This week’s topic is about intuition. We all have it, and it’s so natural! I marvel at how open we are as a society to the notion of intuition, yet not so much to the idea of being psychic. Because….

Intuition is the gateway to all things psychic!

Intuition can sometimes – most times – be very subtle. Other times, it can be loud and pronounced. I am fairly certain that everyone can say they remember a time when they had a sense, a feeling, a KNOWING about something or someone. That was their intuition.

Everyone’s intuition presents in a different way. Some of the most common are:

  • That small still voice giving you a warning in your head
  • A gut feeling
  • The hairs on the back of your neck standing up
  • The hairs on your arms standing up
  • A knowing, or feeling in your bones

If you’d like to honor and hear your intuition more, just pay attention! Watch your body, your feelings, your thoughts. Notice how it presents to you. And then document it!! Keep an intuition journal. Write out when you had a sense. Document what happened when you listened to it – and when you did not. This will help you learn how your intuition presents, and it will signal to your subconscious that you are ready and willing to be more open to it.

How has your intuition presented to you in the past? Do you have stories you can share? Please come over and tell us in the comments on YouTube.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

A lot of people come for readings with questions about relationships. So I’ve learned a few things over the years! One of the most important things I want to share with you today is simple, but profound, and it’s this:

Trust your Instincts!

If you’re needing to get a lot of readings about someone you are dating, your own intuition or subconscious is trying to tell you something’s off.

The hard part is living with that feeling that something is off, but not having the proof or validation to end it with them. Sometimes the validation you’re seeking doesn’t even come up in a reading. Why? Because some people who have a lot to hide are adept at cloaking themselves, even in the psychic space. They will do any and everything they can to not be found out. That, in and of itself, is a major red flag. Those who have nothing to hide have no problem being read psychically. But when you have a little feeling that something is off, that’s your “Princess and the Pea” intuition! It’s sending you a smoke signal that you must not ignore.

When you wait, and wait, and wait for that validation…

Some people hear negative things about their romantic partners in readings, but still wait to see. They wait to see if it changes or improves. They also wait to see just how bad it can get. I get that. I mean, most of us like to be optimistic when it comes to love. Sadly, though, if you’re booking readings about someone because your gut is telling you something is off, it typically doesn’t get better. Some people wait for years to figure out just what it is that’s off. Others even marry the person!

When you stay with someone that your gut was warning you about, that’s a powerful sign that there’s karma to be worked out. In some cases, you can avoid a gnarly situation with ONE person, only to have to go through it with ANOTHER person. When there’s karmic work to be done, your gut, and intuition, will guide you through the process of figuring out how to get through it with ease and grace.

But maybe your karmic lesson is to trust yourself in the first place! And that brings me back to the core lesson here. If you have the slightest inkling something ain’t right, trust yourself, and save yourself the heartache!

Thanks so much for reading and watching.

This week’s video is about psychic development, and it’s a tricky topic, so bear with me as I try to explain it! 

It’s that some of us use psychic/intuitive insight as a way to control our environment, giving us a very deep and real sense of comfort in this crazy world.

Being really tuned in, knowing how to read oracles and activate our own psychic senses at will, is great. It helps us to be more wise, and to navigate life more easily. What it doesn’t do, however, is give us a “Get out of Jail Free” card. While we can avoid certain situations, we can’t avoid the bigger life lessons altogether. 

Ignorance is Bliss!

No matter how much we can try to navigate, plan and prepare for life using oracles and other forms of divination, some things are bound to happen no matter what. In many cases, NOT knowing we’re going to have to go through an unavoidable difficult situation is easier than finding out in advance. To be honest, some things are better left unknown!

We ALL have lessons we have to learn in this lifetime, and all the mystical wisdom in the multiverse can’t save us from that. At times, psychic intel can help us make decisions that can change certain factors and situations, but if it’s a lesson we have to learn, the essence of the lesson will most assuredly pop up again, just in another form. 

Psychic Work, at it’s Best, is Transformative

That’s where psychic work can be truly transformative, because it can help us understand the intricacies of our lessons so that we can improve ourselves and grow by leaps and bounds. 

Being psychic and intuitive can help us to be omniscient in many ways. However, for true and deep guidance, it helps to intuitively seek answers from sources greater than ourselves. I love channeling for that reason, and I also love reading the iChing oracle. In times when great insight is needed, they both provide such a wellspring of wisdom that it can sometimes be overwhelming. With the iChing, for example, it’s like you’re talking to a wise noble Yoda-type being who is giving you guidance and advice. You just have to be willing to listen and learn.

We are all here to strive towards enlightenment. As long as we are on the path of being understanding, loving, and kind, we’re on the right track. That involves being good to ourselves, too, knowing that we all struggle, no matter how intuitive we are.

