Did you know clairvoyance is an imaginative process? Clairvoyance runs on imagination. So, then, what’s the actual difference between clairvoyance and imagination?

Imagination inspires you to create things and experiences. With imagination, you can paint a painting, create a place like Disneyland, or create an MRI to scan a body.

But with clairvoyance, which runs on imagination, you take away the middle man. Ideally, you work with other people and facilitate a change within them, letting your clairvoyance take on a life of its own to help the person heal. It may feel like imagination with the different visuals that come though. It’s not imagination, though. It’s direct access to energy. You are in such an intense state of concentration that you are actually moving energy directly, which facilitates healing.

You can also use clairvoyance to look at a microorganism or scan a body, without the machine.

Both imagination and clairvoyance have a very special characteristic that many report; when you are in the creative zone, it’s as if something outside of yourself takes over, and you are essentially channeling. How interesting is that?

I hope that explains a bit more about how this all works. What are your thoughts on this? Have you experienced that channeling effect while immersed in an imaginative, creative process? Please share in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for being here, and I’ll see you next time.

Technology is wonderful and amazing, but is it training us to be in a perpetual state of distraction?

Focus is critical when it comes to developing psychic and intuitive abilities. And technology has the capacity to stand in the way of that. It can create the exact opposite of focus.

Phones, laptops, iPads, all the devices out there are incredible, and help so much with connecting us to one another. However, when these devices are over-used, they can pull us in a million directions. All the bells and whistles and notifications make us scattered, as if we have ADD. It’s hard to be present, to practice mindfulness, and to listen to that small, still voice when tech is running the show.

When we are ungrounded and scattered, we can’t hear our intuition very well. It’s hard to be fully present. Even if we think we’re at peace, the next notification that comes through drives us to grab whatever device to see who and what needs our attention.

To really deepen into your intuition and psychic ability, a state of calm, quiet peacefulness is the best place to be in. If you feel like technology is distracting in any way, the best solution is to silence notifications and create windows of complete detachment from phones and computers. I mean, there’s a reason why we talk about disconnecting for a while – but how about making a regular practice of it?

Have you created more peace in your life by withdrawing from technology and just disconnecting for a while? How did it feel? Pleas share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

We are all psychic and intuitive. Some people are born with their psychic abilities wide open, which causes general confusion and the false belief that not everyone is born with it. We all have it. But to really fully develop these abilities, there are 3 requirements: discipline, focus, and dedication.

Sounds pretty simple, right? You don’t have to go to some faraway mountaintop to get the sacred flower for the gifts. You just need those 3 things. But most people don’t, or won’t, do what it takes to get to that all-in level. It’s much easier to just be in the “normal” world and deal with things that way…which is fine! However, if you’d like to go the distance, see how far your psychic abilities can take you, and perhaps do this professionally, let’s break it down:


Professional athletes train every day. If they didn’t, they’d be off their game! They’re disciplined. This is what they do. The same applies to the development of your psychic, intuitive, and energy healing abilities. Discipline in this area involves daily meditation, study, practice, and recording of your observations and impressions.


We live in a world that makes it challenging to focus. But when it comes to intuition, psychic-ness and energy healing, focus is the place where the magic happens. I’m talking focus to the exclusion of everything else. The moment focus is lost, you drop out of that space and back into the regular world. To keep up with the sports metaphor, players who are not focused during a game will not make the goal. Focus is vital. It’s a muscle that gets stronger over time.


Many people have trouble with dedication to psychic and spiritual work. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort, without quick payoffs. In this on-demand world we live in, that is a major deterrent for many people! I have dear friends who love this world, but won’t take the time to do the work. It’s easier for them to just go through life the regular way. This is understandable! You can be interested in this and not go all in. But when you truly wish to immerse yourself in this world, it will be a part of your life until the end.

Without discipline, focus, and dedication, you will not fully be in that psychic/intuitive/energy healing zone. Sometimes we go through periods of pulling back, and that’s perfectly fine. And it must be said that this is clearly not for everyone – we are all here for different reasons and have different areas to focus on. If you are longing to make this your life and possibly career, these 3 things are all you need.

What are your thoughts on this? I mean, in reviewing it, I’m thinking most people don’t believe it’s possible to be psychic because they won’t do what it takes to get there! I’d love to know what you think; please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

One of the things most people are most fascinated about when it comes to psychic work is predicting the future.

As you probably already know by now, the future is not always set in stone. But then again, sometimes it is! It makes the whole prediction thing confusing and complicated.

Some future events are actually written as if carved in stone. Fate/destiny are real forces! There is something greater running the show, and we are not 100% in control all the time.

To make matters more confusing, there is this entire aspect of life in which we really do create our own realities. The way we think, and the actions we take, propel our lives forward. We do have power as far as that is concerned.

So, because of this, sometimes predictions aligned with fate will be spot on. Other times, predictions regarding something you have sway over may not actually come to pass. I don’t know if I made this exact statement in the video above, but it’s important.

