If you’ve ever found yourself thinking about someone too much, or maybe even obsessing a little about them, you are not alone. It’s a common thing that a lot of people go through, and I’ve seen it happen time and time again in my practice as an intuitive.

While it’s perfectly normal to have these experiences every now and then, it can be really difficult to cope when you find your thoughts all-encompassing, or when the person you’re thinking about is not returning your affections. When that happens, it’s a cue for you to dig deeper, focus on yourself, and heal/resolve what comes up. Oftentimes, the best thing you can do to stop the cycle of thinking about someone is to repair your self-esteem.

In fact, when I first started doing readings professionally, I had so many people coming to me with this issue that I created a program called Get Him Off Your Mind, which is basically a bootcamp to wash someone out of your system. So, again, if you are experiencing this, you are NOT alone!

Ultimately, if you work on increasing your self-worth and pulling your energy back from the other person and the perceived rejection or non-return of your attention and affection, you will be able to break the cycle.

Obsessing about someone who doesn’t return the favor doesn’t feel good. It can leave you quite angsty, with feelings of longing and rejection: feeling like you don’t have value and you don’t have worth.

In order to turn that energy around, you have to be able to feed yourself. Think about how awesome you are, what a catch you are, how amazing you are. How not being with you or noticing you is ultimately their loss. While that is easier said than done, it helps to know that, for most people, the root of these issues stem from the past; childhood events and traumas, emotion-filled experiences that cause you to feel insecure.

If you feel these issues are too much to handle or too big for you to cope with and heal on your own, by all means, work with an intuitive, a hypnotherapist, an energy healer or a traditional therapist – anyone who you trust to help you with raising your self esteem and clearing past traumas. And for the record, traumas don’t have to be one big major event; a series of little events cause trauma as well. So if, for example, you were raised by a verbally abusive person who crushed your self-worth on a steady and regular basis, that absolutely counts as a trauma and is just as damaging as one major traumatic event would be, if not more.

Aside from working with a professional to help heal and repair your self-esteem, here are some other things you can do:

  • Practice affirmations: Look in the mirror and say “You’re gorgeous/handsome. A catch! What an amazing, wonderful, awesome person you are!”
  • Write out your positive traits and read them before bed  – re-program your self-esteem at bedtime
  • Clear your closet of old, shabby, outdated or dull items and start curating your wardrobe with items that make you look and feel your best
  • Do fun and entertaining physical exercise and bodywork
  • Eat to nourish your body
  • Treat yourself well and groom yourself. Your body is a temple, so treat it like one!
  • Learn how to do new things, get out of your comfort zone, go to new places, and treat yourself to new experiences.
  • Do the things that are on your bucket list. Make a bucket list if you don’t have one, and then get right to it!
  • Constantly re-affirm that you are amazing and awesome. Build yourself up!

Know that it is going to take time, especially if you have become so used to thinking about that person. Your thoughts are like cravings – if you can wait, they will pass, sort of like when you go on a diet. Eventually you will get better and better at conquering those cravings, and you will be OK.

And as a side note, it might help to know that you may not get the closure you’re seeking. The dignity of an explanation as to why someone stopped calling or texting or returning your affections is something not a lot of people get from the object of their desires. If this has happened to you, you can try to do some journaling and write it all out for yourself and release it, rip it up, burn it up throw it away to get all of that energy out of your system.

Then, put your attention back on yourself and raise yourself up!

If you’re looking for further resources, I created a program called Reinvent Your Self-Image to help with this too; it’s like a makeover from the inside out, with energy healings and practices and techniques to help you shift your energy and create a new outer image to match the truth of your spirit, your inner self.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Signs and synchronicities are one of the easiest ways to connect to the universal force field of energy all around us. For example, when you ask for signs from your guides, you will absolutely see them: you just have to train yourself to be open and notice. I’ve seen the most incredible signs from angels and guides that just blew me away and reassured me that yes, these beings really do exist and are here to help. It’s amazing.

Signs can be confusing, though, too, especially when they’re about a potential love interest.

When you have a crush on someone, or are interested in them, you may go through a period where you see a LOT of signs and synchronicities related to that person. Maybe you see their name everywhere, or keep seeing things related to them – like references regarding where they’re from or what they’re into.

