Last week I sent a new free video about how to re-connect with your guides. Continuing along that thread, I’ve been thinking about how guidance actually comes through when we ask for divine support.

We are all unique, so the way guidance appears for each individual will be different. Looking back at my life, I’m amazed at how profoundly guidance comes through for me via books. In more definitive terms, this is called Bibliomancy.

Whenever I need guidance, a book is suggested to me or appears on my radar. It might call to me from my own bookshelf, asking me to open to a certain page. Or, a dear friend will recommend a book that leads me right into a world I need to explore. Just recently, my best friend from high school recommend a novel called Circe. I am loving it. Reading this novel is re-connecting me deeply to Greco-Roman mythology, which I grew up reading and have now been led back to. Concurrently, my son is reading Percy Jackson, and I am also re-reading Bulfinch’s Mythology.

I’m now relishing researching Proto-Indo-European goddess origins and pondering Odysseus. I’m marveling at how the great deluge – the epic flood – perhaps the very flood that prompted Noah to build the ark – was believed to have been sent by Jupiter. There are numerous ancient tales worldwide about a great flood. Was this flood a myth? I think not.

Spirit guide guidance is both mysterious and practical. It can lead us right where we need to go, and assist in ways we would never have thought possible.

If you’d like more direct assistance with connecting with your guides, I have a beautiful guided meditation you can get here. I also created a “Meet and Work with Your Spirit Guides” MP3 course that will help.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

Have you met your power animal (or animals) yet?

When I sat down to make this video, the first thing that came to mind was all the power animal jokes that have been circulating in the past few years. You know, like “Sasquatch is my power animal” or “Baby Yoda is my spirit animal” or whatever.

The thing is, power animal medicine really is no joke.

There is a very deep and ancient primal life force that activates within us when we surrender to our power animals. The guidance they can provide is nothing short of miraculous. We connect with them best by meditating or lucid dreaming. They then start showing up in our everyday lives when we are not meditating, dreaming, or journeying.

If you are looking for a deeper way to connect spiritually, try finding and working with your power animal(s). Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

I watched a video recently that got me thinking. In the video, a woman gave a review of a reading she had received. She was adamant that the reader was tuning in to a dark entity for guidance instead of a high-level guide, because of the dubious (and somewhat dangerous) advice she was given.

It made me genuinely wonder…how do you know, without a doubt, that you are connecting to and working with a legitimate guide who is in the light, and not a trickster spirit or a demon?

This is challenging territory to get into, because so many non-believers are all too eager to say that psychic work is the work of the devil and leads one to dabble in the darkness.

Psychic Work can be Dangerous!

And to a degree, it’s true. There are some inherent problems with doing psychic work. You can run into very scary issues! There is a definite potential of working with someone who might present as a “love and light” guide, but in reality is a disembodied spirit or trickster in disguise. However, if you keep your integrity strong and maintain a high level of purity, and are 100 million percent committed to working in the light, you will be protected.

Two Types of Psychic Work: Spiritual and Non-Spiritual 

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. There are two types of psychic work: the spiritual and the non-spiritual. Remote viewing is a non-spiritual type of psychic work. In remote viewing, you are following a strict set of protocols that help you access a deeper level of your mental capabilities. You then use your consciousness to probe targets at different locations. You’re like a human satellite. There are no guides, no talk of past lives or karma or soulmates: just pure remote viewing.

You can also be psychic and be spiritual, traveling to higher realms, visiting with ascended masters, angels, and other light beings. You can learn things of an energetic and spiritual nature, like how the multiverse functions and how to heal, grow, and evolve.

To Connect with a High-Level Guide, do this:

In order to connect with a high-level guide, start every session with a heartfelt prayer to your spiritual deity of choice. I believe that all religions should be respected. They all have a beauty to them. If Christ comforts you, say a prayer to Christ, and intend to get on that wavelength of Christ consciousness. If you’re Buddhist, connect to Buddha. If you’re Muslim, connect to Mohammad. You’ll be safe and protected in their light. There are so many beautiful deities that are able to assist.  If you align with that high-level consciousness and ask that light and love to come into your life, you will be guided and protected.

