Today’s video came as a request from a viewer who is looking for more information on channeling.

When I first started learning how to be psychic/clairvoyant and all of that, I had a sense of spirit guides being around. It was kind of fuzzy at the time but I felt their presence. Psychic friends would see the same energy. Eventually, these guides started to pitch in during readings and offer pretty amazing advice.

I never, however, expected to be channeling. Channeling made me think of Jane Roberts and Seth. Jane would let Seth take over her body and speak through her. Her whole face would actually change when he came through. No thanks!

Then one day during a trip to Mt. Shasta, everything changed. There must have been a major cosmic event, because my psychic senses blasted wide open and the channeling just started happening. I had a headache on the right side of my head, which is where higher guidance comes through for me.

I came home and just mediated and listened when the headaches began. They would subside when I started writing what I heard. I wrote down everything that came through. And then I told my aunt, who sent me the book Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman. It’s actually a channeled book that teaches you how to channel, and it’s amazing.

There really is no limit to what you can channel. Right now I am channeling personal advice and spiritual guidance from the ascended masters, angels and saints. In fact, they gave me an entire set of channeled energy healings for you to enjoy – click here to see.

Other people are channeling beings from way way out there, we don’t even know where, and getting the most incredible insights. These beings are so beyond our limited human capacity that it’s a trip to hear what they have to say. You can do that too!

Have you begun channeling? Does someone you know channel? Let’s demystify this. Share it in the comments on YouTube. It’s so important that we talk about these things to de-mystify them!

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

I’ve been thinking lately about how some creative people are natural channels. Many great musicians and artists produce work that is so beyond the realm of human possibility that it seems otherworldly. Because it is!

However, there’s a danger to channeling for those enthusiasts seeking inspiration from famous artists who have crossed over.

The Danger of Channeling People who Died

Let’s say you’re a musician who starts channeling someone who recently died, like David Bowie, Tupac, Tom Petty or Biggie Smalls. And you actually do connect with them and get inspiration. Sounds awesome! But it’s not so awesome, really. First of all, who knows WHO you are channeling, after all?

It could be a trickster spirit who is saying they’re the person who died, and you’re channeling somebody else but you don’t know it. OR, let’s say you are channeling that actual person who passed away. But maybe their spirit is not in a great place. They’re not in the light, or in a good place.

For instance, let’s say you’re an actress and you want to channel Marilyn Monroe. Well, she had a tragic life and if you’re channeling her spirit, I would hope it’s in a better place, but maybe it’s not. You’ll be picking up on the dark unfortunate stuff and bringing that into your life. Not a good idea! Soon you’ll be dealing with their addictions, imbalances, and more — and likely feeling it as if it’s your own.

The Solution

I think a great solution to this is to channel a higher source who isn’t connected to a human. A being or beings from higher realms of light.

Another solution for those seeking inspiration from famous artists who have died is to tune into a holographic image of the person. And from there, channel inspiration from the hologram of their life. All it takes is intention, and then it’s done. There’s no damage from tuning into the spirit of the actual person. The only thing to watch out for is allowing oneself to be overly influenced by the hologram of their personality.

It’s important to be exposed to inspiration in order to fuel creative genius. To be safe, though, it’s ideal to get that inspiration from a quality source. That way the danger of the spirit realm can be circumvented.

I know that’s kind of an out-there thing to discuss, but it was on my mind. 🤓

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

If you’re interested in strengthening your psychic skills, I guarantee you that at some point or another, you will begin channeling; either channeling your guides, your higher self, or another form of enlightened guiding force. Channeling is really eye-opening, but also a little bit tricky. Here’s how it all started for me!

As you know, I learned how to be clairvoyant, then practiced and trained in reading cards, the I Ching oracle, and other forms of divination. A couple of years ago I started channeling, which is really different from any of these methodologies.

With channeling, where you’re mostly relying on clairaudience, someone else is speaking to you. You have to figure out who they are, what their intentions are, and how you can work together – all while turning your analytical mind and brain chatter down so that your own thoughts don’t interfere with the process.

Channeling can be REALLY really tricky. To be honest, any form of gathering psychic intel can be tricky because there are so many different subtle nuances to how you see/feel the information and interpret the data you’re getting.

Channeling, however, is very hard for some (i.e. ME) and it takes getting used to – turning your mental faculties down and letting another force speak through you. I wasn’t born hearing voices, like the famous Sylvia Browne who had Francine, or the Medical Medium, who had his guide who has been talking to him since he was a little kid. For me, hearing voices and thoughts that come through my brain, but are not my own, has taken a LOT of getting used to.

In the years that I’ve been working on my psychic abilities (which is like training/working out; if you want to stay strong, you have to work out every day, and if you want to be more psychic and intuitive you have to practice every day), I have only heard my clairaudience as a loud external voice on 3 occasions:

1. During a time when I needed the warning and advice I was given – long story!
2. Before I got pregnant with Ivan (I heard a voice say “You’re going to have a son, and he’s going to be a healer”
3. When I was contemplating adopting our kitty Coco from the shelter; a voice told me “She’s not going to live very long.”

