This week’s video topic is very precious to my heart, because I have lived it firsthand. And it’s this:

There are people in life who will not understand you. They may find reasons to be unkind to you. They may even bully you.

These are not your people.

There are people in life who will GET you. You can be whoever you want to be. You can say whatever you want to say. You can do your thing, and they will SEE you. Not only will they see you, but they will LOVE you. Hold on to these people for dear life and never let them go. ❤️

Don’t try to change who you are, to conform, to please the people who don’t get you. There’s no point.

Instead, seek out those who do understand you. I promise you, they are out there. They are looking for you, too. And you will find each other.

Who are the people in your life who DON’T get you? Who are the ones who DO? If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with this. Thank you!

I’m so excited to talk about this week’s topic with you! It’s an important concept. And it’s this: you may be creating limitations for yourself with what you feel like you deserve to have and experience.

In many cases, we think we want something, but when it comes down to it, we can’t allow ourselves to have it.

The Havingness Gauge 

In clairvoyance, we work with what is called a “havingness gauge.” The gauge shows how much you can allow yourself to have or experience something. It goes from 0 to 100, and more often than not, when I’m working with people to clear blocks, their gauge is rarely at the 100% mark. Many times it’s hovering down at 40% or less. Why? Because they’re creating limitations for themselves!

That said, here are some steps to get in the mode of creating the things and experiences you’d love to have.

Step 1: Know that You’re Creating Limitations

Just KNOW that for whatever reason, you may be deciding not to let yourself have or experience things. All you have to do here is acknowledge it and realize it – that’s it! 

Step 2: Let Yourself Dream

Knowing that you’re probably limiting yourself, now just push yourself to think more about what you want in life. Take your time on this and don’t rush it, but be diligent in letting your desires spring forth. And document them. Employ your imagination! Go wild and let it percolate while taking notes on a daily basis, for as long as you’d like. This is a magical, alchemical process. Enjoy it!!

Step 3: Ask for More

In your mediations or daily affirmations or statements to all that is, ask the universe to bring you more! Many manifesting rituals involve asking for what you want, or for whatever is for your highest good. What the universe may bring you can be very different than what you have in mind – but it can also be unbelievably amazing. Better, in fact, than you could have imagined. Really and truly!

Step 4: Give, Give, Give

Definitely make sure that you are able to give. Give freely! Give of yourself, give of your time, your possessions, give things away, give love! Give to people, plants, animals.  When you give, you open up space to receive. And giving is so much fun!

Step 5: Receive

Now that you are giving, be open to receive, too! Often we don’t let good things come into our lives. We can’t accept gifts or generous gestures from other people. If you are giving, however, you must be open to receive, because it will come back to you and you want to keep that flow open. It creates a beautiful balance! And keeping the balance of giving and receiving is important when it comes to creating what you want in life.

Can You Handle How Good it Can Be?

I recently watched Queer Eye on Netflix because my friend said it was happy and heartwarming. And she was right! One episode in particular got me emotional. These sisters who had a barbecue stand were getting a makeover. One of them had such bad teeth that she could never really smile – and she had such a fun, bright personality!

The team brought her to a dentist to get her teeth fixed, and one of them held her hand throughout the procedure. When it was over, she looked in the mirror and was shocked. And then she just started sobbing. As did I!!!! She looked beautiful! It was so overwhelming. Can you imagine how that feels? To finally have something you never thought you could have? To be able to smile openly and feely, to laugh out loud, and to be beautiful, after feeling embarrassed for all these years….it was one of the most touching things I’ve ever seen. 

That is how good things can be if you relax and allow!

We tend to grab onto things and hold on and need life to be a certain way. That tightness creates a restriction in the flow of energy, though. When we operate on a frequency of peace and harmony and joy…good things will start coming in more and more. And little by little, your life as you know it will change. It can and does work!

Thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Do you ever wonder what you’re HERE for? Everyone has a different life path, purpose, and overall “raison d’être.” For the most part, though, specific details aside, we’re all here to leave the world a better place than it was when we arrived.

Does that mean inventing something that changes lives? How about saving the planet? Maybe discovering a cure for a life-threatening disease? It could.

But one of the simplest and easiest ways you can establish what you are here for while making a lasting impact in the world is by simply helping others.

And by helping others I don’t mean joining the Peace Corps or toiling away in a soup kitchen every weekend, although volunteering is a wonderful thing to do (and my guides offer it a LOT as a suggestion to help people who are feeling sad, lost, or stuck in a rut).

Helping others can come in all types of ways, including being fully present and engaged, in person, with the people you share your life with: family, friends, and those you interact with on a daily basis.

In the video above, I talk about how my favorite aunt took a vested interest in me and my life path after my mom dramatically cut us off from her entire family when I was a kid, and then died of cancer. Despite how hurtful that was, my aunt became determined to find out what had happened to us and even hired a private detective to get intel. That is how she discovered that my mom had died and I was living with my father (from whom my mother had also been estranged, but luckily the Department of Child Services found him).

My aunt was (and continues to be) a steady force through all of my years of healing, seeing me through the rest of my teens and 20’s, always there for me no matter what. She sent letters and care packages, arranged trips, and was always there when I needed her, listening to me complain and cry and struggle my way through college, work life, and more. Her guidance helped me heal. She was there, and she was steady.

She inspired me to become a healer (she herself is an incredible therapist and healer). Her actions spread light – and then inspired me to shine brightly again and share my light with others.

I don’t know if I would be where I am today if not for her.

So you see? Just by taking an interest in the lives of others, by being available and loving, you can make a HUGE difference in the world and leave it a better place than it was when you arrived. We are all interconnected, and the more of us looking out for another – well, it creates this effect. The love and the light spreads.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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