Happy Thursday! This week’s chat is all about a core facet of the psychic arts that I think turns a lot of people off and creates a collective block to the whole thing. It’s the fact that psychic accuracy is never a sure thing. ESPECIALLY when it comes to predictions.

Yes, intuitive intel can be very insightful and intriguing and helpful and healing, but when you do a test of it, it’s rare that you’ll get 100% accuracy all the time.


This is mostly related to the prediction side of things. Just being psychic about something, getting intuitive information about why someone is feeling a certain way or how a pattern began and how that looks and feels etc. is another matter. That is neither accurate nor inaccurate. It’s about discovering truth, however that truth appears. Once you are in the flow, you go beyond right and wrong, which are human constructs, and into a realm of limitless possibilities, with no restrictions.

It’s human nature, though, to need things to be “right” or “wrong.” When it comes to predictions and solid, left-brain cognitive practical questions, we want accurate results.

However, predicting things is very tricky, because the entire act of predicting something takes into account another person’s free will. For example, you can say this person is your soulmate, I see him, he’s coming, and it will be in May in XYZ year. And then that guy meets somebody else and goes on that bandwagon, and it doesn’t happen because of his free will. Or the readee will meet another person first and go down that path instead.

A way around this is to look at and ask for potentials, like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book.

When people ask me to predict potential outcomes, I tend to give percentages, because nothing is set in stone.

I have been searching for a way to predict timing with close to 100% accuracy, and had found a way to do it with my cards and a clairvoyant technique as well, but then time got slippery and it seemed it wasn’t quite working. Other readers reported the same thing.


Even with astrology, which I am not fond of for this reason, there are blind spots when it comes to timing and major life events. An astrologer can see where something traumatic is going to occur in someone’s life. But unless you are really tuned in and are prophetic almost it can be difficult to say with 100% accuracy what exactly is going to happen to someone, and when. For instance, you might be thinking, “Oh! This ending means it’s the end of that awful job because the astrologer saw a major ending and that must be it!” And you are all happy, then the time comes and your next door neighbor moves away. And it’s that ending instead.

Because there are so many factors at play, it’s very difficult to say, OK this is going to happen, and it’s going to happen at that juncture. You yourself, with your free will, can do something completely and totally different that would change the course completely. It is simply not a hard proven science.

It is exciting when you get a hit that does come about. But I can’t say what it is that makes that happen. Things can change on a dime at any given moment.


The beauty of intuitive intel and what makes it so powerful is that it can help you guide yourself and navigate through the changes of life on a day to day basis, following what is for your highest good. I love the I Ching, the book of changes, because of this. It is based on the fact that life is a series of changes. By following the I Ching, you will develop a stronger character and become a Jun Zi, more in alignment with your highest self.

How do we know when something is fate or destiny, or can be changed and altered? That is a real trip, when you think about it. Does fate exist? Yes. How would we have these astrological charts, which are essentially 3-D grids of light, vibrant energy fields? How is a chart created as a map of one’s life without speaking to destiny and fate? Certain things are going to happen. Accurately predicting them, though, is tricky. Perhaps we’re meant to discover it as we go along, and use our intuition to help us find the way.


Looking at it through another lens, however, it is said that the more energy comes together, or, rather, the larger the impact of a global event is, the easier it is for people to predict it and see it. There are teams of people trained in Remote Viewing who look for these things. This natural disaster or that, precognition and retrocognition, they are all over it! 

And yet, it’s never 100% all of the time.

In closing, if you are getting readings, be very nonchalant about predictions when it comes to timing or what is going to happen. Instead ask questions along the lines of…what can I do now to be happy now, or what is the best path to get to where I want to go??  Otherwise you will be like my friend, who was thrilled when a reader said he was going to be married by end of next year. Next year came and went and it didn’t happen. Maybe it will happen in 5 years. You don’t want to have false hope, you want grounded, real hope. Which is what you get when you ask for guidance that helps you to follow your highest path in the present moment. 

Well, that was a long one! Thank you so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I am so not an astrologer and I don’t even really understand how it all works to be honest with you! I mean from the idea that the planets can indicate how WE ARE, down to all the intricacies of a chart…it baffles me. It is a definite science and such a unique form of divination that it takes a concerted effort to really learn it and be good at it.

So when someone asked me for my opinion as a Clairvoyant/Intuitive regarding the accuracy of astrology, I had to take a minute to think about it! I have had astrological readings before and I LOVE how accurate they can be when it comes to telling you what your personality is like. It’s also fun to check out compatibility-related things. 😉

I have a friend who’s Indian mother-in-law is super into Vedic Astrology, and was told by one of the top astrologers in India that if she didn’t conceive her second child straight away, she would lose her only chance at having a daughter EVER EVER AGAIN. We were all pleasantly surprised to find out that Baby #3 was in fact another girl, but that also meant the astrologer’s information was not quite right.

In today’s video I just chat informally about my thoughts on the matter (like how those general astrology columns in the magazines are rarely spot on as it pertains to my life). The thing is, getting an astrological reading is similar to getting an intuitive reading; a lot of it depends on the person who is interpreting and analyzing the data.

There are so many different forms of divination out there: in fact, this summer I discovered a gem of a book, The Wordsworth Book of Divining the Future, that listed all the different methods of prognostication, from ancient times until now. By the way, have you ever heard of TYROMANCY? It’s the art of reading CHEESE!

Just as there are different methods of divination, there are all kinds of different ways to interpret the information that comes through, and to get the most reliable information, you want to go to someone who has really mastered the craft. Of course, you can master it for yourself, which is what I would highly recommend, because then you activate your own intuition and don’t have to go to someone else to get input. However, a second opinion is oftentimes very helpful, especially when you really just need some good advice.

And so, yes, astrology can be extremely accurate, but a lot of it depends on the person gleaning the information and interpreting it.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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