This week’s video came as a recent request from Ebonee. It’s such an important topic, one we all likely wonder about at some point in another during our lives. In Western culture, a sort of apprehension surrounds death. However, it’s such a natural process that if we removed the fear element, we might see that it is in fact a very beautiful process.

In some cases, the soul goes straight into the epic light we have all heard about time and time again. In other cases, though, the spirit/soul stays on the earth plane a while. This is either because the spirit doesn’t know that the body is over, (confusion) or because it wants to hang around for a little bit.

It’s important to know that time is irrelevant in other realms outside of this dimension. A soul that doesn’t go straight into the light isn’t aware of the passage of time. At some point or another, a transition will take place, and the soul will move upwards and onwards.

I don’t have a map of the afterlife like a map of Disneyland, but it would be interesting to know all of what exists over there. I believe it could be so vast as to be incomprehensible to us in our human state of mind.

For the time being, we can put bits and pieces together, do our own astral traveling and cartography, and trust that no matter what happens, we will always be OK.

Have you or someone you love had a near-death experience? If so, please share them in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

We are all growing and evolving here on earth – it seems like that’s just a part of the plan. Everyone has things to work on. I’ve had so much to work on, in fact, that I was delighted to think about, and answer, a question from Rebecca, who asked if I had any advice for when you when you have a realization or feeling that you want your soul to grow and evolve MORE. Frankly, I have enough material to keep me busy working on myself for the rest of my life! – and I know that if I run out, fresh new material will be delivered to work on. And that, perhaps, flavored my take on the matter. However, it’s really great to ponder these things. To set the intention to clear up karma and help your soul on your earth journey is an incredible way to ground into your spiritual practice.

The thing is, the spiritual path is literally paved with pebbles that grow your soul, which means, in essence, that life, in and of itself, will never run out of lessons to teach you and ways to help your soul evolve.

If you have a feeling that you really want to grow more, though, my first piece of advice is to be careful before setting that intention, because you might have a subconscious belief or pattern that in order to evolve, you have to go through hardship. So don’t do that! Just take the set of circumstances you are in right now and start to work with ways in which you can heal and transform – set that intention instead.

Some of the basics that are helpful with this are to:

1. work with someone to help you see your blind spots, to look at areas where you can improve, and then get started in on it
2. practice meditation and mindfulness on an ongoing basis
3. control your thoughts
4. work to resolve what already happened in your past: childhood traumas, past relationships, and relationships in the present
5. volunteer/donate/give to others

Soul growth at the highest/most supreme level has you in a place where you are so calm, grounded, in the moment, at peace with yourself and with others that you emit a very positive vibration that radiates out into the world. That vibration is very real and tangible, to the point where others resonate with it, and their vibrations raise up too.

Another thing about soul growth is that we don’t really control what our soul wants to do. Even the whole manifesting movement, which teaches that we can be, do, and have whatever we want, is about control. Your soul has already set up a path and trajectory for you in this lifetime. If you can make peace with that, and grow within the set of circumstances you’re in, you’ll be just fine. If anything feels like a challenge and you struggle with it, that is a sign you need to focus on it and transmute and heal that energy so your soul will grow.

It’s not all about difficulties, either. The essence of what you love and the experiences that bring you to life help grow your soul too, and create a really great sense of balance, which is key. It doesn’t have to be about work and struggle all the time; your soul loves the experience of life itself, so all the things you do that make you feel alive and vibrant will grow your soul, too.

I hope that helps!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Have you heard of the concept of your “higher self?” That all-knowing, wise aspect of yourself who is much more calm, more focused, and more high-vibrational than your regular old ego-self?

The term “higher self” makes sense and of course has validity. I like to think of my higher self as that quiet part of me who KNOWS THINGS. However, because I’m visual and clairvoyant, I like to see who and what things are. And it’s been hard for me at times to associate with an aspect of myself that feels a tad intangible and un-relatable.

Am I making sense here? It’s like, OK…I know there is a higher self, but who or what exactly IS she?  Please tell me I’m not the only one pondering this dilemma. 🙂 In hopes that you, too, may at some time or another have felt or do feel the same way, I made this video and am offering up a tip that has helped me in the past.

It’s all about associating with an archetype to connect with, visualize, and tune in to your higher self. Just like Wonder Woman has her fierce divine female warrior outfit, and Super Man has his costume, we, too, can transform into our most powerful higher selves by imagining who we would be if infused with super-human, divine spiritual powers.

At one point in my life, when I was struggling to break free from a negative work environment, I would visualize myself as a serene, kind, powerful and benevolent golden princess. I would do this before every clairvoyant reading, and the golden energy of this archetype, representative of my higher self, began to empower my energy field. Within a very short amount of time, I was catapulted out of there, never to return.  When you associate with an image that captures your imagination, the power behind that – the essence and energy of it – will change your vibration and cause this higher self aspect of you to lead the way when your ego-self can’t. It’s a great tool to use when you are going through a challenging time, or need to make a change. And it’s a really great way to tap into your limitless strength and power. Because you are using your imagination, which goes hand in hand with your intuition, you can change your archetype whenever you see fit. There’s no need to limit yourself.

I hope this helps, and that you are able to become one with your higher self on a moment-to-moment basis.  And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with (including but not limited to helping you connect with your higher self!), I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Namaste America!

In case you didn’t already know, Namaste America is a very popular televised program that my forefathers, who are East Indian, and many others in the East Indian community tune into on Saturday mornings. It is a cultural phenomenon amongst immigrants and their descendants alike, to the point where, when someone says Namaste to me, I almost ALWAYS think “Namaste America.”

Namaste is a Sanskrit word translating to a beautiful way of greeting someone while honoring their spirit. Namaste, in essence, means that your being/spirit literally BOWS to the spirit, or spark of the divine, in another being.

And that brings me to the whole topic of the video above, and the secret ingredient that makes clairvoyant readings so powerful.

It is simply all about witnessing the spirit of another person – greeting that spirit, communicating with that spirit, bypassing the personality and the ego and just being at one with another being on a deep spirit-soul level.

Clairvoyance is really a method of meditation, that, when applied in communicative form towards healing another person, can help them to shift and transform. The reason why a clairvoyant reading (which follows a certain set of procedures to be done properly) is more powerful than other forms of divination is that it requires the reader to tune in to the spirit of the person being read. Not the personality: the SPIRIT.

Think about it: how often, in our everyday lives, do we take the time to stop, to look into someone’s eyes, and to listen to their spirit? How often do we see others for who they really are at their very core? Not often enough, if you ask me.

So whether you do energy healings or readings yourself, or would just like to bring more light and spirit-centered communication into your life and the lives of others, why not set the intention to greet and honor their spirit, and to ask the spirit to step forward and be more present in your interactions?

The spirit brings with it an energy, a connection, to the oneness of all that is. When it is honored and witnessed, a sacred space opens up. All you need to do is to allow for that to happen, and it will.

Namaste America! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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