’t work, nor does trying to talk about things they simply can’t accept. People will open up when they are ready, and not a minute sooner.

Remember: You are a Pioneer

Life is meant to be shared with others, and if you are on this path, it is so much fun when you get to talk about your beliefs and experiences with like-minded people. Being around these people also helps you grow and evolve. As a group consciousness, all of us on earth are headed in this general direction; you, as a believer, are just at the forefront of this evolution. It’s not always easy being one of the early pioneers of a belief system/shift in consciousness, but it’s more fun than being a muggle! 😉

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

You’ve got to admit, the whole notion of spirit guides is pretty new agey. Which is why I thought it was funny when I found myself telling close friends last week that “My Spirit Guide said (insert guidance here – from ‘don’t get an IPL photofacial because the results won’t be worth it’ to ‘send Ivan to this new school vs. another’).” It still makes me chuckle; I am amused, blown away, and also a tad skeptical (STILL – I’m working on it).

The thing is, I have been intrigued by the concept of spirit guides ever since I heard about them, and have been working diligently to make contact with mine. Now that I have been channelling for over a year, I am confident that my main guide is 100% real, accurate, and, basically, legit – because I sit down and listen to him every single day. The things he has told me are right on, and the level of energy healing and other things I have seen and experienced in this realm of the Ascended Masters is just BEYOND. Before that, I knew I had guides, but channelling has taken it to the next level.

So in the video above, I chat and at some points ramble about spirit guides vs. deceased loved ones and how to connect and why. Once you get in the zone, and it has taken me quite a few years to do so, but once you do, you will be amazed by the level of assistance that’s available to you.

I don’t say this in the video, but I have had experiences where my departed loved ones have come through, and I know it’s them vs. my guides because of the feeling I get. When Nana came a couple of years ago, she gave me a song she used to love. It just was placed in my head and I felt a wave of love and mutual forgiveness that was much needed. My grandma Lauretta helped me in the delivery room when Ivan was born, and angels were there too because they always come when you call them, without a doubt and undeniably so, and I just knew they were there.

You most definitely can differentiate who it is that is helping you and what they are here to assist with. My blue guide, an Ascended Master who I talk to daily now, has a pattern of speech and a vibration that I clearly recognize. Now, with him, I am channelling, so that is different than just tuning in while going about your day. The main difference with that is I set time aside, just like I do with my daily workout, to focus and connect.

When you make the effort to take this path seriously and incorporate it into your life for guidance, spiritual and emotional healing, or whatever else you need, the space will be made and they will most absolutely come through. You can have many guides to assist with many different areas of your life; teacher guides, medical guides, master guides, spiritual guides, creative guides…there is no limit to the type of help you can receive.

Remember, we weren’t sent here to earth to struggle alone and get through life without assistance. There are realms upon realms of wonderful beings and energies available to you. And if you need help making the connection, remember that I’m here with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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