I hope this makes sense and helps!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I’ve thought about this week’s message for many years now. And it’s this: one of the most incredibly powerful ways you can relate to the people in your life is by…

Looking at them with a Sense of Understanding and Acceptance.

Why? Because it is both therapeutic, and spiritually aligned. While love is, of course, a very strong vibration, sometimes it’s hard to continuously emit a frequency of unconditional love. It’s easier to look at someone and try to understand where they are coming from, why they behave the way they do, and then to accept them just the way they are.

Many of the issues people have with each other spring forth from the fact that they are unwilling to understand and to get why they are they way they are…and then to be OK with it and accept it.

It Works with Family, too!

Understanding and acceptance is especially helpful when it comes to people within our family, and/or at work. People who rub us the wrong way and irk us, making us feel like ARGH!!! can really test our merit. A way around feeling like that is to look into what others have been through, and to deeply try and understand the whole genesis of who they are, inside and out.

As an example, some people are suffering with legitimate chemical imbalances in the brain. They look fine and “normal,” but they are not, because they are dealing with a very challenging health problem. Many people dealing with this face their own feelings of immense guilt and shame. On top of that, others in their life accuse them of being down in the doldrums, or not like everyone else.

I thought of talking about this in this video because a couple of beautiful souls came to me for readings recently who are dealing with this exact ailment. If their loved ones only knew and understood that they have legitimate physiological issues, they might find it easier to simply “be” in life.

Employ Your Intuition with this One.

A very helpful and useful way to use your intuition is to figure out what makes people tick so that you can understand why they are the way they are. You can’t change them; you can only change yourself, and, as they say, knowledge is power.

Being an understanding and accepting person is such a wonderful way to be. It’s definitely peaceful and creates more harmony in your life. It lets you let go!  

And to be on the receiving end of that, to be understood and accepted, is priceless. I love being around friends who completely get me. I can be myself. I am seen. I am understood. I am accepted. 

People who accept you can literally save your life…they make you feel like you are OK, and that you are fine just the way you are. It’s so healing and feels SO GOOD!

That’s all for this week! Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

There are many ways to tune in and get insight from your higher self and your guides. But one of the best, most tried and true methods of downloading distinct and clear messages is through the art of automatic writing.

Here, in a nutshell, is how to do it!

  • Set your intention: who do you wish to communicate with?
  • Relax your mind by meditating or being quiet
  • Get a pen and paper and let yourself start writing
  • Be aware, and loose, and let the words come
  • Don’t censor yourself!

Automatic writing flows through your hand chakras, which are connected to the flow of your heart chakra. As you write, imagine light pouring into your crown chakra, down into your heart and through your arms and hands onto the paper.

What you want to do is to get to is a place where you completely let go and let the information come out of you. This takes time, but if you stick with it, you will see results!

You might find messages and insights that are very profound, healing, and therapeutic. That might not sound like you; it will likely sounds like someone wiser than you – your higher self or your guides!

Do it on a regular basis and you will establish a connection and the easier the messages will flow. Create the space, intend, allow it to happen.

We all have access to God – a direct link to the divine. We can all be channels, and we can all get the guidance and assistance we need.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

It’s Back-to-School week (already!) so this week’s note will be short and sweet!

Over the years of giving and receiving readings, I’ve noticed a really awesome way in which certain psychic information comes in. It happens a lot, but if you don’t pay attention, you can miss it.

It’s through short, succinct, to-the-point messages.

Just one little phrase, or even a couple of words, can be so loaded with significance that it can be more impactful to a person than an entire 60 minute reading. For example, a few years ago, I had an unfortunate negative energy issue. I got tons of readings and healings to clear it and it finally did go away. But during that time period, two wonderful people who didn’t know each other at all both said “rainbows and unicorns” in separate sessions when offering advice for clearing it.

Isn’t that nuts and also awesome? For me, rainbows and unicorns symbolize my childhood hopes and dreams, and, well, they make me very happy in a magical way. In the spiritual realms too, you’ll find that there actually is something to unicorns…they are indeed a healing energy…and rainbows represent the spectrum of visible light, which is incredibly powerful and healing to the aura, chakras, and etheric (as well as the physical) body. But they are also both just pretty awesome in their own right. Talk about symbolism!

Little messages like these coming up happens all the time in sessions, so if you just pay attention to odd or unusual phrases and words, you can unpack them and find them to be deeply significant and special.

To take it a step further, I recently attended the annual International Remote Viewing Association conference. One of the speakers was a woman who presented research findings from a project she did with some remote viewers. And she said one of the ways she interpreted the data that the remote viewers recorded was by playing what the viewers said BACKWARDS. So literally, she played the recordings backwards and heard other words and phrases that gave more insight into their findings.

