I have to confess, I LOVE watching fantastical and magical shows and movies. Series like Manifest, The OA, Ragnarok, and Shadow and Bone are my most recent Covid-era favorites.

A part of why I like this genre so much is that what the characters can actually do is not very far removed from what we humans are able to do. And what we WILL be able to do in a hundred years or more.

Some may scoff at this idea, but hear me out. In Marvel Comic’s Dr. Strange, the monks build up and move energy, open portals to other worlds, and fight evil. People now can build up and move energy, travel with their consciousness through unseen portals, and fight evil. So we’re already doing that!

In this series I’ve been watching called Ragnarok, one of the characters shape-shifts into a bird. Some actually can do that. It’s not as obvious as it is when it’s shown on film, but if you devote  enough time to shamanic journeying, you will likely develop the ability to shape-shift, if you wish to do so.

What is depicted in film, TV, and the cartoons my son watches is just a more visual version of what those of us into energy work are already doing. And if we keep at it, we will get to the level where we might actually visibly see portals to other worlds, or see energy with our regular eyes as it flows out of hands and hearts. Better yet, we might all accept that we are made of energy and that being psychic is very natural.

I believe writers and artists are definitely tapping into something much greater than ourselves, and that’s how these wonderful and exciting feats are woven into stories. It’s not all imagination; human consciousness is heading into a more expansive direction. And that’s exciting!

What is your favorite show or movie? Can you do things you’ve seen in movies? I want to know! Please put it in the comments on YouTube.

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

I thought it would be fun to circle back to one of the major prerequisites to psychic development today. Why? Because so many of us are tuning in to our intuition and having these incredible awakenings! It helps to revisit the basics at times like this.

And one of the most basic things of all, when it comes to psychic development, is having an open mind.

Some of us may think we have open minds. I know I do. But the kind of open-mindedness that being psychic invites you to embrace is beyond anything we are trained to be used to. Psychic open-mindedness means you have to be willing to throw away old beliefs, viewpoints, and even life plans.

We cling so much to what we think we know to be true! But embracing true psychic intel means we have to be willing to see things in an entirely different light. To be open to new possibilities, new roads, and completely different ways of being.

And that is when the magic truly happens. When we are receptive and willing to listen and to change, the whole world in turn changes right before our eyes. More details on all of this in the rather long video above.

What are your experiences with being open-minded? And how do you feel about psychic work revealing completely different information than what you were expecting? If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with this. Thank you!

Arther C. Clark, a famous science fiction author, once said “Magic is a term that we give for a form of technology that we cannot understand.”

In the dark ages, people labeled mysterious mystical things they didn’t understand as “witchcraft” or “sorcery.” In modern times, many people either say psychic work can’t be done, or try to prove it’s simply not possible.

Those of us who believe often label our experiences as magical. However, more and more of us are awakening to the fact that psychic skills, and intuition, are really just a natural ability we all have. It’s still fun to think of it as magic, but in all reality, it’s more practical than anything.

Your third eye center is the home of your clairvoyance. When your third eye is wide open, you can perceive subtle energies with clarity. While meditation is the most direct route to opening your third eye, you can also benefit from working with certain essential oils and crystals. Two of the top oils are frankincense and rosemary. And my favorite third eye crystal is amethyst. More details in the video above.

Thanks so much for watching!

There are so many tools to help you tap into your intuition and read energy. You can use your own innate psychic abilities, or work with cards, astrology, and other powerful oracular systems. One of the most common tools is a pendulum, which reads energy according to the way in which it swings.

Thanks so much for watching!

Animal communication is a form of psychic work that is especially wonderful. Why is that? Because animals LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! to communicate with us!! They love to tell us what they want and need, where they hurt, and especiallywhat they like to eat.

As with most psychic practices, anyone can learn to do this; it just takes practice and patience. More info in the video above.

Thanks so much for watching!

All the Best,


This week I’m bringing you an interview I did with my friend and mentor, Debra Lynne Katz. Debra is a leading expert in the field of psychic development and remote viewing. She’s written three books on psychic development and is finishing up a fourth book on remote viewing.

I actually trained one-on-one with Debra over a decade ago when I was developing my own psychic skills. She is a wonderful teacher. She makes the psychic arts accessible and fun.

In this interview, we cover some important questions about psychic development, such as:

  • How and why everyone is naturally psychic
  • The best way to get started on the path towards developing your own psychic skills
  • The most common blocks to being psychic
  • The dangers of doing psychic work
  • Why formal training in the psychic arts is important

This is the first interview I’ve done for the channel, so I hope you like it, and bear with me as I learn and grow!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. For more info on Debra’s amazing work, and her psychic development classes, visit http://www.debrakatz.com.

This week’s video is about the power of humility and being humble. It’s not discussed a great deal! It’s of tantamount importance, though, especially if you’re learning how to be psychic and do cool things that not a lot of people can do.

My guides say humility is a true blessing and gift, because it keeps the ego at bay. It also reaffirms that no-one is better than anyone else.

In our society (generally speaking) we are trained that wealth is the ultimate goal. Once attained, wealth is often tied to clout, indicating a superiority over others who don’t have it.

But when it comes to spirituality, superiority does not get a seat at the table. Humility is where it’s at. Even if we can talk to God, raise the dead, and cure people of all ailments, we are nothing if we’re not humble.

