De-Mystifying the TWIN FLAME Phenomenon…

Have you heard of the whole “Twin Flame” concept? I have, and didn’t really give it much intense consideration until a client and two friends asked me to check in with the Ascended Masters (whom I channel) to de-mystify the concept. And so I did just that!

According to them, the term “Twin Flame” is not an accurate one, because we are all twin flames; sparks of the divine. A more appropriate term would be “Mirror,” for that person has mirror qualities similar to one’s own.

The problem that makes a “Twin Flame” relationship, or rather non-relationship, so painful, is when you can’t be with yours. The main reason another soul, no matter how powerful your connection is, will not want to be with you, is that there are things they need to learn in this lifetime that they would not be able to learn if they were with you. And so they choose to go on without you. And then you’re left knowing there is this person you are so akin to in this lifetime, but you can’t be with them.

It’s an incredibly difficult thing to experience, but if one can overcome this lesson, great strides can be made in healing and resolving deep-seated issues related to the concept of love. Rather than try and summarize the download I received, I’ll just copy and paste it here for you to read:

“What is one to do when one recognizes a twin flame but the feelings of soul love are not reciprocated? It is time to do some deep soul searching to find what it is one really needs. It is not this mirror soul who has so many similar qualities and interests, to whom one feels so inexorably drawn, but who does not accept your advances. No. This is not the way. It is time to dive deep, to recognize that there are many souls walking this earth, and to explore and examine ones own internal beliefs and ideas about what love is. To be ready and willing and able to accept and receive unconditional love from another. Love without strings attached. To love and be loved. To immerse oneself in the energy of love. To love this mirror soul who chooses to go on another path separate from one’s own, and to trust that life holds many wonderful gifts and surprises. The pain can and will be overcome. And that, too, is a gift that means great karma is being resolved. A great lesson, learned. Bringing one closer to true understanding, meaning and enlightenment. Release. Let go. Live, and love without restrictions. This is the way. This is the true path. There is great meaning here. The essence of freedom and liberation.”

If you’ve ever had to go through a twin flame or soul mate breakup, just remember that this experience is guiding you towards a greater path of healing and fulfillment.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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