I have to suppress a laugh about this because….scary movies…and then I also thought of Missy Elliot’s song “Work It” (“listen up close while I take it backwards” LOL!) But after all of my juvenile processing, I realized how utterly fascinating (and still a little bit creepy) it is that the human subconscious will deliver pertinent information through the subcontext of backwards speech. Still ever so slightly weird to me though!!!! Right?!?!

Anyway, this short little video and message was just me wanting to share a cool way things come through. Your guides will work with you the same way, too – with short succinct messages that hit home.

There is so much we don’t know about all of this, but I feel like talking about it and acknowledging it helps us all understand things a little bit better, as well as remain open to new things that come though.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

The subject of kids and intuition has always been one of my favorites. Kids are naturally intuitive, and even though what they’re saying and how they’re reacting to people and situations may seem completely arbitrary or contrary to how you would like them to be, there is often so much TRUTH to what they are picking up, on a purely energetic, intuitive scale.

In the video above, I meant to give advice to activate your own intuition, but prattled on a bit much with stories about how kids are so naturally intuitive. They are fresh from the spirit world, after all, so their third eye isn’t occluded as much.

If you have kids, it’s important to nurture their intuition by asking how they feel, and not placing judgment on their reactions to people and places. Note: if you have kids and are dating, I have seen and heard time and time again that kids are ridiculously intuitive when it comes to how they feel about someone you’re seeing. So, by all means, LISTEN TO THEM!!! Even if you don’t like what they’re saying…there is something to it.

And as for activating or re-activating your own intuition, here are some rudimentary tips for getting it going:

  • Remember to be playful and treat your intuition as a fun activity/game
  • Think of your life based on the things you LOVE, and let your intuition guide you to more of who and what you love
  • Let your body guide you, instead of your head
  • Check in with how you FEEL about things – do you have a good vibe, bad vibe, or neutral vibe?
  • Think of simple things to play with your intuition on – where to go to dinner, what classes to take, etc
  • Practice automatic writing and journaling
  • Play, play, play! and let your imagination flow
  • Be creative for the sake of being creative to open up your intuitive channels

Intuition can unfold in all sorts of ways. As someone who learned how to be psychic later in life, I still find myself explaining to people that “this may sound strange, but…”.  However, it’s when I let go and let that strangeness flow that the most incredible things happen. Just today, a client asked if he had been on another planet in a past life. I immediately saw a very tall, grasshopper-like creature who stood on two legs, had huge eyes, and communicated telepathically with a very high level of intelligence; a gentle, loving soul. Yep! That sounded weird AF, but I told him…and he said it made complete sense and in fact resonated with what he had been seeing in meditations he’d been doing.

So once you let go, let your imagination guide you, and have fun, your intuition will absolutely kick in for you. You had it when you were a kid, and you still have it now.

I hope that helps!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


I don’t often talk about food and consciousness, but it’s a very important topic. And to be honest, many people have varying points of view on the best way to eat and get quite worked up about it, thinking their way is the only way. However, when it comes to raising your vibration and being more psychic, there is an ideal way to go:

Eat healthy and eat clean (for the most part).

It doesn’t matter if you eat meat, if you’re vegetarian, if you’re paleo, or full-on vegan. If you’re eating whole, healthy, unprocessed foods (most days), and you’re focusing on living a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of water, being in nature, thinking pure thoughts and meditating, you’ll have no problem raising your vibration, being psychic, feeling grounded and balanced, and everything else this spiritual path entails.

A lot of yogis, monks, and others devoted to a life of spirituality espouse healthy eating in order to obtain enlightenment, and that’s fine and good. They immerse themselves in their spiritual pursuit and wear robes, adapt spiritual names, and live an almost spartan lifestyle in order to maintain a steady and high vibration. This has been done since time immemorial and of course it helps one stay pure and high.

However, let’s be honest here. We are real people living in the real world. If there is dark chocolate to be enjoyed, does restricting oneself from it really make a difference?

Yes, too much sugar is not good for you and can lower your vibration. Too many hamburgers can do the same. Eating only cucumbers and nothing else will throw you off balance, too.

Everything in moderation, with flexibility and adaptability, is the optimum way to go.

One of the things that fascinates me to no end about psychic things is that there is ALWAYS room for surprise. In fact, surprise – both expecting it, and being open to being surprised – is what makes this all so much fun. Things are never what they seem and although you might expect something to turn out in a certain way, it can be completely different – and also good.

That’s why, when it comes to food and your vibration, it’s best to allow yourself to be guided, to let your body do the talking for you and tell you what you need. Perhaps going vegan and/or sugar-free for a while is good for you. Maybe you, like my shaman sound healer friend Dominic, need to eat a little grass-fed beef on a weekly basis.