Regardless of figuring out whether a future outcome is the work of fate or of personal manifesting skills, predicting the future or even thinking about the future too much can be problematic. We are meant to be living in the present moment. All we can really affect is how we are living, NOW.

It’s human nature to be curious. And it’s fun to see what psychic probing can reveal about the future. I think the ideal approach is to get the information, but try not to harp on it. To just have that in the back of your mind, perhaps, and keep living the best way you can.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you gotten predictions that came true, or didn’t come to pass? Please share in the comments!

This week’s topic is not my favorite subject in the intuitive realm. In fact, it’s my least favorite! I’m talking about spirits (ghosts). Some people are fascinated by the topic. I, for one, am not.

Spirits/ghosts have a presence that is intrusive and pushy. Angels and guides are waaaay more sensitive. They work with you when you ask and do not mess with you when you are busy trying to live your life. Yes, they will intervene at moments, but they do not harass you. That is not their style.

Spirits, on the other hand, do not care. They will do anything to try and get your attention. They can violate your space and boundaries, especially when the veil is thin and they have not gone to the light.

And why are some spirits still hanging around the earth realm? There are many reasons. Sometimes they were confused when they died and don’t know where they are or that they are dead. Other times, they have unfinished business they can’t let go of. They weren’t ready to die, and they desperately need to say or do a few things.

If you are sensitive, it’s as if they can tell you can see/hear them. And so they do everything to get your attention, even if you have no idea who they are and you are not a medium and have no desire to listen to what they have to say. The worst thing is, some of them just won’t leave. They try and attach (not good). So you have to actually stop everything you are doing, and do a spirit releasement ceremony to get them to leave. I’ve had to do this! It’s extremely time consuming, but sometimes it’s the only option if you wish to regain your peace.

If spirits are bothering you, these tips can help get them out of your field and out of your environment:

1. Level 1 – Basic

Light some sage, palo santo, or copal to create a sacred space. Bring in flowers and beautiful music or singing bowls/bells to clear the vibration of the space you are in. Pray to all of the angels and guides and ask them to help the spirit cross over. Politely ask the spirit or spirits to go to the light. Plan on spending 30-60 minutes on this.

2. Level 2 – Intermediate

Create a sacred space (above). Meditate to ground yourself. Then, fill your aura with light. Spend some time on this  – 15 mins minimum on the light work alone. Then, imagine you are going on a field trip to the proverbial gates of heaven, where all of the angels are. Whatever religion you are – it doesn’t matter. Imagine you are escorting this spirt with angels and loved ones through the gates of heaven. Make sure it feels all the love and light and see it disappear. Plan on spending 60 mins to 3 hours on this. It may take more than one try.

3. Level 3 – Advanced

Just go to a professional. There are mediums who specialize in spirit releasement. This is a unique talent. I put this in the advanced category because here you are just not messing around. You are going to drop some serious cash (please just don’t believe anyone who charges you thousands). However, when the situation is dire and/or you just are not having luck, this is an advanced situation and you need professional help. I have had to do this at times, and it was well worth it.

There is so much more to the world of energy than we are aware of, and unfortunately psychic work is kind of like opening Pandora’s Box. But this world can be navigated with proper care and attention.

Have you had experienced spirits around? Were you able to release them? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Namaste America!

In case you didn’t already know, Namaste America is a very popular televised program that my forefathers, who are East Indian, and many others in the East Indian community tune into on Saturday mornings. It is a cultural phenomenon amongst immigrants and their descendants alike, to the point where, when someone says Namaste to me, I almost ALWAYS think “Namaste America.”

Namaste is a Sanskrit word translating to a beautiful way of greeting someone while honoring their spirit. Namaste, in essence, means that your being/spirit literally BOWS to the spirit, or spark of the divine, in another being.

And that brings me to the whole topic of the video above, and the secret ingredient that makes clairvoyant readings so powerful.

It is simply all about witnessing the spirit of another person – greeting that spirit, communicating with that spirit, bypassing the personality and the ego and just being at one with another being on a deep spirit-soul level.

Clairvoyance is really a method of meditation, that, when applied in communicative form towards healing another person, can help them to shift and transform. The reason why a clairvoyant reading (which follows a certain set of procedures to be done properly) is more powerful than other forms of divination is that it requires the reader to tune in to the spirit of the person being read. Not the personality: the SPIRIT.

Think about it: how often, in our everyday lives, do we take the time to stop, to look into someone’s eyes, and to listen to their spirit? How often do we see others for who they really are at their very core? Not often enough, if you ask me.

So whether you do energy healings or readings yourself, or would just like to bring more light and spirit-centered communication into your life and the lives of others, why not set the intention to greet and honor their spirit, and to ask the spirit to step forward and be more present in your interactions?

The spirit brings with it an energy, a connection, to the oneness of all that is. When it is honored and witnessed, a sacred space opens up. All you need to do is to allow for that to happen, and it will.

