There are so many pathways to increase self-love, but one of the greatest is forgiveness. And not just of other people! Forgiving yourself is a HUGE undertaking that will open the flow of unconditional self-love.

Forgiveness is not easy. When people flippantly say “forgive and forget” it can trivialize the issue and make it even harder to work through. What I’ve seen over the years is that forgiveness really is a deep process that is all about YOU. When you forgive people who have done terrible things to you, you detach from the energy exchange. You free yourself. Forget about them – this is about you. Forgiveness is not condoning, it’s just understanding and releasing.

Many of us have shame about things we did or didn’t do, and it’s important to forgive ourselves, too. We didn’t know then what we did now. We are human. We make mistakes. It’s a part of the process. Some things we may not be able to forgive ourselves for are the very lessons we needed to learn! Earth is a school, first and foremost. It’s all about trial and error.

The energy of non-forgiveness creates a congestion in the heart center, which blocks the flow of love that can come in and go out. Who needs that!?!

Have you experienced more freedom in forgiving others? How about forgiving yourself? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you ever scrolled through Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook and suddenly gotten triggered by someone blatantly bragging about something (or everything)? In all transparency, this happens to me at times, and I when it does, I know I need to stop, regroup, and focus on my own energy. It’s an invitation for me to work on my own self-love.

When you compare yourself to others, which is a natural thing that happens, it can quickly turn detrimental if you are not careful. The most insidious part of this is that the people who are showing off their best lives (and sometimes their bare butts – go figure!) are, in all truth, not as happy as they appear to be. It’s all a facade.

In real life, too, people are generally careful not to show how much they’re truly struggling. It’s not until you really know the whoollllle entire story do you see the reality of their life experience. You’re comparing yourself against something that appears to be real, but isn’t. Crazy, right? Sneaky! That’s why it helps to use your intuition!

Please check out the video above for more on this! Do you ever get confused by what people are putting out there on social media? Have you felt better when you decided to stop comparing yourself to others? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Are you too hard on yourself?

Whether you regularly push yourself to your limit and beyond, beat yourself up for perceived shortcomings, or simply don’t value your worth, if you’re too hard on yourself, it’s time to focus on self-love.

Many of us were raised by parents who demonstrated “tough love” to get us to comply. Others feel like we need to push ourselves and to work HARD just to earn our seat at the table. Whatever the reason, at some point, we will need a break.

What I’m seeing in clients, friends, and family, is that we can only push hard for so long. After a while, the body or our general consciousness will rebel. I’m seeing clients forced to stop everything – even work – because their body is just demanding a break. I mean, let us not forget the enormity of the stress we have collectively endured over the past 3 years. It’s time for some deep collective relaxation and recovery.

We all have playful spirits at the core. Our souls want to enjoy life, to experience the good things, to breathe deeply and be in a state of balance.

If you’re going full throttle on life, it’s silly to try and stop everything all at once. What’s really easy, though, is to take a little more time each day. To think about what you love, and do that, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day to start. Make a habit of giving yourself time to rest and recover as a very deep and powerful form of self-love. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you!

Do you feel like you push yourself too hard? Have you very been literally forced to slow down? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Are there things in your life, situations, or people that you’re not happy with any longer? And yet, for one reason or another, you tolerate them? If you’re noticing that you’re unhappy with how you tolerate it all, this is an invitation to work on your practice of self-love.

We are always creating things in our life. We create beliefs in concepts and ideas. We buy things. We allow people into our lives. We participate in jobs and other activities.

As life goes on, we change and evolve. In many cases, when we are on the spiritual path, we transform aspects of ourselves and are different today than we were 10 years ago. If we are still holding on to creations that no longer serve us, though, it’s a sign we aren’t in alignment with that powerful concept we all need to work on – self-love.

When we are really in the flow of self-love, we have our absolute best interests in mind. We don’t let ourselves go to jobs where we are bullied and mistreated. We don’t wear clothes that are shabby or stained. We don’t hang on to old junk that we don’t need.

Sometimes when it’s hard to understand exactly how to love the self, an easy action step is to just start releasing the old things that are no longer in alignment with who we are now. That starts a movement, an action plan, that gets us closer to a state of self-acceptance and self-love.

Creating space is a universal concept that works wonders energetically. If we do this with the intention of bringing in more things that reflect our compassion and love for the self, miraculous changes can take place.

Have you ever experienced the need to release certain things or people from your life? How did things change after that? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s video is a discourse on cultivating a practice of self-love. This is one of the foundational pillars of a strong spiritual practice, but it’s not easy for many to master. For those of us who need to put a ton of work into building a strong foundation of self-love, it can take an entire lifetime.

The practice of self-love is deeply important on many levels. Not only does it tie in with evolving spiritually, but it also has a powerful ripple effect that others can embody and use to heal and grow.

There are infinite ways to go about it, from basic everyday things like mantras and affirmations, to deeper work like hypnosis, clairvoyance, and many other types of energy healings.

If you have time, check out the video above and let me know where you are in your self-love practice in the comments.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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