All of our bodies are unique and different, so no blanket statement on eating meat vs. abstaining is going to be effective for everyone. Go easy on yourself, make sure what you fuel your body with is nourishing, and your vibration will be just fine.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


As a spiritual and open-minded person who believes in energy, auras, spirit guides, angels, intuition and the like, do you have a hard time sharing these beliefs with others? Louise, who asked me to talk about this subject, does. And I did (and still do, in new situations when people ask me what I “do”).

Coming out of the spiritual closet is a GREAT BIG DEAL. And like coming out of any closet, it helps to find a community so you can thrive and grow in a supportive space, with people who will believe in you, love you, accept you, and support you unconditionally.

When I learned how to be psychic, and then discovered I was getting kind of good at it, I totally had to come out of the closet. If you would like me to make a video or talk about just that, please let me know and I will. But after fumbling like 3 times trying to record the video above, I decided to just try and finish it with tips that will help you if you are just on the verge of coming out of that closet – or are at least seeking more like-minded friends. And so here are some of them!

Test the Waters

With friends, co-workers, and family, just ask a mild question, like “Did you hear about (some reincarnation thing, or a new book, or movie, or video, or something of the like)? What do you think about that? Do you believe in it?” If the response is positive, go further and see what happens. If it’s totally shut down and negative, move on to The Weather or something more mundane.

Go to Spiritual Places

There are tons of them in LA – mediation centers, sound baths, yoga studios, spiritual bookstores, and the like. Wherever you are, seek out the places where like-minded magical people are apt to gather, and GO THERE regularly.

Start a Book Club or Group

When I first started out, I had meetings at my home just in my living room! I made a couple of nice friends that way. If a psychic development, energy healing, or tarot group seems too “out there” for your area, try a book club, and introduce books with more spiritual, holistic, or metaphysical topics – fiction, nonfiction, or both. And then try the “test the waters” technique.

Send your Energy Out 

You can beam your energy out like the light from a lighthouse, with the intention to draw in or attract like-minded people, soulmates, and those on the same energetic bandwidth as you. Set your intention for the kind of people you want to meet, go into a short meditation, and just “beam out” your light. Do this every day for a couple of weeks. It will work!

Don’t try to Convert Anyone

Converting people doesn’t work, nor does trying to talk about things they simply can’t accept. People will open up when they are ready, and not a minute sooner.

Remember: You are a Pioneer

Life is meant to be shared with others, and if you are on this path, it is so much fun when you get to talk about your beliefs and experiences with like-minded people. Being around these people also helps you grow and evolve. As a group consciousness, all of us on earth are headed in this general direction; you, as a believer, are just at the forefront of this evolution. It’s not always easy being one of the early pioneers of a belief system/shift in consciousness, but it’s more fun than being a muggle! 😉

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Hello and Happy November!

I’ve got a new way of looking at things and it all started with the Trader Joe’s Haunted House Gingerbread Kit. We got two and had great messy fun with them, from set up to breakdown (which happened daily as Ivan and his friends picked pieces of candy off before finally chomping down the walls and roof). So my new way of looking at things is this: the holidays start in October with Halloween.

I mean, why not? We’ve got the great rituals – decorating the house, picking out pumpkins, choosing costumes, etc…and then we’ve got heartier foods, holiday scented soaps and candles, and general holiday-centric cheer. I like this new way of looking at things because it puts me in a celebratory mindset, which is good for my spirit.

You can change your way of looking at things at any time in your life. And here’s an idea, if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening: we all have psychic abilities. If we were taught to use them from an early age, just as we are trained to read, write, and do math, we could more easily rely on them in a natural and cohesive manner, incorporating them into our daily lives with ease.

It’s only because humans have labeled psychic phenomena as odd and supernatural (as opposed to SUPER NATURAL) that we get all weirded out about it and think it’s this gift only some people are graced with, or this “weird” thing that spontaneously happens sometimes.

Because using your 6th sense is different from using your 5 senses, it helps to figure out where your strengths are. Are you more clairvoyant or clairaudient? Do you tend to visualize things, or just know them from a thought-based place?

That’s what I chat about in the video above. Just like some people are better at writing than math, some people are more clairvoyant and see things more easily with their third eye, than clairaudient, where they distinctly hear messages from beyond. One thing most people have in common is that we are all pretty much clairsentient, which means we feel and sense energy easily.

Once you know where your greatest strengths are, you can start using them and naturally incorporating them into your life. To get good at being more intuitive and psychic, you have to be diligent about practicing – just like to stay physically fit you need to exercise – but practicing is fun, and you get better and better as you do it. You basically have nothing to lose!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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