Several years ago, I made a video with tips on how to remember who you were in a past life. Click here to view it.

I ADORE the topic of past lives and reincarnation! I recently had the most amazing experience regarding discovering who my son’s friend may have been in a past life and I wanted to share it with you. Click on the picture above to watch the new video – it’s a great story!

If you are interested in who you were in a past life, here are the (very basic) ways to find out:

  • What were you TOTALLY passionate about as a child?
  • What did you play with the most?
  • What did you draw?
  • If your parents are still here, ask them about peculiar, more pronounced things you may have said or done.

If you’d like to really dive deep, I highly recommend getting a past life regression with a certified hypnotherapist. It’s quite an experience!

If you’d like to try it on your own, I created a past life regression meditation for you – just click here to check it out!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. If you have an experience with discovering who you or a child you know was in a past life, please put it in the comments on YouTube!

Of all the concepts and ideas in the intuitive realm, I love the subject of past lives and reincarnation the MOST. The idea that we’ve lived before and will live again is just so intriguing! There are so many variations to explore. The possibilities are endless.

Past Life Trauma

One of the not-so-fun facts about reincarnation is that you can bring the reverberations of extreme trauma from a past life into your present incarnation. Brian Weiss discussed this in his famous book, Many Lives, Many Masters. One of his patients, who had a debilitating phobia of drowning, discovered a past life where she had drowned. After she re-lived the experience under hypnotic regression, the phobia went away, and she was cured.

I’ve read about this in other books as well, the notion that trauma can imprint on the soul. Many past life researchers attest to the fact that birthmarks on the physical body are actually physical wounds from past lives. Do you have any interesting birthmarks that could be past life scars?

A past life story I’ll never forget belongs to a client who grew up in a wonderful home with loving, kind parents. She had a great childhood, but she’d felt this intense sense of sorrow ever since she could remember. While other kids were drawing pictures of the sun and trees, she drew an image of a man in a prison cell over and over again. It came up in a past life session we did together that she had, in fact, been a man imprisoned in a past life, and had lost her entire life and family. Having this information gave her a lot of insight and helped her to heal on a very deep level.

There’s Hope!

While the idea that the soul can be traumatized is not a great one, the fact that past life trauma can be healed is very encouraging. If you feel like something is off in your life, and you can’t quite put your finger on it, the solution could very well lie in your past lives. Pulling the experience out of the deep waters of the subconscious and into the light of day can help purge it for good.

That’s all for this video!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

One of my favorite topics in the Intuitive Realm, as I like to call this magical space of psychic development and spiritual and personal growth, is reincarnation. As an Art History major who grew up on fairy tales and mythology, nothing excites me more than learning about who, what, when, where, and how people were in other incarnations. And one thing that is very fascinating is this:

Your Past Lives aren’t always Chronological.

To make it more complicated, though, there are a lot of cases where people really do remember their most chronologically recent past life. One of my favorite books about this is called Children who Remember Previous Lives by Dr. Ian Stevenson. His research reveals the most fascinating information about children remembering the life just before,in chronological “earth-years” order.

This Little Girl remembered her Children!

One story that really impacted me was that of a little girl in India who swore she was a mother and that she had left her children behind when she died and desperately needed to get back to them. She was distraught! Dr. Stevenson’s team interviewed her, brought her to the village she described, and helped her reunite with her family from that most recent lifetime. This little girl knew facts there was no way she could have known, and everyone was blown away by how it all worked out. And – get this – his book is chock full of true real life stories like this.

One Little Boy had been a Fighter Pilot.

Another story, which actually made it on the news, was about a little boy who swore he had died in WW2 in Japan. His parents became concerned because 1) he had terrible nightmares about dying in a plane crash and 2) he obsessively drew pictures of WWII fighter jets with extreme details that a child his age could not have had any way of knowing. He kept saying that he had been a fighter pilot and that his plane crashed over Iwo Jima. His parents, baffled, sought help from Carol Bowman, a renowned past life therapist, who helped immensely. In the end, all of the pieces clicked together with overwhelming evidence. 

To further the idea that past lives can be chronological, in some cultures, when someone dies, they make a mark on the body with red paint, often at the back of the neck or some inconspicuous place. Then, whenever someone new is born, they will examine the body for birthmarks in that same place. That helps them to know it’s the soul of that person born into a new body. 🙂 

There is Nothing Hard and True about How it All Works.

All that said, from my personal experience doing past life readings and regressions, there are many people who don’t want to come back at all, or don’t come back for quite a long time in earth years. Think about it: we are all here now, but we do not all remember lifetimes in the decades leading up to our current incarnation.

When I read for people, lifetimes come up that are from thousands of years ago, not the just the 1900’s. What is that all about, then? This is a very important consideration, too: the world was much less populated prior to now. Where are all these souls coming from?