If you don’t follow those measures, and you’re flying around the astral plane just exploring, you could very well get influenced by an earthbound spirit or dark entity that will advise you to do things that may not be in your best interest. The equivalent to this is playing with a Ouija Board to see who comes through. If you’re curious, great – but beware! I’ve been doing this work for over 10 years now and I can adamantly state that I don’t want to see who comes though!! No thanks!

A Pro Tip

In all of my years doing clairvoyant readings, I discovered something pretty interesting. If you can see clairvoyantly, know that a high level guide will never show you eyes. If you see eyes looking at you, that is not a high level being. It’s a spirit or beastie. High-level beings appear as light and color.

If you are interested in learning more, and connecting to your own spirit guides, I created a Meet and Work with Spirit Guides Mp3 Audio workshop and a guided meditation to help you do just that. These methods are the same ones I used to connect with my guides, and they’re very effective.

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


If you’re interested in strengthening your psychic skills, I guarantee you that at some point or another, you will begin channeling; either channeling your guides, your higher self, or another form of enlightened guiding force. Channeling is really eye-opening, but also a little bit tricky. Here’s how it all started for me!

As you know, I learned how to be clairvoyant, then practiced and trained in reading cards, the I Ching oracle, and other forms of divination. A couple of years ago I started channeling, which is really different from any of these methodologies.

With channeling, where you’re mostly relying on clairaudience, someone else is speaking to you. You have to figure out who they are, what their intentions are, and how you can work together – all while turning your analytical mind and brain chatter down so that your own thoughts don’t interfere with the process.

Channeling can be REALLY really tricky. To be honest, any form of gathering psychic intel can be tricky because there are so many different subtle nuances to how you see/feel the information and interpret the data you’re getting.

Channeling, however, is very hard for some (i.e. ME) and it takes getting used to – turning your mental faculties down and letting another force speak through you. I wasn’t born hearing voices, like the famous Sylvia Browne who had Francine, or the Medical Medium, who had his guide who has been talking to him since he was a little kid. For me, hearing voices and thoughts that come through my brain, but are not my own, has taken a LOT of getting used to.

In the years that I’ve been working on my psychic abilities (which is like training/working out; if you want to stay strong, you have to work out every day, and if you want to be more psychic and intuitive you have to practice every day), I have only heard my clairaudience as a loud external voice on 3 occasions:

1. During a time when I needed the warning and advice I was given – long story!
2. Before I got pregnant with Ivan (I heard a voice say “You’re going to have a son, and he’s going to be a healer”
3. When I was contemplating adopting our kitty Coco from the shelter; a voice told me “She’s not going to live very long.”

I experienced these voices as very clear and concise. Not long-winded or wordy, but short and to-the-point.

Now when I am doing channeling work, I sit and have a stream of information come through. It sort of activated itself a few years ago. I don’t speak it out, I type it out. The people (if you will) who are speaking through me are a group of beings called the ascended masters, which also consists of saints, deities, goddesses, gods, star people, and a whole sort of entourage of different beings.

What I have noticed is that there are times when I’m channeling for myself, and then I get information that I have come to identify as non-accurate intel. It’s not that the guides are giving me wrong intel, it’s like I am stepping in and my voice and ego start talking instead of the guides. That is where channeling is so tricky! You have to surrender and close that analytical mind down….and it’s hard!!! You need your brain to think, strategize, plan etc. However, this won’t serve you well in the psychic realms!

Knowing when you are doing that takes a lot of trial and error. It’s all about sensing when you yourself are speaking vs. letting your guides speak through you. If you keep at it consistently, with steady practice (I do it every day), and then go back and notice, ok in this situation, etc I am adamantly sure I know the answer vs the guides coming in, that is the best way to tell.

One thing that is really fun about this though, is the more crazy the information you receive, the more likely it is to be accurate. And by crazy I mean something random that you would never know, you don’t know what that is or what it means, and then you write it down, research it and find out that the information is truly amazing and spot on. It’s really fun and that is when you know you have really let go and the flow is flowing through you. To achieve some level of freedom, liberation, and/or a different form of creative mastery, you have to surrender to the flow.

