Namaste America!

In case you didn’t already know, Namaste America is a very popular televised program that my forefathers, who are East Indian, and many others in the East Indian community tune into on Saturday mornings. It is a cultural phenomenon amongst immigrants and their descendants alike, to the point where, when someone says Namaste to me, I almost ALWAYS think “Namaste America.”

Namaste is a Sanskrit word translating to a beautiful way of greeting someone while honoring their spirit. Namaste, in essence, means that your being/spirit literally BOWS to the spirit, or spark of the divine, in another being.

And that brings me to the whole topic of the video above, and the secret ingredient that makes clairvoyant readings so powerful.

It is simply all about witnessing the spirit of another person – greeting that spirit, communicating with that spirit, bypassing the personality and the ego and just being at one with another being on a deep spirit-soul level.

Clairvoyance is really a method of meditation, that, when applied in communicative form towards healing another person, can help them to shift and transform. The reason why a clairvoyant reading (which follows a certain set of procedures to be done properly) is more powerful than other forms of divination is that it requires the reader to tune in to the spirit of the person being read. Not the personality: the SPIRIT.

Think about it: how often, in our everyday lives, do we take the time to stop, to look into someone’s eyes, and to listen to their spirit? How often do we see others for who they really are at their very core? Not often enough, if you ask me.

So whether you do energy healings or readings yourself, or would just like to bring more light and spirit-centered communication into your life and the lives of others, why not set the intention to greet and honor their spirit, and to ask the spirit to step forward and be more present in your interactions?

The spirit brings with it an energy, a connection, to the oneness of all that is. When it is honored and witnessed, a sacred space opens up. All you need to do is to allow for that to happen, and it will.

Namaste America! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

I have always loved the concept of time traveling. How about you?

While I don’t think anyone has yet created a little machine that humans can step into and then hurtle back in time (unless there’s a top secret government project they haven’t told us about), there are ways you can time travel with your consciousness. The easiest way to do it is via remote viewing, where you just shift your awareness with certain techniques and then direct your consciousness to go to a specific moment in the past or the future.

Of course, time traveling is one thing – another thing altogether is how to change what you see when you do it. All the movies say you can’t and mustn’t do anything to alter the whole space-time continuum. I’m not going to get into all of that here because it’s way super out there and theoretical and hypothetical and I don’t think my musings would be helpful.

What I have found interesting and helpful for clients, though, when it comes to personal healing, is the time traveling you can do to heal your own past and potentially shift your own future.

Time Traveling to Heal Your Past

Through deep meditative techniques, and through hypnosis as well, you can ABSOLUTELY travel back into your past and heal things. Now, I’m not sure about literally CHANGING events, because that is hardcore, but there is a technique where you can go back to really difficult times in your past and comfort yourself as you’re experiencing something depressing or traumatic, and that process is extremely healing and empowering.

Time Traveling to View and/or Create Your Future

Through the same deep meditative and hypnotic techniques, you can take a look at your future. Because what you do in the present affects your future, you can also create your future and/or work to affect a new outcome. This is sort of the same thing as visualization, only it’s a tad more powerful when your brain waves are in that mode they get into when you meditate or are under hypnosis.

There are some funny time traveling videos on YouTube that show “proof” that people have time-traveled via old photographs. I think the “Time-Traveling Hipster” one is kind of funny especially because he doesn’t really look like a hipster to me and, has anyone heard of Photoshop? The thing is, you can actually bring the holographic image of your body with you when you time travel, and some people can see that, but they typically perceive it as a ghost or apparition.

Bottom line to all of this is that there is so much more to the world as we see it than…the world as we see it. Layers and dimensions and possibilities are all around us, and the more we open up to them, the more they open up to us.

The only limits are the ones we create and believe in.

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