This is all fun and cool and of course very exciting, but the thing to be careful about and aware of is it doesn’t necessarily mean they are THE ONE or that you’re going to have an epic connection. Not to be a wet blanket, but sometimes when you are hyper alert and focused and excited about something, you manifest it into your life. And so when you feel like that about another person, whether you are dating them or they don’t even know you exist, you might manifest signs and symbolism and synchronicities about them into your life – but not necessarily the actual person him-or her-self.

I know it’s complicated, but cautious optimism is the best way to go in a situation like this, even if you’re getting signs left and right!

It’s like when you’re shopping for a new car: you start to see that car everywhere. It’s on your radar. You bring it into your reality, and you notice it, too, because your awareness is heightened. A similar thing can happen when you are into someone. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that that person is your twin flame/soul mate/epic love. It could just mean that you are so excited and focused that you are noticing signs related to them and/or are manifesting these signs into your reality.

And therein lies the problem! While it’s fun and exciting to get swept away, your best avenue in cases like this is to notice these signs with amusement and not get caught up in a fantasy. Control your emotions as much as you can and be neutral. I’m not saying you can’t get excited, but here’s the thing: people tend to come to me as an intuitive when things are headed south, so I am coming from the experience of helping people who say “it felt so epic and real” but then got let down in the most anguishing ways.

So that’s where I feel that even if you are getting all these signs about someone, being neutral will help you to preserve your self-esteem and to remember to keep yourself level-headed. If you get carried away, thinking “this is it, this is meant to be” because you are getting all this sensory input in your reality, you can lose a lot of time and expend a lot of unnecessary energy, all swept up with this person when they may not be ready to be in a relationship, or may not in fact be the best person for you at all.

The next time you find yourself in a situation like this, just look at the signs with detached amusement. Maybe laugh, write them down if you want to just see what happens (again from a place of neutrality), and/or set an intention to re-direct the energy to getting signs about your own personal growth and development, diverting your attention back to yourself and your highest path.

I hope that makes sense. Every person is unique and every situation is different, and while having an open heart and an sense of excitement and optimism is key, it’s also very healthy to be aware and grounded whenever you’re engaging in a new romantic situation.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

When you begin to activate your innate psychic awareness and intuition, and really let it play an active role in your life, you start to become aware of the fact that things are much more limitless than we’re often aware of.

One of the most extraordinary ways in which this occurs is in readings where a person wants to know how they will eventually meet “THE ONE.”

First and foremost, releasing the notion that there is only ONE, and knowing that there are so many great people on the planet right now, so many kindred spirits and potential matches, can free up a lot of energy and help you manifest more joyfully.

Secondly, and the main reason I made this video, is that so many people, in asking about meeting their life partners, want to know how they will meet. And sometimes that wanting to know is so based on fear that the fear of not meeting the person creates an energy of it’s own. I’ve had people worry that if they’re not at the right place at the right time, they will completely miss out on the opportunity to have this one true ideal love forever.

I am not knocking that fear. We all have fears and they all manifest in different ways. Learning to soothe your fears and release them, though, is one of the key factors in spiritual growth and evolution.

And the good news is, when it comes to meeting The One, or One of The Ones who would be an awesome life partner too, there is no limit to the ways you can meet that person. I’ve seen it time and time again. If you don’t meet at the airport, you’ll meet at a party. If you don’t meet at a party, you’ll bump into them at the grocery store. If it’s not the grocery store, it will be through a work-related interaction. If it’s not through work, it will be through social media. The ways in which it can happen are endless.

On the heels of the questions about how people will meet is the question of timing. And as much as we want to control things and make them happen when we want them to happen, sometimes divine timing knows better. The universe has a plan, and if we can relax and trust that it will happen when it’s meant to happen, we can enjoy the waiting period.

It’s like waiting for anything; the more you focus on how unhappy you are standing in line or waiting at an endlessly long red light, the longer it takes. But the minute you pick up a magazine, put on some lipstick, or call a friend, the time speeds up and the next thing you know, the wait is over.