To channel something bigger than yourself, you really do have to let this higher force take over and flow through you. Not only with words but with healing energy, too. Any good clairvoyant teacher will tell you that in order to be really great, you have to step back and let the information and energy flow through you, you can’t effort. There is a whole section in clairvoyant training about effecting. When you put too much of your energy in, you are going to drain yourself vs. letting higher power flow through you. The same goes with channeling. The minute you think you know what you are talking about, you are stepping into the potential to be wrong.

In Remote Viewing, where you are gathering data at a distance, they have a term called AOL, which stands for analytic overlay. Let’s say you are viewing something, and you see water, water flowing, rocks, and then you’re like it’s a waterfall! And you are so stuck on it being a waterfall that you can’t see anything else, and you start describing attributes that may not even be there, because you think it’s a waterfall. That is the AOL talking, and perhaps what you are viewing is really water flowing out of a pipe or water gushing out of something else. To get past this, you have to let a part of yourself go, turn down your analytical  mind, work really hard to let it flow through you, and let it not make sense. That is when you are deep diving and finding the real treasures.

And truly, what is the point of all this if we are not tapping into something greater than ourselves – that is what makes it so fun!
Whether you are channeling, reading cards, or practicing clairvoyance or any form of energy healing, I hope this makes sense and helps. 🙂

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

People often (very often, in fact!) ask me how they can connect with, and hear, their spirit guides. We all have them…but until we get off and running, it can be hard to establish a link where we feel like we’re in the zone with our guides.

So that’s what this video/message is all about.

First things first, if you really want to hook up with your guides on the regular, the easiest way to do it is to sit down at the same time every day and meditate with the intent to dial in and connect with them. They will expect you just as you expect them, in that same space you co-create with them…and that’s where the magic happens. You can do mediations to help you connect (I have one here). Or, you can do any kind of meditation you feel guided to do, and set the intention to open the space for them to come through and communicate with you. With time and repeated effort, they will absolutely show up and start talking to you.

Other than that, here are some basic ways you can communicate with (and hear) your guides:

1. Set the intention to be receptive to them – and be OPEN to their help and guidance
2. Watch, look, and listen at all times (be aware and present!)
3. Use your imagination and pretend until you realize you’re not pretending anymore!

The thing about intuition, psychic awareness, and guides, is that your imagination plays a big part of it. That’s the part of you that wants to believe, that is aware that the analytical mind and ego are limited, and that’s the part of you where extra-sensory perception thrives.

Other than when you’re meditating, here are some common ways guides will try and get through to you:

  • Media – music – your devices that you’re streaming music on, or the radio. They can send you signs through music, songs that encourage you and help you and/or even provide just what you need at that time
  • Birds – flocks of birds, little birds, hummingbirds, you name it
  • License plates with numbers and messages
  • Clocks with angel numbers like your 4:44, 5:55, and 11:11
  • Messages delivered to you OUT OF THE BLUE through other people
  • Books that jump out at you, or paragraphs/sentences with the perfect advice for you (bibliomancy)

Whether you’re just starting out, or you feel like you had a connection but you can’t hear them anymore, simply ask for things that will give you hope, or show you that you’re going in the right direction, and your guides will give you intel in a myriad of ways…not just limited to what I listed above.

One thing I know for sure is that guides DO exist, and that they come forward for any person who asks for their input in a session. We all have these helpers around us…and if we want to hear and feel them more, we can, and undoubtedly will, if we pay attention and are open and receptive to the ways in which they appear and communicate.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

Whether you are working hard to connect with your guides, to open up to your psychic and intuitive abilities, or just to meditate and raise your consciousness/vibration, it’s HIGHLY LIKELY that somewhere along the way, you will experience a pressure on your head/shoulders, tickles, and/or a ringing in your ears.

What does this mean?

In my experience, it’s either 1) a sign that your guides or angels are coming through to communicate with you, or 2) you are shifting your energy up to the point where you can literally feel it changing.

If you’re not paying attention, you likely will not notice. This typically only happens when you focus your awareness on it, and are intent upon the work at hand.

That’s where the universe meets you halfway. As human beings, we do very well having physical experiences. Which is why, when you quiet your mind and focus on raising your vibes, you will be able to feel your aura change. And then, when you call on your guides and angels and ask them to work with you, they will enter into your aura to help you feel that they are here. It really is fascinating and so interesting how this all works.