In reading people, I’ve learned that some of us have time outs where we don’t come back for hundreds of years. Some of us may not have been here for thousands of years, and the first thing that comes up in a past life reading is ancient Babylon or Sumeria.

Some people come from other planets and galaxies, too. They’re like field biologists, not from here. They often feel weird here, as if they don’t quite fit in. It can be quite painful and lonely for them to experience life here.

Reincarnation and Your Karma.

Real time, outside of our 3-dimensional reality, isn’t the way it is here on earth. We haven’t figured it out (although I am sure some have and just haven’t told the general populace!). 

Whether you last incarnated in the 1960’s or 2000 years ago, chronologically speaking, it could be that that life 2000 years ago is the one that is impacting this one now, and your lessons and karma in this life are tied to THAT lifetime. When people ask me “Where and when were some of my past lifetimes?” the info that comes in can be random…Ireland in the 1800s, Southeast Asia in 80 BC, it goes all over the place and the order doesn’t seem important. It’s not chronological. There is a charge, a certain energy, or unfinished business when it comes to your karma. It’s as if, in some instances, your life right before this isn’t impacting you as much right now, and what you need to work on in this life is the karma you never finished way from back when.

Patterns Keep Happening until You Heal the Karma.

Oftentimes when people ask about how they knew people in this lifetime, in other lifetimes, there seems to be a similar sort of pattern that happens throughout the years; very similar interactions. Meaning, if you’re having complications in a relationship with someone now, chances are, you had similar complications with them in a past lifetime. And think about it; some people might not have been able to be in another life with you, so they’re here now, and you can both complete unfinished business with each other and heal that karma.

This was a long post!! I just find it so fascinating I could talk about it all day long. If there are questions you have on this topic, send me an emailand I’ll work on covering it in a new video/post. 

Thank you so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Psychometry is a great exercise to help boost your intuition and clairvoyance while helping you tune in more easily to your “gut feelings” about things. I did a video about it a while back, but a subscriber asked me how to specifically read the past using this method, so here it is!

The interesting thing about psychometry is that it helps you fine-tune your awareness of the subtle energies all around us. Our objects are made of energy, and that energy gets “imprinted” by our emotions and the general energetic vibration we produce. There’s a charge to our life force, and that charge is so powerful it imbues the objects we interact with with our own vibration.

I’ve always thought it would be great fun to get to do a past life regression in an ancient powerful place, or to hold museum-quality artifacts and objects to get a psychometry read on them. The things that hold the most vibration are typically metal, but I’ve had great success with jewelry and even lipstick!

The more you get used to reading the energy of objects (and people), the easier it is to just trust your intuition explicitly and to know, without a doubt, that your impressions and instincts are 100% valid and accurate. One of the biggest challenges that most people face when working on their psychic and intuitive abilities is trusting themselves. The more you practice, the better you get – and psychometry is one of the easiest ways to get that practice.

Of course, no matter how intuitive you are, it’s nice to get a second opinion. And I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


A wonderful person who I have known for quite a while now through the scope of the intuitive realm asked me to talk about the soul path and spiritual purpose of people with disabilities. While every situation is different and there is no blanket statement that covers the life path of every soul who incarnates here on earth, what I can say from what I have experienced is that people with disabilities are usually pretty powerful spirits, some in fact master spiritual teachers who inspire others to learn to be kind, strong, less ego-driven and more open-minded and compassionate.

Many of us walk around so wrapped up in our struggles, so all-consumed by what we are going through in our lives, and so quick to judge everything and everyone that we don’t always see situations through an unclouded filter. People who have disabilities teach us to observe the world differently and to broaden our perspective. Two people who are close to me have disabilities: one obviously so (she can’t walk), and the other rather hidden (he is dyslexic). They have taught me to be patient, to understand their struggles, to treat them no differently than anyone else, and, above all else, to be respectful. They have taught others a myriad of lessons as well, and they themselves are learning volumes upon volumes of lessons about their own strengths.

And so in this video, I chat a bit ineloquently about it (I apologize, I tried to do the video a couple of times before hand and just didn’t get it right so this is my best try!). Thank you for subscribing and for watching.

And remember, if you need help with connecting to your own intuition or would like guidance in any area of your life, I’m here to do readings, healings, spiritual coaching packages AND one-on-one psychic development training – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at

Don’t you love the dour expression on my face in the video still above?

It’s because this is a bummer topic. Why is it that you can have the deepest connection with someone, and just KNOW there’s something more…but you can’t be together either because they’re not ready, or they drive you crazy, or it just doesn’t work out for whatever reason?

When I learned how to be intuitive, I had no idea how many times this topic would come up in sessions. But it does come up – a LOT!
It’s a very painful thing that many people go through, and while each situation is different and unique, here’s some general information I’ve gleaned about why the timing isn’t right for two soul mates to be together in a romantic relationship in this lifetime.

I seem to have a bit of writer’s block today so I’ll just keep this summary short and let you watch the video if you’re so inclined!

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