An excess of pride leads to hubris, which aligns us too closely with the negative aspects of the ego. Hubris sets us up to fail in the most spectacular ways. We start to think we are different; better. It’s an ugly vibration to feel that way or live in that energy. Superiority isn’t fun; it’s cruel and tragic!

One of the things I talk a lot about is the problem with manifestation teachings. I disagree with teachers who say we can have whatever we want, whenever we want it, and that our purpose here on earth is to be happy.

My experience in the trenches with people for over a decade doing intuitive work indicates something quite different. We can’t have everything we want in life. Nor is it our right to have life always go exactly the way we want it to go.

Yes, we are powerful, but we are mortals. In some instances, we don’t know what the best thing for ourselves is. You may think the ultimate achievement in life is to have a dream home. But what if that’s not it? What if your soul wants you to help others, or to do deeper spiritual work? Maybe siting in a dream home will not bring you what your soul desires, or what your fate has in store for you.

We can manifest many things. Yet fate and destiny still exist, and are more powerful than one person’s individual will. There are greater forces at play than our personal desires. Keeping that sense of humility keeps everything smooth. It helps us relax and understand that maybe the vast and mighty universe knows better than we do.

It is all about balance, too. We don’t want to be so humble that we feel we’re nothing. We want to appreciate ourselves. The key here is to think “I am wonderful, and so are you.”

Perhaps utopia is a dream, but if we all adapted this mindset, things might change for the better.

What do you think about wealth inequality, spirituality, psychic superpowers, and humility? I really want to know. Let’s get a conversation going! Please leave a comment below if you are watching this on YouTube. Thank you!

When we are consulting intuitively, or with cards or another divination tool, the question plays a huge part in determining the info that comes through. Whether we’re getting a reading from someone else, or we’re learning to do readings for others, the questions we ask are critical!

Here are the types of questions that don’t help:

  • Vague
  • Too open-ended
  • Q’s that are like “should I do this” or “should I do that”

And here are the types of questions that are better:

  • Laser-specific
  • Clear and concise
  • Q’s that are like “Will I be happy, safe, etc. if I do XYZ” or “Is it in my best interest to…”

Questions that are vague get results and answers that are vague.

The Caveat

Of course, there’s a flip side to all of this. With the questions that are so laser-specific, we’re taking a risk and assuming the conditions we are asking about are going to remain the same. We are only able to see things from a limited perspective, the scope of life as we know it here and now.

The thing is, things can change. The seemingly impossible can become possible – and quickly, at that. By only asking within the framework of what we know, we are also limiting our understanding of the possibilities as far as answers/outcomes are concerned.

From No Job to the Perfect Job 

Here’s a classic example of that. A long time ago, while I was learning to do readings, I was unemployed. I didn’t want another marketing job, and I simply didn’t know how to get work doing readings. I asked an intuitive about it, and she told me to try and find legit work doing readings. She said doors would open, and something good was going to happen. At the time I had NO IDEA what she was talking about. There wasn’t a single place around where I could work doing readings. But sure enough, a place actually just opened up a month or so later, and they hired me to do professional readings and teach classes there!

It was amazing how that happened. At the time I was asking, I simply could not see it. Now I understand.

Just hold that concept in your mind while you are getting a reading, while you’re doing one for someone else, or asking for yourself. Be clear, but be open to the unexpected, and do not be afraid of it! The universe, and God, truly does work in mysterious ways.

I know from experience the more you ask and work with your intuition, the more the aperture opens and you understand about the ebbs and flows and cycles of your own path in life. It’s pretty incredible. And it helps to guide you in so many ways.

Thanks so much for reading and watching!


Have you ever had a friend get a reading from someone and call you, all excited, to talk about it? This happens to me a lot! A couple of times, though, the excitement gave me pause. The first was a male friend who was told by an intuitive that he’d meet the love of his life and get married the next year. The second was a friend who was told by an astrologer that her business would blow up that September and she’d finally have the success she’s been striving for.

Beware of Predictions! 

Sadly, neither of those two predicted events happened. And they have yet to occur. When my friends told me to get a reading ASAP, I hesitated, remembering that a prediction is never proven until it actually happens. I decided to wait and see in both cases. And I’m glad I did.

False Hope

False hope is terrible. And that is exactly what can happen with time frame-based predictions. We get all excited, certain that this wonderful thing is going to happen at just the right time. And then it doesn’t.


Many of the most famous, world-renowned predictive astrologers did not see the Coronavirus in advance. And an esteemed Remote Viewer didn’t even see it in a book of predictions she made for the year 2020!

At times, we get blindsided, and things we think are going to happen don’t. And things we don’t expect to happen, do.

Beware of predictive work!

If you are looking for predictive astrology, or predictive intuitive work, be careful, and fully vet the person who is doing it. Even if they are known for making predictions, they can be off about the timing, or even the definitiveness of something happening.

Divination is better as a guidance tool

I wish I knew why predictions don’t happen. However, the uncertainty of predictions makes me all the more certain that divination is better used as a guidance tool. The iChing, which is a guidebook for life, gives you a sense of right action and improper action, good and bad omens, etc. I love using it that way, because it’s like a co-creative partner in life.

The book The Secret, and many people who teach manifesting, condition us to believe that we have complete control over our lives and that we have every right to get what we want, when we want it. Life does not always work out that way, though, and over a decade of doing readings has made that all the more obvious to me. I am certain that fate and destiny play a hand in our lives, plain and simple.

On that note, be careful who and what you believe when getting predictions. Sometimes they come true, and sometimes they don’t.

Thanks so much for reading and watching!

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