This week’s message is short and sweet, so I’ll leave it at that! If you do want to connect with your guides a little more, I have a wonderful spirit guide meditation you can work with – just click here and scroll down to grab it.

And, as always, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


The topic of spirit guides comes up a lot with the people I work with, and the biggest two questions are 1) How can I hear them/connect with them more easily? and 2) What are their names?

So in the video above, I chat a bit about the concept of spirit guide names. The primary takeaway is this: they themselves don’t really associate as a naming identity, as they dwell in the world of spirit, but we call them names for ourselves so that we can more easily identify who these beings are.

Of course, a lot of this depends on who you are using as a guide, too. If it’s your grandmother, and you would prefer to keep calling her by the name she had in her lifetime, then that’s what you will call her and that’s who she will say she is. If, however, it’s a light being from another universe where they don’t speak in language form, you might call that guide any name you want that will help you identify him or her or it. 🙂

The spirit guide realm can be very complex, depending on who you want to work with, what you want them to help you with, and more. You can rely on one guide, or dozens. You can talk to a group of guides, as many people do, and refer to them as a collective, none of them having their own name.

I went for years not naming my guides. One of them I just called “The Blue Guide” because everyone saw him as blue. But last year, when I started channeling, I got a name. And then when I work from the realms of the Ascended Masters and beyond, I get many, many names of different beings. We’re talking angels, saints, masters, etc. Now up there in those realms they don’t chit chat with each other they way we do, but they tell me who they were on earth or when they interacted with others on earth, and that helps me identify their presences and energetic signatures.

When it comes to a name, just know that it’s more of a tool for YOU to associate with that being than it is their actual moniker.

I wish you the best of luck in working with your guide or guides. I do have some meditations and downloadable workshops that are designed to help, so click here for more info!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


As a spiritual and open-minded person who believes in energy, auras, spirit guides, angels, intuition and the like, do you have a hard time sharing these beliefs with others? Louise, who asked me to talk about this subject, does. And I did (and still do, in new situations when people ask me what I “do”).

Coming out of the spiritual closet is a GREAT BIG DEAL. And like coming out of any closet, it helps to find a community so you can thrive and grow in a supportive space, with people who will believe in you, love you, accept you, and support you unconditionally.

When I learned how to be psychic, and then discovered I was getting kind of good at it, I totally had to come out of the closet. If you would like me to make a video or talk about just that, please let me know and I will. But after fumbling like 3 times trying to record the video above, I decided to just try and finish it with tips that will help you if you are just on the verge of coming out of that closet – or are at least seeking more like-minded friends. And so here are some of them!

Test the Waters

With friends, co-workers, and family, just ask a mild question, like “Did you hear about (some reincarnation thing, or a new book, or movie, or video, or something of the like)? What do you think about that? Do you believe in it?” If the response is positive, go further and see what happens. If it’s totally shut down and negative, move on to The Weather or something more mundane.

Go to Spiritual Places

There are tons of them in LA – mediation centers, sound baths, yoga studios, spiritual bookstores, and the like. Wherever you are, seek out the places where like-minded magical people are apt to gather, and GO THERE regularly.

Start a Book Club or Group

When I first started out, I had meetings at my home just in my living room! I made a couple of nice friends that way. If a psychic development, energy healing, or tarot group seems too “out there” for your area, try a book club, and introduce books with more spiritual, holistic, or metaphysical topics – fiction, nonfiction, or both. And then try the “test the waters” technique.

Send your Energy Out 

You can beam your energy out like the light from a lighthouse, with the intention to draw in or attract like-minded people, soulmates, and those on the same energetic bandwidth as you. Set your intention for the kind of people you want to meet, go into a short meditation, and just “beam out” your light. Do this every day for a couple of weeks. It will work!

Don’t try to Convert Anyone

Converting people doesn’t work, nor does trying to talk about things they simply can’t accept. People will open up when they are ready, and not a minute sooner.

Remember: You are a Pioneer

Life is meant to be shared with others, and if you are on this path, it is so much fun when you get to talk about your beliefs and experiences with like-minded people. Being around these people also helps you grow and evolve. As a group consciousness, all of us on earth are headed in this general direction; you, as a believer, are just at the forefront of this evolution. It’s not always easy being one of the early pioneers of a belief system/shift in consciousness, but it’s more fun than being a muggle! 😉

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Hi and Happy Halloween!!!

