One of the things most people are most fascinated about when it comes to psychic work is predicting the future.

As you probably already know by now, the future is not always set in stone. But then again, sometimes it is! It makes the whole prediction thing confusing and complicated.

Some future events are actually written as if carved in stone. Fate/destiny are real forces! There is something greater running the show, and we are not 100% in control all the time.

To make matters more confusing, there is this entire aspect of life in which we really do create our own realities. The way we think, and the actions we take, propel our lives forward. We do have power as far as that is concerned.

So, because of this, sometimes predictions aligned with fate will be spot on. Other times, predictions regarding something you have sway over may not actually come to pass. I don’t know if I made this exact statement in the video above, but it’s important.

Regardless of figuring out whether a future outcome is the work of fate or of personal manifesting skills, predicting the future or even thinking about the future too much can be problematic. We are meant to be living in the present moment. All we can really affect is how we are living, NOW.

It’s human nature to be curious. And it’s fun to see what psychic probing can reveal about the future. I think the ideal approach is to get the information, but try not to harp on it. To just have that in the back of your mind, perhaps, and keep living the best way you can.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you gotten predictions that came true, or didn’t come to pass? Please share in the comments!

Today’s video came in as a request from a viewer. She asked for more information on how to activate your clairaudience when you are more naturally clairvoyant.

I was thrilled to get this question! It took me a long time to activate my clairaudience. I’m really clairvoyant, but I had a hard time with opening that clairaudient door. Over time, I was finally able to do it. And here are some vital tips to help you get started.

3 Tips for Activating Your Clairaudience:

1. Get comfortable with the idea of hearing voices in your head!

This was a tough one for me! Hearing voices in your head is scary! It’s a telltale sign of mental instability. So I was really not OK with some unseen beings chattering inside my brain. If this is something that is holding you back, know that it can be overcome with patience and practice. Maintaining a pure and high vibration, and being adamant that you will only communicate with good, light-filled, high-level guides is KEY.

2. Meditate!

Mediation opens the door to all things psychic. It gives you a chance to quiet your mind and alter your brain waves. This creates space for clairaudient guidance to come through. Because the guides don’t want to freak you out, the guidance will be subtle at first. So if your mind is still, you’ll be able to hear it more clearly.

3. Ask, and then LISTEN.

This might sound like common sense, but I had to include it because it’s so important. If you are ADAMANT that you want to hear your guides, and you ask questions and listen, eventually you will have a breakthrough. If you’re anything like me, it will kind of go like this. At first you will hear nothing. Then you will hear yourself talking back to you. Then, finally, you will hear the guides talking to you. This could take days, weeks, months, or even years to unfold. But the effort does pay off.

Pro Tip:

When the guides start to talk to you, they won’t be loud. Their messages will also be short and succinct. They don’t want to scare you! It will likely sound like a voice in your head. Some people do hear external voices just outside their ear from time to time.

You might get a headache, pressure around the ears, a tickle, or the sense of a feather around your ear. These are all signs that you are experiencing a shift in your vibration and getting closer to hearing clairaudient messages!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. If you have an experience with how you activated your psychic abilities, please put it in the comments on YouTube!

This week’s video is about psychic development. It was prompted by a question that came from Chris:

I was wondering if you could speak a bit about the difference between the left and right sides of the body and any spiritual or energetic implications. It seems to me that energy comes in from the left side, and leaves from the right side, but that’s just my speculating. I sometimes feel/hear things in my left or right ear that feels supernatural. Do you have any insight on this? I love that question! It’s such a good one, and I absolutely do have insight on this. I feel energy differently from the left and right sides of my body. For a while, I felt like I was too centered over to the right side of my body, and the left side felt weaker. I am working to heal that imbalance.

Spirit Guides = Right Side

My guides and higher level beings I talk to in my channeling work, my main guide, saints, angels, high-level beings, deities, and others from the higher realms come through and talk to me on the right side of my head/ear. I will often feel a tickle on my ear when I’m channeling, too. All of the info from that team comes through the right side.

Spirits = Left Side

What I don’t love is what comes through the left side: pushy spirits! I don’t like mediumship for that reason. They come through whenever they want, whether you are prepared to do mediumship work or not!  These beings have a more dense vibration and they’re on the astral plane. When I am in a session with someone, my earpiece is in my left ear, and so I then view that person’s energy on the left side of my screen, too. My guides and I sit over on the right. That’s just how I set it all up based on my guides coming through the right.

Energy Flowing through the Body

As far as energy coming in through the left side and leaving through the right, as Chris observed, I don’t feel that as much. It could be because when I was taught to do readings, I was trained to have a grounding cord plugged in to my root chakra going down into the earth. I then release energy that way. Or, I erase it, blow it up, or fill it with light. That’s how it leaves my body/reading screen in a session.

And that about sums it up!

If you’re interested in strengthening your psychic skills, I guarantee you that at some point or another, you will begin channeling; either channeling your guides, your higher self, or another form of enlightened guiding force. Channeling is really eye-opening, but also a little bit tricky. Here’s how it all started for me!