Namaste America! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

As you already know, I learned how to be psychic and clairvoyant. And one thing that’s interesting about the particular type of clairvoyant training I received from my teacher Debra Katz, a student of famed clairvoyant master teacher Lewis Bostwick and the Berkeley Psychic Institute, is the notion of Baby Beings.

We as a society tend to focus A LOT on the after life and life after death. But what is equally as common as seeing the souls of people who have passed on, is seeing little Baby Beings around people who are either jonesing for kids or are just potential portals for life to be created.

If you’re interested in this odd clairvoyant phenomenon, I chat all about it in the video above. It’s quite funny and interesting to me, because as women we are all potential portals for life, therefore baby beings tend to hang out in our auras hoping to be born. I haven’t seen baby beings in the auras of men, because first of all, most of the men who come to me are not asking about their future babies, and secondly, I work mostly with women anyway. So that’s that!

There is so much more to this world than meets the eye, and the more naturally we relate to and think about things, the more we can see that we are living in a reality that has many more dimensions and depths than we can even fathom! So I hope you find this discourse interesting.

Do you want to become more psychic and intuitive? If so, my one-on-one intuitive development program is unlike any other. I guarantee you’ll be able to unlock your psychic and healing abilities and incorporate them into your daily life, whether you want to be a pro healer, or just tune in for a deeper level of guidance at any time. For more info, click here.

In today’s video, I talk about some basic things that block your psychic abilities. It’s a longer video and I ramble a tad about this whole world, so if you don’t have time to watch, here’s the jist of it:

1. Past Life persecution
2. Family thinking you are in league with the devil if you do this
3. Fear of looking stupid
4. Fear of saying the wrong thing or being WRONG
5. The belief that you can’t be this powerful or know this much (this is a big one I actually didn’t cover in the video, I forgot!! But it is HUGE!!!!)

We all have psychic and intuitive abilities; we are a spark of the divine! So if you’re longing to tune in or know more, there is no reason why you can’t. Come on in! The water’s warm!

A couple of announcements before we get started with today’s video:

1. I’m opening up a spot for a 2-for-1 Psychic Development Training Program! Train with a friend (the 3 of us working in a small group format) and pay half the price! Normally $2800 if you work with me one-on-one, you and a pal can learn to do readings and healings for $2800 total. For more info on the program, click here, and if you want to sign up, email me!

2. Remember, I’m here to help: I do psychic readings, chakra readings/healings, past lives, spiritual coaching, relationship coaching, energy work, and anything else. For rates and session details, click here.

AND NOW, some fun talk about your third eye and clairvoyant pictures!!!!!

If you are interested in psychic development, this video will be a fun watch. I love it because I really like the top. I mean I love this top. I want to marry this top. Or at least wear it very, very often.

Does that make sense? Maybe not. But neither do clairvoyant pictures when you are beginning to open your third eye and play with clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance doesn’t make sense practically speaking. It’s very creative and imaginative, and many people are not in the space to really let go and let the pictures inform them, because the pictures are oftentimes metaphorical and, well, downright WACKY.

But if you really stick with the wackiness, watch the pictures more, and let them begin to tell a story, you will find that clairvoyance is incredibly rich in metaphor and unbelievably accurate – in a different way that makes complete sense.

Intuition and psychic-ness is often not literal. It’s very dream-like and fluid and unusual. It’s not analytical – it’s imaginative. And therein lies the magic!

For more info, check out the video above!

And remember, I’m here to do readings, healings, and spiritual coaching – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at ask@krishanti.com.

This past weekend we went to an amazing birthday party for Ivan’s 4 year old friend and there was a big fat lizard who changed colors that they were teaching the kids about. He happened to have a little teeny tiny eye on top of his head so he could see birds above who might want to eat him and it made me think of our third eye.

I’ve always thought Clairvoyance was such a funny, old-timey word! I picture Victorian ladies doing séances in candle-lit parlors with lace doilies. But really it’s just a basic ability everyone can tap into (though those who are naturally more visual and imaginative will find it easier to work with). If you’re not so visual, fret now! Your skill will probably be in clairaudience, instant knowing, or just plain old intuition – more videos on that to come, or look for tips and articles on the blog.

I learned how to be psychic, and so for me Clairvoyance is two things. First, basically it’s a method of tapping into your intuition by using your imagination and visualizing pictures that deliver information. If you can read a book and imagine what’s going on in your mind’s eye, you’re using your clairvoyance. Secondly, Clairvoyance is a school of training, a method by which instructors teach students how to use their clairvoyance and do clairvoyant readings and healings. The school that started all of this was the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I learned through the International School of Clairvoyance, founded by my teacher and friend Debra Lynne Katz.

In this video, I talk about clairvoyance, your third eye, and how clairvoyant schools teach you to do readings and healings. If you like this kind of info, please subscribe as I’ll be prattling on about it with new videos every week!

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