Trusting your intuition, knowing that everything will be OK, and calming your fears down will all help lead you to your greatest joys. Letting go of being afraid or worried isn’t always easy, but it increases flexibility and serendipity almost exponentially. And that’s where the real magic happens.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

If there’s one thing I’ve seen time and time again in sessions with people, it’s this: the moment you realize you’ve fallen into a not-so-great pattern, you have the opportunity to shift and change it.

This is one of those places in your life where fate meets free will, and it’s basically an invitation for spiritual growth. The most prominent area I see these shifts taking place in is regarding romantic relationships and love.

I’m talking about this from first-hand experience with thousands of clients from all walks of life, people who come to me when they’re fed up with something that just KEEPS HAPPENING, and they are ready to figure out 1) why and 2) how to make it stop.

The core essence of a pattern typically surfaces in the form of a situation that repeats again and again like Groundhog Day, resulting in a negative feeling that you are imprinted with. You can meet 5 or 10 different people, and in the end have that same feeling. It’s as if you’ve grounded into it, and it’s now your LIFE. But the good news is, it’s really just a pattern, something you do have control over and can break so that it doesn’t happen again.

The causes of these patterns vary from person to person. They can sprout up because of a limiting belief, early programming, past life issues, and/or general run-of-the mill fear.

While every situation is unique, here are some core techniques to help you break patterns that you know don’t serve you any longer:

  • Change your mindset
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind re. your value and worth
  • Re-train your brain to think predominately constructive thoughts
  • Expect good things!
  • Become aware of your fears, and gently set them aside, acknowledging that while they do exist, they do not need to run the show
  • Learn to love yourself thoroughly and completely
  • Love everyone in your life; focus on their positive aspects
  • and, finally…trust that everything is going to be okay!

In doing the work, you will find that you can easily melt away a lot of fear and create harmony and circumstances that are more in alignment with what you really want.

Circumstances shift and unfold all the time, and often healing takes place on different levels and in many layers. But one of the most important things to remember is that when you’re doing transformative work on yourself, the work itself is soothing and healing. It’s a win-win!

The root of romantic issues is related to love; receiving love and giving love, in peace and balance. As spirits having an earthly incarnation, we all want to be loved and understood. It is our birthright. And so, again, if you realize there is a pattern taking place where the balance is off, that’s a soul calling for you to heal it. You can…and you will. I promise.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

Whether you are suffering through a breakup, the end of something that never really began, or a general parting of ways, the experience is rarely fun. So here are a few self-healing essential tips to help you recover with ease, so you can reclaim your energy and move forward.

When I first started doing professional readings, I was thrilled to be able to use my intuitive know-how and thought it fascinating that you could pretty much google the universe any conceivable question – and get an answer. However, I soon found out something very interesting about 95% of the people doing the asking: they MOSTLY just wanted to know about romantic relationships, and how to heal from them.

In fact, I had so many women coming to me asking how to stop obsessing over a guy that I created an entire month-long program to help. You may have taken it – it’s called Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days. Many women said the exercises and healing meditations in the program really helped them recover.

So in the video above, I go over some of the basics that have come up universally in the thousands of readings and healings I’ve done to help beautiful souls (like you!) to recover:

1. Remember to part ways energy-wise…that other person will have had an impact on you. This will be harder if the relationship was more in-depth or energetically charged, and may take a wee bit longer to heal from.

2. Allow yourself to go through a mourning process – there has to be time for you to heal and release!

3. Be aware that when you are sexually connected you create cords, cords into the root, second, and third chakras. Start with your solar plexus, the seat of your personal power. Imagine there is a cord running between you and that person, and cut it. Call in the archangels; typically Archangel Michael with his sword surrounded by the violet flame will help.

4. Reclaim your sex organs, ground into yourself, and into the earth. Create a grounding cord, plug it into earth, and release that person’s energy down through that grounding cord (free grounding meditation on my website HERE!)

5. If you feel too overwhelmed, do a cleanse and/or monitor or change your diet. Shift things up, purifying the body and reclaiming it as your own. (the other person may have claimed you as their own, so you need to make sure you are taking your body back).