As you know, I learned how to be clairvoyant, then practiced and trained in reading cards, the I Ching oracle, and other forms of divination. A couple of years ago I started channeling, which is really different from any of these methodologies.

With channeling, where you’re mostly relying on clairaudience, someone else is speaking to you. You have to figure out who they are, what their intentions are, and how you can work together – all while turning your analytical mind and brain chatter down so that your own thoughts don’t interfere with the process.

Channeling can be REALLY really tricky. To be honest, any form of gathering psychic intel can be tricky because there are so many different subtle nuances to how you see/feel the information and interpret the data you’re getting.

Channeling, however, is very hard for some (i.e. ME) and it takes getting used to – turning your mental faculties down and letting another force speak through you. I wasn’t born hearing voices, like the famous Sylvia Browne who had Francine, or the Medical Medium, who had his guide who has been talking to him since he was a little kid. For me, hearing voices and thoughts that come through my brain, but are not my own, has taken a LOT of getting used to.

In the years that I’ve been working on my psychic abilities (which is like training/working out; if you want to stay strong, you have to work out every day, and if you want to be more psychic and intuitive you have to practice every day), I have only heard my clairaudience as a loud external voice on 3 occasions:

1. During a time when I needed the warning and advice I was given – long story!
2. Before I got pregnant with Ivan (I heard a voice say “You’re going to have a son, and he’s going to be a healer”
3. When I was contemplating adopting our kitty Coco from the shelter; a voice told me “She’s not going to live very long.”

I experienced these voices as very clear and concise. Not long-winded or wordy, but short and to-the-point.

Now when I am doing channeling work, I sit and have a stream of information come through. It sort of activated itself a few years ago. I don’t speak it out, I type it out. The people (if you will) who are speaking through me are a group of beings called the ascended masters, which also consists of saints, deities, goddesses, gods, star people, and a whole sort of entourage of different beings.

What I have noticed is that there are times when I’m channeling for myself, and then I get information that I have come to identify as non-accurate intel. It’s not that the guides are giving me wrong intel, it’s like I am stepping in and my voice and ego start talking instead of the guides. That is where channeling is so tricky! You have to surrender and close that analytical mind down….and it’s hard!!! You need your brain to think, strategize, plan etc. However, this won’t serve you well in the psychic realms!

Knowing when you are doing that takes a lot of trial and error. It’s all about sensing when you yourself are speaking vs. letting your guides speak through you. If you keep at it consistently, with steady practice (I do it every day), and then go back and notice, ok in this situation, etc I am adamantly sure I know the answer vs the guides coming in, that is the best way to tell.

One thing that is really fun about this though, is the more crazy the information you receive, the more likely it is to be accurate. And by crazy I mean something random that you would never know, you don’t know what that is or what it means, and then you write it down, research it and find out that the information is truly amazing and spot on. It’s really fun and that is when you know you have really let go and the flow is flowing through you. To achieve some level of freedom, liberation, and/or a different form of creative mastery, you have to surrender to the flow.

To channel something bigger than yourself, you really do have to let this higher force take over and flow through you. Not only with words but with healing energy, too. Any good clairvoyant teacher will tell you that in order to be really great, you have to step back and let the information and energy flow through you, you can’t effort. There is a whole section in clairvoyant training about effecting. When you put too much of your energy in, you are going to drain yourself vs. letting higher power flow through you. The same goes with channeling. The minute you think you know what you are talking about, you are stepping into the potential to be wrong.

In Remote Viewing, where you are gathering data at a distance, they have a term called AOL, which stands for analytic overlay. Let’s say you are viewing something, and you see water, water flowing, rocks, and then you’re like it’s a waterfall! And you are so stuck on it being a waterfall that you can’t see anything else, and you start describing attributes that may not even be there, because you think it’s a waterfall. That is the AOL talking, and perhaps what you are viewing is really water flowing out of a pipe or water gushing out of something else. To get past this, you have to let a part of yourself go, turn down your analytical  mind, work really hard to let it flow through you, and let it not make sense. That is when you are deep diving and finding the real treasures.

And truly, what is the point of all this if we are not tapping into something greater than ourselves – that is what makes it so fun!
Whether you are channeling, reading cards, or practicing clairvoyance or any form of energy healing, I hope this makes sense and helps. 🙂

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Do you want to become more psychic and intuitive? If so, my one-on-one intuitive development program is unlike any other. I guarantee you’ll be able to unlock your psychic and healing abilities and incorporate them into your daily life, whether you want to be a pro healer, or just tune in for a deeper level of guidance at any time. For more info, click here.

In today’s video, I talk about some basic things that block your psychic abilities. It’s a longer video and I ramble a tad about this whole world, so if you don’t have time to watch, here’s the jist of it:

1. Past Life persecution
2. Family thinking you are in league with the devil if you do this
3. Fear of looking stupid
4. Fear of saying the wrong thing or being WRONG
5. The belief that you can’t be this powerful or know this much (this is a big one I actually didn’t cover in the video, I forgot!! But it is HUGE!!!!)

We all have psychic and intuitive abilities; we are a spark of the divine! So if you’re longing to tune in or know more, there is no reason why you can’t. Come on in! The water’s warm!

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