Signs and synchronicities are one of the easiest ways to connect to the universal force field of energy all around us. For example, when you ask for signs from your guides, you will absolutely see them: you just have to train yourself to be open and notice. I’ve seen the most incredible signs from angels and guides that just blew me away and reassured me that yes, these beings really do exist and are here to help. It’s amazing.

Signs can be confusing, though, too, especially when they’re about a potential love interest.

When you have a crush on someone, or are interested in them, you may go through a period where you see a LOT of signs and synchronicities related to that person. Maybe you see their name everywhere, or keep seeing things related to them – like references regarding where they’re from or what they’re into.

This is all fun and cool and of course very exciting, but the thing to be careful about and aware of is it doesn’t necessarily mean they are THE ONE or that you’re going to have an epic connection. Not to be a wet blanket, but sometimes when you are hyper alert and focused and excited about something, you manifest it into your life. And so when you feel like that about another person, whether you are dating them or they don’t even know you exist, you might manifest signs and symbolism and synchronicities about them into your life – but not necessarily the actual person him-or her-self.

I know it’s complicated, but cautious optimism is the best way to go in a situation like this, even if you’re getting signs left and right!

It’s like when you’re shopping for a new car: you start to see that car everywhere. It’s on your radar. You bring it into your reality, and you notice it, too, because your awareness is heightened. A similar thing can happen when you are into someone. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that that person is your twin flame/soul mate/epic love. It could just mean that you are so excited and focused that you are noticing signs related to them and/or are manifesting these signs into your reality.

And therein lies the problem! While it’s fun and exciting to get swept away, your best avenue in cases like this is to notice these signs with amusement and not get caught up in a fantasy. Control your emotions as much as you can and be neutral. I’m not saying you can’t get excited, but here’s the thing: people tend to come to me as an intuitive when things are headed south, so I am coming from the experience of helping people who say “it felt so epic and real” but then got let down in the most anguishing ways.

So that’s where I feel that even if you are getting all these signs about someone, being neutral will help you to preserve your self-esteem and to remember to keep yourself level-headed. If you get carried away, thinking “this is it, this is meant to be” because you are getting all this sensory input in your reality, you can lose a lot of time and expend a lot of unnecessary energy, all swept up with this person when they may not be ready to be in a relationship, or may not in fact be the best person for you at all.

The next time you find yourself in a situation like this, just look at the signs with detached amusement. Maybe laugh, write them down if you want to just see what happens (again from a place of neutrality), and/or set an intention to re-direct the energy to getting signs about your own personal growth and development, diverting your attention back to yourself and your highest path.

I hope that makes sense. Every person is unique and every situation is different, and while having an open heart and an sense of excitement and optimism is key, it’s also very healthy to be aware and grounded whenever you’re engaging in a new romantic situation.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


Note: I recorded this video last December, so when I say I just started working with the 4 major archangels this year, I meant last year – 2015.

I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to connect with angels earlier. Maybe I just didn’t think they’d have time for me. Or maybe it wasn’t the right time. Wait – I have a correction to make on that. I DID call them into the delivery room when my son was born, and I know they were there and overseeing things because a) you can tell and b) the birth was really easy and amazing. I guess I did have a feeling that angels were just for times like that. But now I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. They are here for us all the time, and the best part is, they LIKE to help us. They WANT to help us.

In any case, and I don’t think this comes through clearly enough in the video (I’m still learning how to do decent videos here!), but once I tuned into the archangels last year with major intention to connect, the love and guidance…and SIGNS! I received from them was nothing short of miraculous.

The 4 major archangels are Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. They represent the 4 earth elements and directions, among other things. Raphael (whose colors are yellow and violet) represents the air and the east. Michael (red and green) is fire and the south. Gabriel (blue and orange) is water and the west. And Uriel (black, brown, olive and lemon) is earth and north.

From my personal experience, Raphael is light and fast and fun. Michael is very serious and strong and he doesn’t mess around. Gabriel is, to me, the embodiment of protection, understanding, and flexibility, and Uriel is wild, sincere, fierce and wonderful, like the earth, and like the animals of the earth. I didn’t really talk about all that in the video, because I’m trying to keep them under 5 minutes. But I could talk about angels for ever and ever!

If you want or need hope, protection, love, strength, or inspiration, just ask the angels to help you. Meditate on them, and try and get a sense of what their energy is like. Notice what you feel. And then look for signs that they will give you – because they WILL!!! Once after praying to Gabriel, I saw his colors (blue and orange) everywhere – in fact a man with cobalt blue hair and an orange shirt was walking down the street the moment I left my house in my conservative neighborhood. Angels will give signs through the radio (a piece composed by Arcangelo Corelli, for instance, or Gabriel’s Trumpet). They’ll show you clouds that look like angels. Or birds that fly right in front of you. Or anything else that you will recognize and understand.

Yes, the 4 major archangels are intense energies, and larger and greater than I think we can even imagine. But they will answer when called upon, and it doesn’t have to be at a time of great crisis. Though it would be nice to start asking them to help and intervene on behalf of all of humanity, don’t you think? So we can avert wars and save the planet and just focus on bringing more love and light into the world.

What are your experiences working with angels? Have you seen one in real life? I’d love to hear from you!

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