Have you been a victim of trash talk? Not just simple gossip, but downright evil-ness? This is such a horrible topic, but it happens. And it’s important to heal from this if you have experienced it, because it can be devastating.

Understanding that those who perpetuate trash talk are embodying a low vibration and negative energy helps to lift you back up. I hope you have not gone through this, but if you have, please share in the comments what happened and how you are healing from it.

Let’s talk about boundaries!

If you are interested in this topic and you are highly sensitive, you may actually be a healer. Now, healers are not all necessarily shamans or doctors. They are teachers, mothers, janitors, hairdressers, artists and architects. Healers come from all walks of life. And the way they heal is all different, too. People can heal through words of encouragement, by creating art that inspires, by providing beautiful haircuts, etc.

If you are sensitive and boundaries are an issue, here’s one viable reason why it’s hard to keep people in check. Because you have healing abilities and you genuinely want to help others, whether or not you advertise that, people sense it. And they become attracted to you because of what they feel you can give, what medicine you have for them.

If people are taking advantage and not listening to you when you are stating your boundaries, the universe may throw a lot of those cases at you. Consider them opportunities to get better. You’ll get to one level, get comfortable there, and then move up to the next level. Finally, once the work is solidified, you won’t have to think about boundaries, because they will feel so natural to you.

The solar plexus chakra is one of the biggest places where people come in and get your energy. I was known for doing great chakra clearings, but you can strengthen your solar plexus now with my channeled chakra cleansing meditation. It will help clear out all your chakras, including your solar plexus, and then energize it with brilliant light.

How are you doing with protecting your boundaries? Have people taken advantage? What did you do? Please share in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Learning to be psychic and applying it in everyday life is FUN! What isn’t fun, though, is navigating other people and their reactions to us. Especially when they don’t understand that we are working on trusting our vibes and that we honor our gut feelings.

Try my new course, Psychic Development: How to Read People. https://krishanti.com/product/psychic-development-how-to-read-people-video-course/

00:00 Intro

00:30 We are ALL intuitive

1:09 When you start to tap in you sense things more deeply

1:43 They will cause you to start to doubt yourself

2:01 Your feelings are there for a reason

2:37 The How to Read People Course I created for you

3:40 They will lie to you, so TRUST YOURSELF!

There are so many pathways to increase self-love, but one of the greatest is forgiveness. And not just of other people! Forgiving yourself is a HUGE undertaking that will open the flow of unconditional self-love.

Forgiveness is not easy. When people flippantly say “forgive and forget” it can trivialize the issue and make it even harder to work through. What I’ve seen over the years is that forgiveness really is a deep process that is all about YOU. When you forgive people who have done terrible things to you, you detach from the energy exchange. You free yourself. Forget about them – this is about you. Forgiveness is not condoning, it’s just understanding and releasing.

Many of us have shame about things we did or didn’t do, and it’s important to forgive ourselves, too. We didn’t know then what we did now. We are human. We make mistakes. It’s a part of the process. Some things we may not be able to forgive ourselves for are the very lessons we needed to learn! Earth is a school, first and foremost. It’s all about trial and error.

The energy of non-forgiveness creates a congestion in the heart center, which blocks the flow of love that can come in and go out. Who needs that!?!

Have you experienced more freedom in forgiving others? How about forgiving yourself? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Are you too hard on yourself?

Whether you regularly push yourself to your limit and beyond, beat yourself up for perceived shortcomings, or simply don’t value your worth, if you’re too hard on yourself, it’s time to focus on self-love.

Many of us were raised by parents who demonstrated “tough love” to get us to comply. Others feel like we need to push ourselves and to work HARD just to earn our seat at the table. Whatever the reason, at some point, we will need a break.

What I’m seeing in clients, friends, and family, is that we can only push hard for so long. After a while, the body or our general consciousness will rebel. I’m seeing clients forced to stop everything – even work – because their body is just demanding a break. I mean, let us not forget the enormity of the stress we have collectively endured over the past 3 years. It’s time for some deep collective relaxation and recovery.

We all have playful spirits at the core. Our souls want to enjoy life, to experience the good things, to breathe deeply and be in a state of balance.

If you’re going full throttle on life, it’s silly to try and stop everything all at once. What’s really easy, though, is to take a little more time each day. To think about what you love, and do that, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day to start. Make a habit of giving yourself time to rest and recover as a very deep and powerful form of self-love. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you!

Do you feel like you push yourself too hard? Have you very been literally forced to slow down? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you ever seen that movie Groundhog Day? The exact same day repeats itself over and over and over again.

Guess what? This is actually the way the universe teaches US important lessons we came here to learn in this lifetime! If we don’t figure it out the first time, it will get served up to us again and again, like Groundhog Day, until we finally master the lesson and escape that part of the matrix.

