I ponder the concept of fate and destiny quite a bit. When it comes to manifesting, we are always told that we as humans are SO powerful. That our minds create our realities. So why are we not always living the lives of our dreams?

The short answer? Fate and destiny! We all have karma. We are not necessarily here to be our best, happiest Instagram-worthy selves. We are here to learn and grow.

While contemplating this the other day, I was shown the image of life as a river. There are some big huge rocks in that river, representing fate and destiny. These are things you can’t change that will happen in your life no matter what.

As you go down that river heading towards fate, you can take a couple of different streams. Let’s say one stream is calm and happy. You relax, have a good time, and then get pushed out into that fate. It makes an epic big splash, but because you were pretty relaxed up to that point, it’s a shock, and it takes you some time to heal, but that’s a part of your path. There is a reason for this.

Let’s say you go down a different stream, one that’s exciting and stressful and hectic and sometimes fun. You head smack into that boulder of fate and WHAM! It throws you for a loop. It takes you a much longer time to heal, but that’s a part of your path, too.

Fate is always going to be there. It’s the choices you make along the path that give you some semblance of control.

One of the most important things we can control, the only thing we can control, when it comes to the things we can’t change, is our reaction to them.

Truly, one of the most profound and simple things to do when confronted by fate is to relax and allow grace to guide you.

We all have to deal with fate and destiny! It’s a part of life. But by monitoring how we feel, by being flexible, and shifting our mindset, we can thrive in the aftermath of these big things outside of our control.

Have you had things in your life that you KNEW were fate and destiny? How did you cope? How did it change you? Put it in the comments below if you are watching on YouTube.

Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time

If you have ever struggled with ANYTHING in your life – be it being single, or constantly dating the wrong type of person, or not finding your purpose in life, or struggling with money – you have likely asked yourself, “Is it just my FATE to go through this?”

And you know, to a certain degree, yes, it is. By the time you’re asking, is this my FATE?!?, fate has officially made her presence known.

Fate does exist. And many of us struggle with things we would really rather not have to struggle with. Why? Because there’s a code in place. You can hack the code, you can change the code, you can re-write the code – but there is always a code.

The code serves as the foundation of your life. If you didn’t come into life with a code, some sort of structure, there would be no order to anything at all. You wouldn’t know what lessons you were here to learn. There wouldn’t be any meaning to anything.

What if it’s Your Fate to be Single?

I focused this video on the idea of whether or not it’s your fate or destiny to be single because someone lovely specifically asked me:

“Do you think there are certain people out there just searching and searching, but not finding anyone because perhaps it’s their fate to be alone?”

Good question, right?! Every person is different, so maybe there are people out there with that fate. However, if you are struggling with being single and NOT WANTING TO BE, that NOT WANTING is a sign that this is something your spirit really really really desires to work on and transform in your lifetime.

Anything that you’re really having a hard time with is something that invites you to look at your core beliefs more deeply and to heal destructive patterns, whether they are conscious, subconscious, ancestral, past-life related, or anything else.

The energy of not finding someone wonderful to be with, and being single, is directly related to love. So if you’re dealing with that and thinking about how fate might have dealt you an unfair hand in that department, you have a specific invitation from Source to delve into and heal your core beliefs about love.

Love is limitless, and the idea that it can be withheld is just another construct of the human condition. It’s a fear picture that is not REAL. Why should you withhold love from yourself? Why would you think anyone would withhold love from you? Just because you experienced a withholding of love in the past does not mean that that’s how it’s always going to be.

Once you open up to more love, you break the code and end the cycle and pattern that keeps you attracting the wrong person, or nobody at all. Have you noticed that your reality matches your vibration? You won’t even be magnetizing in people who are afraid to love you. It will all change.

We all have a code, but that code can be hacked by changing your beliefs around the struggle, and by healing your vibration so that everything in turn shifts. And that healing work is FUN!!!!!!! It is meant to be enjoyed. You will feel liberated, lighter, and happier. And then you will notice things changing for the better. It might take time, but what else are you gonna do anyway!?! It’ll be time well spent. 🙂

P.S. And speaking of fate, who knows if perhaps fate has someone lined up for you in her own timeframe? I know of MANY people who thought they would never meet The One, until they did. In fact, my best friend from high school was just talking to me on the phone a few months ago, in tears, fearing that this was it: she was never, ever going to meet him. And then one day out of the blue, someone suggested she go out with this guy. And she did. And he is wonderful, and people ask them how long they’ve known each other because it seems like they’ve been together forever. They’ve only been dating for a couple of months, and they’re moving in. He has my seal of approval. 😉 Everything changed in an instant. HAPPY!!!!

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