6. Do a series of scrubs, cleanses, aura & chakra cleansing and purification rituals, focusing on the lower 3 chakras.

7. For your heart chakra, release the person with love and forgive them. Just imagine you are energetically taking them out of your heart and sending them back, release, you are done, cut cords, do not think about them too much, just let go. Manipulative and hurtful people can really hurt your heart if you hold them in there with the imprint of pain that was exchanged between the two of you. Send them away with love and then flood yourself with love, fill your aura with love, send bright pink and green energy to your heart, and focus on green and pink healing energy when you meditate.

Remember, above all else, to be gentle with yourself, and to give yourself time.


If you are fearing that having this kind of person in your life, or being in this sort of circumstance, is becoming a pattern, listen up!

Just by the virtue of you recognizing this means you are in a position to break it and end it. This is where you bring in your power to manifest things, to shift the karma, and to release it. If you are feeling the calling, it is the time. You will transform and evolve in the process and you will evolve out of that circumstance happening. You will not have to repeat it. You CAN do it.

Remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Have you heard of the whole “Twin Flame” concept? I have, and didn’t really give it much intense consideration until a client and two friends asked me to check in with the Ascended Masters (whom I channel) to de-mystify the concept. And so I did just that!

According to them, the term “Twin Flame” is not an accurate one, because we are all twin flames; sparks of the divine. A more appropriate term would be “Mirror,” for that person has mirror qualities similar to one’s own.

The problem that makes a “Twin Flame” relationship, or rather non-relationship, so painful, is when you can’t be with yours. The main reason another soul, no matter how powerful your connection is, will not want to be with you, is that there are things they need to learn in this lifetime that they would not be able to learn if they were with you. And so they choose to go on without you. And then you’re left knowing there is this person you are so akin to in this lifetime, but you can’t be with them.

It’s an incredibly difficult thing to experience, but if one can overcome this lesson, great strides can be made in healing and resolving deep-seated issues related to the concept of love. Rather than try and summarize the download I received, I’ll just copy and paste it here for you to read:

“What is one to do when one recognizes a twin flame but the feelings of soul love are not reciprocated? It is time to do some deep soul searching to find what it is one really needs. It is not this mirror soul who has so many similar qualities and interests, to whom one feels so inexorably drawn, but who does not accept your advances. No. This is not the way. It is time to dive deep, to recognize that there are many souls walking this earth, and to explore and examine ones own internal beliefs and ideas about what love is. To be ready and willing and able to accept and receive unconditional love from another. Love without strings attached. To love and be loved. To immerse oneself in the energy of love. To love this mirror soul who chooses to go on another path separate from one’s own, and to trust that life holds many wonderful gifts and surprises. The pain can and will be overcome. And that, too, is a gift that means great karma is being resolved. A great lesson, learned. Bringing one closer to true understanding, meaning and enlightenment. Release. Let go. Live, and love without restrictions. This is the way. This is the true path. There is great meaning here. The essence of freedom and liberation.”

If you’ve ever had to go through a twin flame or soul mate breakup, just remember that this experience is guiding you towards a greater path of healing and fulfillment.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

In this week’s video, I chat about 3 ways you can get a guy off your mind. After I learned how to do readings and energy healings, I worked at a healing center in Los Angeles, and nearly every single woman who came in for a session had a question about how to stop obsessing over a guy. The problem was so prevalent that I created a program to help with it – Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days. Click here for more info on the program: http://www.gethimoffyourmind.com.

Having a crush on someone is fun, and totally normal. But when you really start to get into someone and then that person doesn’t reciprocate – like when you had what you thought was a great date and then you never hear from him again…or when you sleep with him and then he tells you he’s not ready for a relationship…or when you’re texting like crazy and then he just falls off the face of the earth…things can feel pretty ugly.

Women are beginning to reclaim our power, but old patterns die hard. This video just briefly talks about 3 ways to get him off your mind, but the bigger picture is about how and why we feel we need men to complete us, or why we imagine them to be waaaaay better than they really are.

If you are in this situation or ever have been, I hope this video helps. And if you know someone in this situation, please forward it to them.

Remember, I’m also here to do readings, healings, and spiritual coaching – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at ask@krishanti.com.

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