How can you tell if the universe is sending you a “Groundhog Day” lesson? You’ll know. It’ll be that “Oh God, not this again” energy that you thought you had finally gotten away from. It’s the same thing happening over and over again. The same type of person. The same sort of situation. The same type of energy. The funniest thing is when you notice it’s the EXACT same type of behavior, but with a new person. Or the EXACT same type of situation, only delivered in a new way. It’s amazing and quite interesting how that works.

The good news is that the work you have to do to escape this cycle is always good for you. It may feel like an ordeal when the same crap keeps happening (boy have I been there), but the work to extricate yourself is incredibly empowering.

And it can be as simple as you saying “Oh HELL no, I am not letting yet another person treat me like that.”

When you take a stance and are firmly rooted in what is really good for you, what makes you feel good and what makes your life one that is joyful, a life you absolutely love, that energy dissipates.

Have you noticed this happening in your life? Did it stop? If so, how did you change it? If not, what is the pattern that keeps happening? What do you think you need to do for it to finally stop? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

One of the easiest ways to spot a need for self-love is by gauging the amount of negative self-talk that’s going on within. If you find yourself saying negative things or admonishing yourself in any way, this is a habit you can focus on eliminating while simultaneously boosting your capacity for self-love.

This is a long and rambling video – my apologies! The real advice starts around the 2.30 mark. The general idea here is to align with your higher self, and then make a habit of immediately striking down every negative thought you have about yourself for 30 days. It takes about 30 days to break a habit, so this will be effective!

Self-love is something we all need to cultivate, as it ebbs and flows. Just be gentle with yourself, don’t fault yourself for your perceived shortcomings (including the NEED to work on self-love) and you will turn this around.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This video is focused on spiritual growth and improving yourself in this lifetime.

There is a huge emphasis in America on manifesting and getting things. But few material objects and even experiences will make a difference if you’re not in alignment with your deepest inner self.

Psychic work can help with this in the most amazing way. Why? Because it bypasses traditional language and gets to the energetic CORE of what is longing to be transformed within. When we move beyond the “tell me my future” aspect and allow clairvoyance to transform the self, breakthroughs happen.

There’s a great quote from James DeKorne’s iChing: “As long as we draw breath in this spacetime dimension, our lives and work are incomplete.” The ultimate achievement in lifetime of transformative work on oneself is enlightenment and (hopefully) release from samsara.

So much more on all of this in the video above, so please watch. And let us know in the comments – have you had incredible spiritual breakthroughs or transformations? What do you think about the material focus of manifesting, vs. the true ideal of personal growth?

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Just how we can all learn to be psychic, we can also learn to do energy healing work. And my favorite energy healing method is Bengston. Bill Bengston demonstrated the efficacy of this method in controlled laboratory experiments on cancerous mice. When the Benston method was applied, the mice recovered.

What I have learned in my work with Bengston and as a part of the wonderful Bengston community is life-changing. There are so many aspects to healing. One of my favorite takeaways, though, is that it takes a village to help someone come back from the brink and heal completely.

It’s so encouraging – the ultimate expression of what we can do when we all come together and support one another. This is the ultimate expression of divine love. The more of us who come together to help, the better. It WORKS.

More on this in the video above – please watch!

And if you’d like to learn this amazing method of energy healing, come join us this April & May 2023 via ZOOM! Click here for the info.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

In spiritual and personal growth circles, you will hear a lot about the importance of speaking up for yourself, and for speaking your truth. However, the stark reality is that speaking your truth often brings about consequences – and not all of them are easy.

Are you ready to deal with what may come?

Change is an inevitable part of life, and speaking up for yourself will likely result in change. Some of us find this challenging – so with that…

Here are 3 steps to getting more comfortable with speaking up for yourself:

1. Does this situation bother you? If so, are you willing to do something to change it? This is the key factor. If you are more content NOT communicating, and this feels good to you, then why change it? Wait until you are ready. But if you are UNCOMFORTABLE or you feel off, this is your intuition telling you that you need to make a stand.

2. Practice! Speak up in little ways in your life. Say how you really feel when people ask how you are. Practice saying no when you feel safe to do so. Be honest re. your preferences, decisions, etc. Do this with people you feel comfortable with, then gradually start to branch out.

3. Before speaking up re. the bigger things, be aware of what the potential fallout could be. The more you are aware of the landscape, the more equipped you will be in dealing with what comes next.

Have you ever had to speak up for yourself in an unfair or uncomfortable situation? What happened as a result? Please leave a comment!

If you watch the video above, I reference a Chakra Clearing meditation I made that will help with this: Click here to get it. 

I also recommend the new version of the Psychic Protection for Empaths course – check it out!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

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