I experienced these voices as very clear and concise. Not long-winded or wordy, but short and to-the-point.

Now when I am doing channeling work, I sit and have a stream of information come through. It sort of activated itself a few years ago. I don’t speak it out, I type it out. The people (if you will) who are speaking through me are a group of beings called the ascended masters, which also consists of saints, deities, goddesses, gods, star people, and a whole sort of entourage of different beings.

What I have noticed is that there are times when I’m channeling for myself, and then I get information that I have come to identify as non-accurate intel. It’s not that the guides are giving me wrong intel, it’s like I am stepping in and my voice and ego start talking instead of the guides. That is where channeling is so tricky! You have to surrender and close that analytical mind down….and it’s hard!!! You need your brain to think, strategize, plan etc. However, this won’t serve you well in the psychic realms!

Knowing when you are doing that takes a lot of trial and error. It’s all about sensing when you yourself are speaking vs. letting your guides speak through you. If you keep at it consistently, with steady practice (I do it every day), and then go back and notice, ok in this situation, etc I am adamantly sure I know the answer vs the guides coming in, that is the best way to tell.

One thing that is really fun about this though, is the more crazy the information you receive, the more likely it is to be accurate. And by crazy I mean something random that you would never know, you don’t know what that is or what it means, and then you write it down, research it and find out that the information is truly amazing and spot on. It’s really fun and that is when you know you have really let go and the flow is flowing through you. To achieve some level of freedom, liberation, and/or a different form of creative mastery, you have to surrender to the flow.

To channel something bigger than yourself, you really do have to let this higher force take over and flow through you. Not only with words but with healing energy, too. Any good clairvoyant teacher will tell you that in order to be really great, you have to step back and let the information and energy flow through you, you can’t effort. There is a whole section in clairvoyant training about effecting. When you put too much of your energy in, you are going to drain yourself vs. letting higher power flow through you. The same goes with channeling. The minute you think you know what you are talking about, you are stepping into the potential to be wrong.

In Remote Viewing, where you are gathering data at a distance, they have a term called AOL, which stands for analytic overlay. Let’s say you are viewing something, and you see water, water flowing, rocks, and then you’re like it’s a waterfall! And you are so stuck on it being a waterfall that you can’t see anything else, and you start describing attributes that may not even be there, because you think it’s a waterfall. That is the AOL talking, and perhaps what you are viewing is really water flowing out of a pipe or water gushing out of something else. To get past this, you have to let a part of yourself go, turn down your analytical  mind, work really hard to let it flow through you, and let it not make sense. That is when you are deep diving and finding the real treasures.

And truly, what is the point of all this if we are not tapping into something greater than ourselves – that is what makes it so fun!
Whether you are channeling, reading cards, or practicing clairvoyance or any form of energy healing, I hope this makes sense and helps. 🙂

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I know a lot has been going on in the world lately and I have not said one thing about any of it in my weekly videos. The reason is that I, like you, am just trying to stay positive and focus on experiencing life one day at a time, to be in the present moment, and to not succumb to fear and sorrow. My son started official Kindergarten last month, and just learning to adapt to the new schedule, new teacher, new kids and new EVERYTHING has been pretty all-encompassing.

And then there’s the channeling.

I never thought I would ever channel beings or whatever because I didn’t want anything to do with someone else taking over my body and making me talk funny. That is just NOT OK with me. But, as I’ve said before, something happened last year and everything shifted, and for the past year I have been officially talking to the Ascended Masters and my guide in particular every day.

I go (with my consciousness) over to where they are, and we have a conversation. I ask questions sometimes (most times) and then when that’s done I put aside my need to control everything and let them talk to me.

In the video above, I decided to share some of the amazing things that have happened as of late with this. I have met some beings and energies I never thought in a million years I would meet, and the insight, love, healing energy and guidance they’ve provided is just mind-boggling. We are talking about info coming through that subsequent Google searches totally validate…and then even more than that.

From Archangel Kamael to Saint Anthony, Saint Mathilde, Archangel Metatron, and many many more, these beings consistently come forward, and one very basic and common thing I am getting is that there is SO MUCH MORE to reality than life on earth. What we are experiencing right now is just a drop in the bucket of the cosmic sea of consciousness. And what’s even better than this is that there are legions of light beings and angels ready and available to help us through this. We just have to step out of our fear and trust that they are here.

It’s hard to explain just how incredible these beings are, but I tried in the video above. 🙂 Thanks for watching.

And remember, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

All the Best,


P.S. Yesterday at the park we met a two-year old boy who wanted Ivan’s soccer ball and was just so cute. We got to talking, and his mom told me his name is Uriel – yes, Uriel – just like the Archangel of the North. When you tune in to angels and ask for signs, they come through ALL THE TIME! You just have to pay attention and notice, and be willing to surrender and trust that not every toddler is named after an archangel and these coincidences are indeed signs from the Universe. 🙂

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