In keeping with the season, I present to you a video with tips on how to protect yourself psychically in scary/haunted/negative places. We all wish these didn’t exist, but indeed they do, and sometimes we find ourselves in these places inadvertently…so my tips will help keep you safe until you can calmly and quietly reach the exit door.

The first time I remember being in a decidedly dark and scary place was when I innocently wandered into a witchy voodoo shop in gay New Orleans. I LOVE New Orleans and of course I love all things witchy, but once I was in the place I started to feel this very dark and not-so-good feeling. There was some bad mojo going on in there and I felt great – relieved and uplifted – the minute I left. Mind you, this was before I delved into the psychic/spiritual world – before I knew anything about energy being a real thing.

Since then, I’ve encountered other similar spaces, and have heard countless stories from friends and clients about things that go bump in the night and places that contain them. I have had to work in places like this, as have many of the people I know. The good thing about energy is that it can be cleared; however, if you live in a negative space or have to work in one, eventually you would be better off moving on than trying to make it work out (unless things change on a very dramatic scale, like people leave, situations change, and someone comes in to clear the space afterwards).

If you don’t have time to watch the video, here are 3 very basic tips in a nutshell:

  • Keep your vibration high and your light strong – powerful light literally burns negative energy away
  • Clear the room using pillars of light in the four corners and one in the center
  • Do rituals like the LBRP
  • Call on the angels, god, and hierarchy of light beings to aid and assist
  • If you feel off, LEAVE!

Having been in situations I’d rather not have been in, I can tell you first hand that things like music, laughter, dancing, singing, and the energy of pure delightful LOVE are ideal when it comes to this. That, and having a no-BS attitude like that of the ladies in the most recent Ghostbuster movie: “The power of Patty compels you!!”

And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

You’ve got to admit, the whole notion of spirit guides is pretty new agey. Which is why I thought it was funny when I found myself telling close friends last week that “My Spirit Guide said (insert guidance here – from ‘don’t get an IPL photofacial because the results won’t be worth it’ to ‘send Ivan to this new school vs. another’).” It still makes me chuckle; I am amused, blown away, and also a tad skeptical (STILL – I’m working on it).

The thing is, I have been intrigued by the concept of spirit guides ever since I heard about them, and have been working diligently to make contact with mine. Now that I have been channelling for over a year, I am confident that my main guide is 100% real, accurate, and, basically, legit – because I sit down and listen to him every single day. The things he has told me are right on, and the level of energy healing and other things I have seen and experienced in this realm of the Ascended Masters is just BEYOND. Before that, I knew I had guides, but channelling has taken it to the next level.

So in the video above, I chat and at some points ramble about spirit guides vs. deceased loved ones and how to connect and why. Once you get in the zone, and it has taken me quite a few years to do so, but once you do, you will be amazed by the level of assistance that’s available to you.

I don’t say this in the video, but I have had experiences where my departed loved ones have come through, and I know it’s them vs. my guides because of the feeling I get. When Nana came a couple of years ago, she gave me a song she used to love. It just was placed in my head and I felt a wave of love and mutual forgiveness that was much needed. My grandma Lauretta helped me in the delivery room when Ivan was born, and angels were there too because they always come when you call them, without a doubt and undeniably so, and I just knew they were there.

You most definitely can differentiate who it is that is helping you and what they are here to assist with. My blue guide, an Ascended Master who I talk to daily now, has a pattern of speech and a vibration that I clearly recognize. Now, with him, I am channelling, so that is different than just tuning in while going about your day. The main difference with that is I set time aside, just like I do with my daily workout, to focus and connect.

When you make the effort to take this path seriously and incorporate it into your life for guidance, spiritual and emotional healing, or whatever else you need, the space will be made and they will most absolutely come through. You can have many guides to assist with many different areas of your life; teacher guides, medical guides, master guides, spiritual guides, creative guides…there is no limit to the type of help you can receive.

Remember, we weren’t sent here to earth to struggle alone and get through life without assistance. There are realms upon realms of wonderful beings and energies available to you. And if you need help making the connection, remember that I’m here with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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